CFx SDK Documentation
This is the complete list of members for CFxDbExtension, including all inherited members.
ActualWriteFileName()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
AddAnonymousGroup(OdDbDictionary *pDestDict, OdDbGroup *pGroup, const OdString &sName) | CFxDbExtension | |
AddIdToLastUsedDimStyleIdArray(OdDbDimStyleTable *pTable, OdDbObjectId &id) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
AddModificationFilter(CFxDbModificationFilter *pFilter)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
applyColor(OdDbEntityPtr pThis, OdDbEntityPtr pOther) | CFxDbExtension | |
ApplyModificationFilters(const OdDbObjectIdArray &objectIds)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
AuditDualDimPlaceholder(OdDbDatabase *pDb, OdDbAuditInfo *pInfo) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
AuditMTextContents(OdString &sMTextContents) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
AutoloadApp(const OdString appName)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
BlockHasSelfReferences(OdDbObjectId idBlock, const OdString &sBlockName)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
CFxDbExtension() | CFxDbExtension | protected |
CheckPattern(OdHatchPattern *pPattern, double pixelSize)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
ConstraintAuditDatabase(OdDbDatabase *pDb, OdDbAuditInfo *pInfo)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
countHardReferences(const OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, const OdDbObjectIdArray &objectIds, OdUInt32 *counts) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
CreateHatchFromBlkRef(OdDbBlockReferencePtr pObj) | CFxDbExtension | |
DrawDimensionalConstraintIcon(OdGiViewportDraw *pVd, const OdDbBlockTableRecord *pBTR, const OdDbDimension *pDimension, bool bIsDynamic)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
DrawDynamicConstraint(OdGiViewportDraw *pVd, const OdDbDimension *pOrigDim)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
DrawSolidHatch(OdDbHatchImpl *pImpl, OdGiContextForDbDatabase *pGiContext, OdGiGeometry &geom) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
DrawSolidHatchFlags() | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
eDSHDrawAsPolygons enum value | CFxDbExtension | |
eDSHNone enum value | CFxDbExtension | |
EnableDrawAttDefs(bool bEnable)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
EnableDrawImageFrame(bool bEnable) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
EnableHatchOptimization(bool bEnable=true) | CFxDbExtension | |
EnablePermanentUndo(bool bEnable) | CFxDbExtension | |
EvaluateConstraintBlockParameterFromGripPoint(const OdString &sVarName, OdDbBlockGrip *pGrip)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
ExecuteInMainThread(std::function< void() > f) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
fire_layoutToBeActivated(OdDbLayoutManagerReactor *pReactor, const OdString &s, const OdDbObjectId &id) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
fire_layoutToBeDeactivated(OdDbLayoutManagerReactor *pReactor, const OdString &s, const OdDbObjectId &id) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
FlushGraphics(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, const OdDbObject *pObject) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
FxAssertReadEnabledCallback typedef | CFxDbExtension | |
FxBlockWorldDrawCallback typedef | CFxDbExtension | |
fxGetAttMTextWidth(const OdDbAttributeDefinition *pDef) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
fxGetDimBlock(OdDbDimension *pDim, bool bCreateIfNotFound=false, OdDbDimensionObjectContextData *ctx=0) | CFxDbExtension | static |
fxGetDimstyleChildData(const OdRxClass *pDimClass, OdDbDimStyleTableRecordPtr &pRec, const OdDbObjectId &style) | CFxDbExtension | |
fxGetDimstyleChildId(const OdRxClass *pDimClass, const OdDbObjectId &style) | CFxDbExtension | |
fxGetDimstyleParentId(const OdDbObjectId &childStyle) | CFxDbExtension | |
fxGetToleranceFromMLeader(OdDbMLeader *) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
fxRecomputeMLeader(OdDbMLeader *) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
fxSetAttMTextWidth(OdDbAttributeDefinition *pDef, double width) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
fxSetIgnoreTableMergeLines(OdDbTable *pTable, bool bIgnore) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
fxSetToleranceToMLeader(OdDbMLeader *, const OdDbFcf *, int) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
fxZeroDimscale(OdDbDatabase *pDb) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetBlockChildCount(OdDbBlockTableRecord *pRecord) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetBlockNumRefs(OdDbBlockTableRecord *pRecord) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetBoundaryInverted() const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetCachePointer(const OdDbObject *pObject) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetConstraintBlockParameter(const OdString &sVarName, const OdString &sPropertyName, const OdGeMatrix3d &m=OdGeMatrix3d::kIdentity)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetDrawModes(const OdDbObject *pObject) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetDrawOrder(const OdDbObject *pObject) | CFxDbExtension | |
getFilename(const OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, OdString &result) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetFxAssertReadEnabledCallback() | CFxDbExtension | |
GetFxBlockWorldDrawCallback() | CFxDbExtension | |
GetFxRedoController(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetFxUndoController(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase) | CFxDbExtension | |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbLine *pLine, OdGeExtents3d &extents)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbXline *pXline, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool referenceGeometryExtents)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbRay *pRay, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool referenceGeometryExtents)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbArc *pArc, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool referenceGeometryExtents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbCircle *pCircle, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbEllipse *pEllipse, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool referenceGeometryExtents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbPolyline *pPline, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDb2dPolyline *pPline, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDb3dPolyline *pPline, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbSpline *pSpline, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool referenceGeometryExtents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbBlockReference *pBlockRef, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool referenceGeometryExtents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
getGeomExtents(const OdDbEntity *pEntity, OdGeExtents3d &extents, bool referenceGeometryExtents, bool canQueryCache)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetGsView(OdDbDatabase *pDb, bool isModelSpace)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetHatchGradientFill(OdDbHatchPtr pHatch) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetHatchPatternSize(const OdDbHatch *pHatch, double &dPatternSize, double &dMaxDashLength, bool &bCanUseSolidOptimization) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
GetHatchSolidFill(OdDbHatchPtr pHatch) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetLastUsedDimStyleIdArray(OdDbDimStyleTable *pTable, OdHardPtrIdArray &out) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
GetMPolygonArea(const OdDbMPolygon *pMPolygon, double &area) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
GetMPolygonClosestLoopTo(const OdDbMPolygon *pMPolygon, const OdGePoint3d &worldPt) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
GetMPolygonPerimeter(const OdDbMPolygon *pMPolygon) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
GetNextAnonymousRecordName(OdDbDictionary *pDict) | CFxDbExtension | |
GetPaperProperties(OdDbPlotSettings *pLayout, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGePoint3dArray &margins)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetPDFFontsPath()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetRecordCount(OdDbUndoController *pController) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetRecordData(OdDbUndoController *pController, OdUInt32 i) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetSimplifiedExtents(const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdGeExtents3d &extents)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetSupportedAnnotationScales(OdDbObject *pObject, OdArray< OdString > &scales) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
GetSystemVariableRange(OdResBufPtr &Min, OdResBufPtr &Max, const OdString &Name) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
GetSysVarStorageType(const OdString &Name) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
GetThumbnailImage(OdDbDatabase *pDb, int width, int height)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetThumbnailImage2(OdDbDatabase *pDb, int width, int height)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
GetUndoList(OdDbDatabase *pDb, OdStringArray &commands, bool bRedo=false) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
HighlightEntity(const OdDbObject *pObject, bool bDoIt, const OdDbFullSubentPath *pPath)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
InitOle2FrameCount()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
intersectWith(const OdDbSpline *pThis, const OdGeCurve3d *intersectingCurve, int &intn, OdGePoint3dArray &IntPtArr, const OdGeTol &tol) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
IsConstrainedDimension(const OdDbDimension *pDimension)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
IsConstraintsEnabled()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
IsDrawAttDefsEnabled() const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
IsDrawImageFrameEnabled() const | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
IsDynamicDimensionVisibleOnLoading(const OdDbDimension *pDimension)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
IsHatchOptimizationEnabled() const | CFxDbExtension | |
IsHighlighted(OdGiCommonDraw *pWd) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
IsInsideXrefReload()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
IsMechanical() const | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
IsPDFUnderlayEnabled()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
IsPermanentUndoEnabled() const | CFxDbExtension | |
IsTransformOnlyCurrentAnnotativeContextData() const | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
IsUndoingBlock(const OdDbDatabase *pDb) | CFxDbExtension | |
IsXDataTransformationLocked() | CFxDbExtension | |
kFullyRecognizable enum value | CFxDbExtension | |
kNotRecognizableX enum value | CFxDbExtension | |
kNotRecognizableY enum value | CFxDbExtension | |
kSolid enum value | CFxDbExtension | |
LockXDataTransformation() | CFxDbExtension | |
MoveXDataHidden(OdDbObject *pObj, const OdGePoint3dArray &arrStretchWindow, const OdGeMatrix3d &mToPlane, const OdGeVector3d &offset) | CFxDbExtension | |
MoveXDataHidden(OdDbObject *pObj, const OdGePoint3d &ptGripPoint, const OdGeVector3d &offset) | CFxDbExtension | |
Ole2FrameCount()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnCOMObjectUpdate(const OdDbObject *pDbObj)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnObjectAboutToDestroy(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, const OdDbObject *pObject)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnObjectAppended(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, const OdDbObject *pObject)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnObjectErased(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, const OdDbObject *pObject)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnObjectModified(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, const OdDbObject *pObject)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnObjectReappended(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, const OdDbObject *pObject)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnObjectUnappended(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, const OdDbObject *pObject)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnOle2FrameCreate()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnSetPlotDevice(const OdString &sPlotDeviceName) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
OnUndoGroupBegin(OdDbDatabase *pDb)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
OnUndoGroupEnd(OdDbDatabase *pDb)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
PatternQuality enum name | CFxDbExtension | |
purge(const OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, OdDbObjectIdArray &objectIds) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
RemoveModificationFilter(CFxDbModificationFilter *pFilter)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
SetBoundaryInverted(OdUInt32 numoints, const OdGePoint2d *pPoints)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
SetCachePointer(const OdDbObject *pObject, void *pCache) | CFxDbExtension | |
SetConstraintBlockParameter(const OdString &sVarName, const OdString &sPropertyName, const OdResBuf *rb, const OdGeMatrix3d &m=OdGeMatrix3d::kIdentity)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
SetDrawModes(const OdDbObject *pObject, OdUInt32 iDrawModes) | CFxDbExtension | |
SetDrawOrder(const OdDbObject *pObject, int iDrawOrder) | CFxDbExtension | |
SetFxAssertReadEnabledCallback(FxAssertReadEnabledCallback pCallback) | CFxDbExtension | |
SetFxBlockWorldDrawCallback(FxBlockWorldDrawCallback pCallback) | CFxDbExtension | |
SetFxUndoReactor(OdDbDatabase *pDatabase, CFxDbUndoReactor *pReactor) | CFxDbExtension | |
SetIsInsideXrefReload(bool bInsideReload)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
setMargins(OdDbPlotSettingsValidator *pValidator, OdDbPlotSettings *pPlotSet, double leftMargin, double topMargin, double rightMargin, double bottomMargin) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
setPlotPaperSize(OdDbPlotSettingsValidator *pValidator, OdDbPlotSettings *pPlotSet, double paperWidth, double paperHeight) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
setPlotViewId(OdDbPlotSettingsValidator *pValidator, OdDbPlotSettings *pPlotSet, const OdDbObjectId &id) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
setStyleSheet(OdDbPlotSettingsValidator *pValidator, OdDbPlotSettings *pPlotSet, const OdString &styleSheetName) const =0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
SetTransformOnlyCurrentAnnotativeContextData(bool bEnable) | CFxDbExtension | virtual |
StaticExecuteInMainThread(std::function< void() > f) | CFxDbExtension | static |
SuppressWriteFileEvents()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
TranslateEntity(OdDbEntity *pObj, const OdGeVector3d &offset) | CFxDbExtension | |
UnlockXDataTransformation() | CFxDbExtension | |
XrefHasCircularReference(OdDbDatabase *pHostDb, OdDbBlockTableRecord *pBTR)=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |
~CFxDbExtension()=0 | CFxDbExtension | pure virtual |