CFx SDK Documentation
This is the complete list of members for CFxView, including all inherited members.
add(OdGiDrawable *pSceneGraph, OdGsModel *pModel)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
addRef()=0 | OdRxObject | pure virtual |
AddViewReactor(CFxViewReactor *pReactor)=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
backClip() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
background() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
beginInteractivity(double frameRateInHz)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
cast(const OdRxObject *pointer) | OdRxObject | inlinestatic |
CFxView() | CFxView | |
ClearColor enum name | OdGsView | |
clearFrozenLayers()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
clientViewInfo(OdGsClientViewInfo &clientViewInfo) const | OdGsView | virtual |
clone() const | OdRxObject | virtual |
cloneView(bool cloneViewParameters=true, bool cloneGeometry=false)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
comparedTo(const OdRxObject *pOther) const | OdRxObject | virtual |
copyFrom(const OdRxObject *pSource) | OdRxObject | virtual |
DefaultLightingType enum name | OdGsView | |
desc() | OdRxObject | static |
device() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
dolly(const OdGeVector3d &dollyVector)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
dolly(double xDolly, double yDolly, double zDolly)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
drawableAt(size_t iIndex) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
Elevation() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
enableDefaultLighting(bool bEnable, DefaultLightingType lightType=kTwoLights)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
enableStereo(bool enabled)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
endInteractivity()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
EndTransaction()=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
EnterDragMode()=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
erase(OdGiDrawable *sceneGraph)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
eraseAll()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
exceededBounds()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
extentsInView(const OdGePoint3d &minPt, const OdGePoint3d &maxPt) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
EyeToPaperSpace() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
EyeToPaperSpace(OdDbObjectId idViewport) | CFxView | static |
fieldHeight() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
fieldWidth() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
flush()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
focalLength() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
freezeLayer(OdDbStub *layerID)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
frontClip() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
GetCadWindowId() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetCorrectionScreenMatrix() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetDeviation(const OdGiDeviationType deviationType, const OdGePoint3d &pointOnCurve) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
getEyeToScreenMatrix() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
getEyeToWorldTransform() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetFxPicture() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetFxPicture()=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetFxVectorizeDevice() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetFxVectorizeDevice()=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetGeomExtents(OdGeBoundBlock3d &bounds, volatile bool *abortFlag=0) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
getModel(const OdGiDrawable *pDrawable) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
getModelList() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
getNumPixelsInUnitSquare(const OdGePoint3d &point, OdGePoint2d &pixelDensity, bool bUsePerspective=true) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
GetPreviousViewSettings() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetRealExtents(volatile bool *abortFlag=0) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
getSnapShot(OdGiRasterImagePtr &pImage, const OdGsDCRect ®ion)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
getStereoParameters(double &magnitude, double ¶llax) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
getViewport(OdGePoint2d &lowerLeft, OdGePoint2d &upperRight) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
getViewport(OdGsDCRect &screenRect) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
getViewport(OdGsDCRectDouble &screenRect) const | OdGsView | virtual |
getViewportBorderProperties(ODCOLORREF &color, int &width) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
GetViewportExternalRegion() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetViewportExternalRegionWCS() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetViewportInternalRegion() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
GetViewportInternalRegionWCS() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
getWorldToEyeTransform() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
hide()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
initLights(OdRxIterator *pLightsIterator)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
InsideTransaction() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
interactivityFrameRate() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
invalidate()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
invalidate(const OdGsDCRect &screenRect)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
invalidateCachedViewportGeometry()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
isA() const | OdRxObject | virtual |
IsActive() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
isBackClipped() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
IsDragging() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
isEqualTo(const OdRxObject *pOther) const | OdRxObject | virtual |
IsFieldAspectMaintained() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
isFrontClipped() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
isInInteractivity() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
isKindOf(const OdRxClass *pClass) const | OdRxObject | inline |
IsOrbitMode() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
IsOverall() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
IsPanMode() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
IsPaperSpaceOverall() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
isPerspective() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
IsPreviousVectorizationAborted() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
IsRectangular() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
isStereoEnabled() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
isValid() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
isViewportBorderVisible() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
isVisible()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
IsZoomMode() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
k2DOptimized enum value | OdGsView | |
kBackLight enum value | OdGsView | |
kBoundingBox enum value | OdGsView | |
kCPoly enum value | OdGsView | |
kCrossing enum value | OdGsView | |
kDeviceBackground enum value | OdGsView | |
kFence enum value | OdGsView | |
kFlatShaded enum value | OdGsView | |
kFlatShadedWithWireframe enum value | OdGsView | |
kGouraudShaded enum value | OdGsView | |
kGouraudShadedWithWireframe enum value | OdGsView | |
kHiddenLine enum value | OdGsView | |
kNone enum value | OdGsView | |
kOneLight enum value | OdGsView | |
kPaletteBackground enum value | OdGsView | |
kParallel enum value | OdGsView | |
kPerspective enum value | OdGsView | |
kPoint enum value | OdGsView | |
kTransparent enum value | OdGsView | |
kTwoLights enum value | OdGsView | |
kWindow enum value | OdGsView | |
kWireframe enum value | OdGsView | |
kWPoly enum value | OdGsView | |
LeaveDragMode()=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
lensLength() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
linetypeAlternateScaleMultiplier() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
linetypeScaleMultiplier() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
lineweightToDcScale() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
mode() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
numDrawables() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
numRefs() const | OdRxObject | virtual |
objectToDeviceMatrix() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
OdGsView::ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS(OdGsView) | OdGsView | |
OdRxObject() | OdRxObject | inline |
orbit(double xOrbit, double yOrbit)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
pan(double xPan, double yPan)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
PaperSpaceToEye() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PaperSpaceToEye(OdDbObjectId idViewport) | CFxView | static |
pointInView(const OdGePoint3d &pt) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
pointInViewport(const OdGePoint2d &screenPoint) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
PointToSCS(const OdGePoint3d &pointWCS, OdGsDCPoint &pointSCS) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToSCS(const OdGePoint3d &pointWCS, CFxPoint &pointSCS) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToSCS(const OdGePoint3d &pointWCS, CFxPointF &pointSCS) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToView(const OdGsDCPoint &pointSCS, OdGePoint2d &viewPt) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToView(const OdGePoint2d &pointSCS, OdGePoint2d &viewPt) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToWCS(const OdGsDCPoint &pointSCS, const OdGePlane &plane, OdGePoint3d &pointWCS) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToWCS(const CFxPointF &pointSCS, const OdGePlane &plane, OdGePoint3d &pointWCS) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToWCSOnUCS(const OdGsDCPoint &pointSCS, OdGePoint3d &pointWCS) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToWCSOnUCS(const OdGePoint3d &pointSCS, OdGePoint3d &pointWCS) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
PointToWCSOnUCS(const OdGePoint2d &pointSCS, OdGePoint3d &pointWCS) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
position() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
Projection enum name | OdGsView | |
projectionMatrix() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
queryX(const OdRxClass *pClass) const | OdRxObject | virtual |
release()=0 | OdRxObject | pure virtual |
removeViewport3dClipping() | OdGsView | |
removeViewportClipRegion() | OdGsView | |
RemoveViewReactor(CFxViewReactor *pReactor)=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
RenderMode enum name | OdGsView | |
roll(double rollAngle)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
screenHeight() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
screenMatrix() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
screenRect(OdGsDCPoint &lowerLeft, OdGsDCPoint &upperRight) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
screenRect(OdGePoint2d &lowerLeft, OdGePoint2d &upperRight) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
screenWidth() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
select(const OdGsDCPoint *pts, int nPoints, OdGsSelectionReactor *pReactor, OdGsView::SelectionMode mode=OdGsView::kCrossing)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
SelectionMode enum name | OdGsView | |
setAlternateLinetypeScaleMultiplier(double linetypeAlternateScaleMultiplier)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setBackClip(double backClip)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setBackground(OdDbStub *backgroundId)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setClearColor(ClearColor color)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
SetElevation(double dElev)=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
setEnableBackClip(bool enable)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setEnableFrontClip(bool enable)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
SetFieldAspectMaintained(bool)=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
setFrontClip(double frontClip)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setLensLength(double lensLength)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setLinetypeScaleMultiplier(double linetypeScaleMultiplier)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setLineweightEnum(int numLineweights, const OdUInt8 *lineweights)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setLineweightToDcScale(double scale)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setMode(RenderMode mode)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
SetOrbitMode(bool bVal)=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
SetPanMode(bool bVal)=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
SetPreviousData()=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
setStereoParameters(double magnitude, double parallax)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setUserGiContext(OdGiContext *pUserGiContext)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setView(const OdGePoint3d &position, const OdGePoint3d &target, const OdGeVector3d &upVector, double fieldWidth, double fieldHeight, Projection projectionType=kParallel)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setViewport(const OdGePoint2d &lowerLeft, const OdGePoint2d &upperRight)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setViewport(const OdGsDCRect &screenRect)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setViewport(const OdGsDCRectDouble &screenRect) | OdGsView | virtual |
setViewport3dClipping(const OdGiClipBoundary *pBoundary, const OdGiAbstractClipBoundary *pClipInfo=NULL) | OdGsView | virtual |
setViewportBorderProperties(ODCOLORREF color, int width)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setViewportBorderVisibility(bool visible)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setViewportClipRegion(int numContours, int const *numVertices, OdGsDCPoint const *vertices)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setViewportClipRegion(int numContours, int const *numVertices, OdGePoint2d const *vertices)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setVisualStyle(OdDbStub *visualStyleId)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
setVisualStyle(const OdGiVisualStyle &visualStyle)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
SetZoomMode(bool bVal)=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
show()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
StartTransaction()=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
target() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
thawLayer(OdDbStub *layerID)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
update()=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
upVector() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
userGiContext() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
viewDir() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
ViewExtentsWCS(OdGeBoundBlock3d &extents) const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
viewingMatrix() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
viewParameters(OdGsView *pView) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
viewport3dClipping(const OdGiAbstractClipBoundary **ppClipInfo=NULL) const | OdGsView | virtual |
viewportClipRegion(OdIntArray &counts, OdGsDCPointArray &vertices) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
viewportClipRegion(OdIntArray &counts, OdGePoint2dArray &vertices) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
viewportObjectId() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
visibleHeight() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
visibleScreenRect() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
visibleScreenRectInViewCoordinates() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
visibleWidth() const =0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
visualStyle() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
visualStyle(OdGiVisualStyle &visualStyle) const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
worldToDeviceMatrix() const =0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
WorldToView(OdDbObjectId id) | CFxView | static |
x(const OdRxClass *pClass) const | OdRxObject | virtual |
zoom(double zoomFactor)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
zoomExtents(const OdGePoint3d &minPt, const OdGePoint3d &maxPt)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
ZoomExtentsWCS(const OdGeBoundBlock3d *pExtents)=0 | CFxView | pure virtual |
zoomWindow(const OdGePoint2d &lowerLeft, const OdGePoint2d &upperRight)=0 | OdGsView | pure virtual |
~CFxView() override | CFxView | |
~OdRxObject() | OdRxObject | virtual |