CFx SDK Documentation
2022 SP0
This is the complete list of members for OdGeExternalBoundedSurface, including all inherited members.
closestPointTo(const OdGePoint3d &point, const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeSurface | |
connectTo(OdGeEntity3dImpl *) | OdGeEntity3d | protected |
copy() const | OdGeEntity3d | |
distanceTo(const OdGePoint3d &point, const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeSurface | |
evalPoint(const OdGePoint2d ¶m) const | OdGeSurface | |
evalPoint(const OdGePoint2d ¶m, int numDeriv, OdGeVector3dArray &derivatives) const | OdGeSurface | |
evalPoint(const OdGePoint2d ¶m, int numDeriv, OdGeVector3dArray &derivatives, OdGeVector3d &normal) const | OdGeSurface | |
externalSurfaceKind() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
getBaseSurface(OdGeSurface *&pSurfaceDef) const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
getBaseSurface(OdGeExternalSurface &unboundedSurfaceDef) const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
getClosestPointTo(const OdGePoint3d &point, OdGePointOnSurface &pntOnSurface, const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeSurface | |
getContours(int &numContours, OdGeCurveBoundary *&contours) const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
getEnvelope(OdGeInterval &intrvlU, OdGeInterval &intrvlV) const | OdGeSurface | |
getExternalSurface(void *&pSurfaceDef) const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
getImplicitEnvelope(OdGeInterval &implicitIntrvlU, OdGeInterval &implicitIntrvlV) const | OdGeSurface | |
getReparameterization(bool &swapUV, double &uCoeffA, double &vCoeffA, double &uCoeffB, double &vCoeffB) const | OdGeSurface | |
isClosedInU(const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeSurface | |
isClosedInV(const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeSurface | |
isCone() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isCylinder() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isDefined() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isEllipCone() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isEllipCylinder() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isEqualTo(const OdGeEntity3d &object, const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeEntity3d | |
isExternalSurface() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isKindOf(OdGe::EntityId entType) const | OdGeEntity3d | |
isNormalReversed() const | OdGeSurface | |
isNurbs() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isOn(const OdGePoint3d &point, OdGePoint2d ¶mPoint, const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeSurface | |
OdGeEntity3d::isOn(const OdGePoint3d &point, const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeEntity3d | |
isOwnerOfSurface() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isPlane() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isSphere() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
isTorus() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
mirror(const OdGePlane &plane) | OdGeEntity3d | |
numContours() const | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
OdGeEntity3d() | OdGeEntity3d | protected |
OdGeEntity3d(const OdGeEntity3d &) | OdGeEntity3d | protected |
OdGeExternalBoundedSurface() | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
OdGeExternalBoundedSurface(void *pSurfaceDef, OdGe::ExternalEntityKind surfaceKind, bool makeCopy=true) | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
OdGeExternalBoundedSurface(const OdGeExternalBoundedSurface &source) | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
OdGeSurface() | OdGeSurface | protected |
OdGeSurface(const OdGeSurface &surf) | OdGeSurface | protected |
ODRX_HEAP_OPERATORS() | OdGeEntity3d | |
operator!=(const OdGeEntity3d &entity) const | OdGeEntity3d | |
operator=(const OdGeExternalBoundedSurface &extBoundSurf) | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
OdGeSurface::operator=(const OdGeSurface &surf) | OdGeSurface | |
OdGeEntity3d::operator=(const OdGeEntity3d &entity) | OdGeEntity3d | |
operator==(const OdGeEntity3d &entity) const | OdGeEntity3d | |
paramOf(const OdGePoint3d &point, const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeSurface | |
project(const OdGePoint3d &p, OdGePoint3d &projP, const OdGeTol &tol=OdGeContext::gTol) const | OdGeSurface | |
reverseNormal() | OdGeSurface | |
rotateBy(double angle, const OdGeVector3d &vect, const OdGePoint3d &basePoint=OdGePoint3d::kOrigin) | OdGeEntity3d | |
scaleBy(double scaleFactor, const OdGePoint3d &basePoint=OdGePoint3d::kOrigin) | OdGeEntity3d | |
set(void *pSurfaceDef, OdGe::ExternalEntityKind surfaceKind, bool makeCopy=true) | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
setEnvelope(const OdGeInterval &realIntrvlU, const OdGeInterval &realIntrvlV) | OdGeSurface | |
setReparameterization(bool swapUV=false, double uCoeffA=1., double vCoeffA=1., double uCoeffB=0., double vCoeffB=0.) | OdGeSurface | |
setToOwnSurface() | OdGeExternalBoundedSurface | |
TD_USING(OdGeEntity3d::isOn) | OdGeSurface | |
transformBy(const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm) | OdGeEntity3d | |
translateBy(const OdGeVector3d &translateVec) | OdGeEntity3d | |
type() const | OdGeEntity3d | |
~OdGeEntity3d() | OdGeEntity3d |