CFx SDK Documentation
2023 SP0
This is the complete list of members for FacetModeler::Profile2D, including all inherited members.
addExtents(OdGeExtents2d &extExtents) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
back() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
back() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
begin() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
begin() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
capacity() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
clear() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
const_iterator typedef | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
const_pointer typedef | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
const_reference typedef | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
contains(const OdGePoint2d &ptTest, bool *pOnBorder=0, const OdGeTol &gTol=FMGeGbl::gTol) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
deleteCoincident(const OdGeTol &gTol=FMGeGbl::gTol) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
empty() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
end() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
end() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
erase(size_type iPos) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
erase(iterator itWhere) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
erase(iterator itFirst, iterator itLast) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
explode(const DeviationParams &devDeviation=FMGeGbl::gDefDev, OdIntPtr uArcMetadata=0) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
explodeTo(Profile2D &rDestProfile, const DeviationParams &devDeviation=FMGeGbl::gDefDev, OdIntPtr uArcMetadata=0) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
fit(const OdGeExtents2d &extBoundingBox, const DeviationParams &devDeviation=FMGeGbl::gDefDev) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
fit(const OdGeExtents2d &extBoundingBox, bool bFitX, bool bFitY, const DeviationParams &devDeviation=FMGeGbl::gDefDev) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
front() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
front() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
getAdjustedProfile(double dWidth, double dDepth, bool bAdjustWidth, bool bAdjustDepth, bool bMirrorInX, bool bMirrorInY, double dRotation, Profile2D &rResult) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
getFaces(std::vector< Profile2D > &aFaces) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
getHoles(Profile2D &rHolesProfile) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
getOffsetProfile(double dOffset, Profile2D &rResult, FilletType eFilletType=eftExtend, const OdGeTol &gTol=FMGeGbl::gTol) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
getSingleContour(Contour2D &rDest, const OdGeTol &gTol=FMGeGbl::gTol) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
getWithoutHoles(Profile2D &rNoHolesProfile) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
hasNonEmptyContours() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
insert(size_type iPos, const Contour2D &rVal) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
insert(iterator itWhere, const Contour2D &rVal) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
insert(iterator itWhere, const_iterator itFirst, const_iterator itLast) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
isValidRegion(const OdGeTol &gTol=FMGeGbl::gTol) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
iterator typedef | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
kNull | FacetModeler::Profile2D | static |
max_size() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
mergeSegments(int iMergeFlags=0, const OdGeTol &gTol=FMGeGbl::gTol) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
operator=(const Profile2D &rSrc) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
operator[](size_type iPos) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
operator[](size_type iPos) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
PerformOperation(BooleanOperation eOperation, const Profile2D &rArg1, const Profile2D &rArg2, Profile2D &rResult, const OdGeTol &tol=FMGeGbl::gTol) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | static |
perimeter() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
pointer typedef | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
pop_back() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
Profile2D() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
Profile2D(const Contour2D &rSrcCont) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | explicit |
Profile2D(const Profile2D &rSrc) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
push_back() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
push_back(ContourImplClass eCC) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
push_back(const Contour2D &rVal) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
reference typedef | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
regularizeTo(Profile2D &rDest, const OdGeTol &gTol=FMGeGbl::gTol) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
reserve(size_type iNewCapacity) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
resize(size_type iSize) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
reverse() | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
setAllMetadata(OdIntPtr uNewData, OdIntPtr uBitsToModify=INT_MAX) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
signedArea() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
size() const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
size_type typedef | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
split(const OdGeLine2d &lCutter, Profile2D &rRght, Profile2D &rLeft) const | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
swap(Profile2D &rAnother) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
transformBy(const OdGeMatrix2d &mMatrix, const DeviationParams &devDeviation=FMGeGbl::gDefDev) | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
value_type typedef | FacetModeler::Profile2D | |
~Profile2D() | FacetModeler::Profile2D |