CFx SDK Documentation
2023 SP0
This is the complete list of members for CFxInputPointManager, including all inherited members.
AddGrVecsVector(const CFxView *pView, int color, const OdGePoint3d &start, const OdGePoint3d &end, int flag)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
AddInputContextReactor(CFxInputContextReactor *pReactor)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
AddOtrackBasePoint(const CFxOsnapPoint *, bool ignoreOtrack=false)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
addRef()=0 | OdRxObject | pure virtual |
AddTracker(CFxTracker *pTracker, bool bPermanent)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
AllowAbortOperation(bool bVal)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
CacheMe(const CFxTracker *pTracker, bool bAddToCache, int iPriority)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
CalculateWCSToSnapMatrix(const OdGePoint2d &unitsUCS, OdGeMatrix3d &result, OdGeMatrix3d *wcs2ucs=0, OdGePlane *planeUCS=0)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
cast(const OdRxObject *pointer) | OdRxObject | inlinestatic |
CFxExpressionParser class | CFxInputPointManager | friend |
CFxInputPointManager(void) | CFxInputPointManager | |
ClearOtrackBasePoints()=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
clone() const | OdRxObject | virtual |
comparedTo(const OdRxObject *pOther) const | OdRxObject | virtual |
copyFrom(const OdRxObject *pSource) | OdRxObject | virtual |
desc() | OdRxObject | static |
eByAPERTURE enum value | CFxInputPointManager | |
eByFramePreview enum value | CFxInputPointManager | |
eByMaxRequiredSize enum value | CFxInputPointManager | |
eByPICKBOX enum value | CFxInputPointManager | |
EnableGripsCalculation(bool bVal)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
EnableOrthoCalculation(bool bVal)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
EnableOsnapCalculation(bool bVal)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
EnableOtrackCalculation(bool bVal)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
EnableOtrackPolarCalculation(bool bVal)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
EnableSnapCalculation(bool bVal)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
EntitiesMode enum name | CFxInputPointManager | |
GetBasePoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetConstraintManager() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetCurrentOSMODE() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetCursorClickPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetCursorPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetCursorSystem(const CFxView *pFxView, OdGePoint3d &ptOrigin, OdGeVector3d &xAxis, OdGeVector3d &yAxis) | CFxInputPointManager | static |
GetDraggingPreview() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetElevatedUcsPlane(const CFxView *pFxView, OdGePoint3d &ptOrigin, OdGeVector3d &xAxis, OdGeVector3d &yAxis) | CFxInputPointManager | static |
GetFxDocument() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetGripPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetHitTestInfo()=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetLastOsnapPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetOrthoPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetOsnapPoint(bool bCalculate) const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetOtrackPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetParameterParser() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetPrimaryClickPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetPrimaryPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetRibbonContextualState() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetRubberLineClickPoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetRubberLinePoint() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetSelectionSet(EntitiesMode mode=eByAPERTURE) const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetSelectionSetCopy(EntitiesMode mode) const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetWorkingPlane() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
GetWorkingPlaneSystem(OdGePoint3d &origin, OdGeVector3d &xAxis, OdGeVector3d &yAxis) const | CFxInputPointManager | virtual |
GetWorkPlane(const CFxView *pFxView, OdGePoint3d &ptOrigin, OdGeVector3d &xAxis, OdGeVector3d &yAxis) | CFxInputPointManager | static |
isA() const | OdRxObject | virtual |
IsCursorSnapping() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
IsDrawTrackersActive() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
isEqualTo(const OdRxObject *pOther) const | OdRxObject | virtual |
IsGripsCalculationEnabled() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
isKindOf(const OdRxClass *pClass) const | OdRxObject | inline |
IsOrthoCalculationEnabled() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
IsOsnapCalculationEnabled() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
IsOtrackCalculationEnabled() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
IsOtrackPolarCalculationEnabled() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
IsSnapCalculationEnabled() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
IsUpdateTrackersActive() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
numRefs() const | OdRxObject | virtual |
ODRX_DECLARE_MEMBERS(CFxInputPointManager) | CFxInputPointManager | |
OdRxObject() | OdRxObject | inline |
OperationAborted() const =0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
queryX(const OdRxClass *pClass) const | OdRxObject | virtual |
release()=0 | OdRxObject | pure virtual |
RemoveInputContextReactor(CFxInputContextReactor *pReact)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
RemoveTracker(CFxTracker *pTracker)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
ResetAbortOperation(bool bSet, unsigned int iInterval)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetBasePoint(const OdGePoint3d *pBasePoint)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetCurrentOSMODE(OdInt16 iNewMode)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetDraggingPreview(CFxDraggingPreview *pDraggingPreview)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetGripPoint(const CFxGripPoint *pGrip)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetOsnapPoint(const CFxOsnapPoint *pOsnap)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetOsnapPoint(CFxOsnapPoint::OsnapMode osnapMode, const OdGePoint3d &point, const OdDbFullSubentPath &first, const OdDbFullSubentPath &second)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetPrimaryPoint(const OdGePoint3d &pt, bool bForceUpdate=false)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetRibbonContextualState(CFxRibbonContextualState *pContextualState)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SetRubberLinePoint(const OdGePoint3d *pRubberLinePoint)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
SkipCurrentInputPoint(bool skip=true)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
UpdateTrackers(const CFxEvent *event)=0 | CFxInputPointManager | pure virtual |
WorldToWorkingPlaneMatrix() const | CFxInputPointManager | virtual |
x(const OdRxClass *pClass) const | OdRxObject | virtual |
~CFxInputPointManager(void) override | CFxInputPointManager | |
~OdRxObject() | OdRxObject | virtual |