CFx SDK Documentation  2023 SP0
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
RxFS.h File Reference
#include "RxSystemServices.h"
#include "RxSysRegistry.h"
#include "Tf/TfIO.h"
#include "DynamicLinker.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  OD::Stream
class  OD::File::WriteBuf
class  OD::RxFS
class  OD::FilePx




typedef OdSmartPtr< FilePx > OD::FilePxP
typedef OdRxClass OD::Class
typedef OdRxClassPtr OD::ClassP
typedef OdRxDictionary OD::Dictionary
typedef OdSmartPtr< Dictionary > OD::DictionaryP
typedef OdSmartPtr< Stream > OD::StreamP
typedef OdUInt64 OD::File::Id
typedef OdTfDigest OD::File::Hash
typedef OdSmartPtr< Stream > OD::File::ReadBufP
typedef OdSmartPtr< WriteBuf > OD::File::WriteBufP
typedef OdSmartPtr< RxFS > OD::RxFSP


enum  OD::File::Access {
  OD::File::Read = Oda::kFileRead , OD::File::Write = Oda::kFileWrite , OD::File::Tmp = Oda::kFileTmp , OD::File::Delete = Oda::kFileDelete ,
  OD::File::Test = 1 , OD::File::IfExists = 2
enum  OD::File::Share { OD::File::DenyReadWrite = Oda::kShareDenyReadWrite , OD::File::DenyWrite = Oda::kShareDenyWrite , OD::File::DenyRead = Oda::kShareDenyRead , OD::File::DenyNo = Oda::kShareDenyNo }
enum  OD::File::Creation {
  OD::File::CreateNew = Oda::kCreateNew , OD::File::CreateAlways = Oda::kCreateAlways , OD::File::OpenExisting = Oda::kOpenExisting , OD::File::OpenAlways = Oda::kOpenAlways ,
  OD::File::TruncateExisting = Oda::kTruncateExisting


OdAnsiString OD::toUTF8 (const OdString &str)
OdAnsiString OD::toUTF8 (const char *sz)
OdAnsiString OD::toUTF8 (const char *sz, int len)
bool OD::File::access (const OdString &path, int acc=Read)
StreamP OD::File::open (const OdString &path, int acc=Read, Creation dispos=OpenExisting, Share sh=DenyNo)
OdAnsiString OD::File::toStr (const OdString &path)
void OD::File::putStr (const OdString &path, const OdString &str)
void OD::File::putStr (const OdString &path, const OdAnsiString &str)