The set of methods and properties used for plotting sheets
Supported Platforms: Windows only
Object Inheritance
These members are part of this object:
Methods- DisplayPlotPreview
- PlotToFile
- PlotToDevice
- SetLayoutsToPlot
- StartBatchMode
Properties- Application
- QuietErrorMode
- NumberOfCopies
- BatchPlotProgress
- DisplayPlotPreview()
Void DisplayPlotPreview(AcPreviewModeShort Preview)
Displays the Plot Preview dialog box with the specified partial or full view preview
- PlotToFile()
Boolean PlotToFile([in] BSTR plotFile, [in, optional] VARIANT plotConfig)
Plots a sheet to the specified file
- PlotToDevice()
Boolean PlotToDevice([in, optional] VARIANT plotConfig)
Plots a sheet to a device
- SetLayoutsToPlot()
Void SetLayoutsToPlot([in] VARIANT layoutList)
Specifies the sheet or sheets to print
- StartBatchMode()
Void StartBatchMode([in] Integer entryCount)
Invokes batchmode printing
- Application [ReadOnly]
IAcadApplication* Application( )
Gets the Application object
- QuietErrorMode
Boolean QuietErrorMode( )
Toggles the quiet error mode for print error reporting
- NumberOfCopies
Integer NumberOfCopies( )
Specifies the number of copies to print
- BatchPlotProgress
Boolean BatchPlotProgress( )
Gets the current status of the batch print, or terminates the batch print