#include "OdError.h"
#include "BrExport.h"
#include "Gi/Gi.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
enum | OdBrErrorStatus {
odbrOK = ::eOk
, odbrWrongObjectType = eWrongObjectType
, odbrInvalidObject = eUnrecoverableErrors
, odbrUnsuitableTopology = 0XBC5
odbrMissingGeometry = eDegenerateGeometry
, odbrInvalidInput = eInvalidInput
, odbrDegenerateTopology = 0XBCC
, odbrUninitialisedObject = 0xBCD
odbrOutOfMemory = eOutOfMemory
, odbrBrepChanged = 0xBC0
, odbrNotImplementedYet = ::eNotImplementedYet
, odbrNullObjectId = eNullObjectId
odbrNotApplicable = eNotApplicable
, odbrWrongSubentityType = eWrongSubentityType
, odbrNullSubentityId = eInvalidIndex
, odbrNullObjectPointer = eUnrecoverableErrors
odbrObjectIdMismatch = eWrongDatabase
, odbrTopologyMismatch = eWrongDatabase
, odbrUnsuitableGeometry = eAmbiguousOutput
, odbrMissingSubentity = eNotInDatabase
odbrAmbiguousOutput = eAmbiguousOutput
, odbrUnrecoverableErrors = eUnrecoverableErrors
, odbrMissingTopology = odbrDegenerateTopology
, odbrWrongDatabase = eWrongDatabase
odbrNotInDatabase = eNotInDatabase
, odbrDegenerateGeometry = eDegenerateGeometry
} |
enum | BrLoopType { odbrLoopUnclassified = 0
, odbrLoopExterior = 1
, odbrLoopInterior = 2
, odbrLoopWinding = 3
} |
enum | BrShellType { odbrShellUnclassified = 0
, odbrShellExterior = 1
, odbrShellInterior = 2
} |
enum | BrValidationLevel { odbrFullValidation = 0
, odbrNoValidation = 1
} |
enum | Element2dShape { kDefault = 0
, kAllPolygons = 1
, kAllQuadrilaterals = 2
, kAllTriangles = 3
} |
enum | BrEntityFlags {
kNoFlags = 0
, kDoubleSide = 0x001
, kVisible = 0x002
, kInvisible = 0x004
kHighlight = 0x008
, kSelectionIgnore = 0x010
, kBimRvEdgeSwapFaces = 0x01000000
} |
◆ BrEntityFlags
Represents bit flags for BrEntity.
Enumerator |
kNoFlags | No flags.
kDoubleSide | If it is DoubleSide then not SingleSide and vice versa.
kVisible | Visible should be set by default. kNoFlags is default/drawings version.
kInvisible | Invisible.
kHighlight | Highlight.
kSelectionIgnore | It cannot be selected.
kBimRvEdgeSwapFaces | Internal use only.
Definition at line 144 of file BrEnums.h.
◆ BrLoopType
Represents the type of a loop.
Enumerator |
odbrLoopUnclassified | The loop type is ambiguous or cannot be determined at this time.
odbrLoopExterior | The loop is on a peripheral boundary.
odbrLoopInterior | The loop represents a hole in the interior of a face.
odbrLoopWinding | The loop is winding on a conical surface.
Definition at line 94 of file BrEnums.h.
◆ BrShellType
Represents the shell type.
Enumerator |
odbrShellUnclassified | The shell type cannot be determined at this time.
odbrShellExterior | The shell is on a peripheral boundary of region or B-rep.
odbrShellInterior | The shell is empty in the interior of a region or B-rep.
Definition at line 108 of file BrEnums.h.
◆ BrValidationLevel
Represents the validation level.
Enumerator |
odbrFullValidation | Full validation.
odbrNoValidation | No validation.
Definition at line 120 of file BrEnums.h.
◆ Element2dShape
Represents the element shape criteria.
Enumerator |
kDefault | Default.
kAllPolygons | All polygons.
kAllQuadrilaterals | All quadrilaterals.
kAllTriangles | All triangles.
Definition at line 130 of file BrEnums.h.
◆ OdBrErrorStatus
Represents the B-rep error status.
Enumerator |
odbrOK | The operation is finished successfully.
odbrWrongObjectType | The type of returned object is not supported as a B-rep.
odbrInvalidObject | The OdBr* object is not initialized or is invalid.
odbrUnsuitableTopology | |
odbrMissingGeometry | Represents the partially or fully missing geometry.
odbrInvalidInput | The input arguments point to an invalid object.
odbrDegenerateTopology | The subentity does not map to the topology.
odbrUninitialisedObject | The OdBr* object is not initialized.
odbrOutOfMemory | The memory for the object could not be allocated.
odbrBrepChanged | The object has been modified since this OdBr* object was last set.
odbrNotImplementedYet | Returned if the function is not implemented yet.
odbrNullObjectId | Returned when the subentity path does not point to an object.
odbrNotApplicable | Represents the situation when the inherited function is not applicable to this subclass.
odbrWrongSubentityType | The subentity type does not match the subclass.
odbrNullSubentityId | Returned when the subentity path does not point to a subentity.
odbrNullObjectPointer | Returned when the function implementation is missing.
odbrObjectIdMismatch | The traverser list owner and list position do not point to the same object.
odbrTopologyMismatch | Returned when the traverser list position cannot be set because the subentity is not connected to the list owner.
odbrUnsuitableGeometry | The geometry of OdGe object is unsuitable for this function.
odbrMissingSubentity | The topology does not map to a subentity.
odbrAmbiguousOutput | The result is ambiguous.
odbrUnrecoverableErrors | |
odbrMissingTopology | |
odbrWrongDatabase | |
odbrNotInDatabase | |
odbrDegenerateGeometry | |
Definition at line 40 of file BrEnums.h.