CFx SDK Documentation 2024 SP0
#include <GsBaseModel.h>
Classes | |
struct | SectioningSettings |
Public Types | |
enum | AdditionMode { kAddDrawable = 0 , kUneraseDrawable } |
typedef std::pair< OdGsViewImpl *, OdUInt32 > | ViewRef |
typedef std::pair< const OdGsBaseModule *, OdUInt32 > | ModuleRef |
![]() | |
enum | InvalidationHint { kInvalidateIsolines = 0 , kInvalidateViewportCache = 1 , kInvalidateAll = 2 , kInvalidateMaterials = 3 , kInvalidateLinetypes = 4 } |
enum | RenderType { kMinRenderType = -3 , kUserBg1 = -3 , kUserBg2 = -2 , kUserBg3 = -1 , kMain = 0 , kSprite , kDirect , kHighlight , kHighlightSelection , kDirectTopmost , kContrast , kCount , kUserFg1 = kCount , kUserFg2 , kUserFg3 , kMaxRenderType , kNumRenderTypes = kMaxRenderType - kMinRenderType } |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | invalidateEntRect (OdGiDrawable *pDrawable, OdGiDrawable *pParent, bool bForceIfNoExtents=false) |
virtual void | invalidateEntRect (OdGsEntityNode *pNode, OdGsContainerNode *pParent, bool bForceIfNoExtents) |
bool | checkFaded () const |
void | setCheckFaded (bool bOn) |
void | setVectorizing () |
void | resetVectorizing () |
virtual bool | disableNotifications () const |
void | setDisableNotifications (bool bOn) |
bool | trySetDisableInvalidate (bool bOn) |
const ViewPropsArray & | getViewProps () const |
OdGsViewImpl * | refView () const |
OdGsBaseVectorizeDevice * | refDevice () const |
OdUInt32 | refModulesCount () const |
virtual void | attachLocalViewportId (OdGsViewImpl *pView, OdGsViewImpl *pFrom=NULL) |
virtual OdUInt32 | getLocalViewportId (OdGsViewImpl *pView) |
virtual OdUInt32 | getMaxLocalViewportId () const |
bool | invalidVp (unsigned int viewportId) const |
OdGsBaseModelImpl * | impl () |
void | invalidateRegenDrawBlocks (OdGsViewImpl &view, const OdDbStub *layoutId) |
void | invalidateSectionableBlocks () |
virtual OdGsNode * | gsNode (OdGiDrawable *pDrawable) |
virtual void | detach (OdGsNode *pNode) |
virtual void | detachAll () |
void | detachAllFromDb (const OdDbBaseDatabase *pDb) |
OdGiDrawablePtr | open (OdDbStub *objectId) |
void | setDrawableGsNode (OdGiDrawable *pDrawable, OdGsCache *pNode) |
OdGsCache * | drawableGsNode (const OdGiDrawable *pDrawable) |
void | setOpenDrawableFn (OdGiOpenDrawableFn openDrawableFn) |
OdGiOpenDrawableFn | openDrawableFn () const |
void | onAdded (OdGiDrawable *pAdded, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
void | onAdded (OdGiDrawable *pAdded, OdDbStub *parentID) |
virtual void | onAddedImpl (OdGiDrawable *pAdded, OdGiDrawable *pParent, AdditionMode additionMode=kAddDrawable) |
void | onModified (OdGiDrawable *pModified, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
void | onModified (OdGiDrawable *pModified, OdDbStub *parentID) |
virtual void | onModifiedImpl (OdGiDrawable *pModified, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
virtual void | onModifiedGraphics (const OdGiDrawable *pModified, OdDbStub *parentID) ODRX_OVERRIDE |
void | onErased (OdGiDrawable *pErased, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
void | onErased (OdGiDrawable *pErased, OdDbStub *parentID) |
virtual void | onErasedImpl (OdGiDrawable *pErased, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
void | onUnerased (OdGiDrawable *pUnerased, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
void | onUnerased (OdGiDrawable *pUnerased, OdDbStub *parentID) |
void | invalidate (InvalidationHint hint) |
void | invalidate (OdGsView *pView) |
void | invalidateVisible (OdGsDevice *pDevice) |
void | invalidate (OdGsViewImpl &view, OdUInt32 mask) |
OdUInt32 | viewChanges (OdUInt32 viewportId) const |
OdUInt32 | numViewProps () const |
const ViewProps & | viewProps (OdUInt32 viewportId) const |
virtual void | updateViewProps (const OdGsViewImpl &viewport) |
virtual bool | isViewPropsValid (OdUInt32 viewportId) const |
const OdGsViewImpl * | viewById (OdUInt32 viewportId) const |
virtual OdGsLayerNode * | gsLayerNode (OdDbStub *layerId, const OdGsBaseVectorizer *pView) |
virtual void | propagateLayerChanges (OdGsBaseVectorizeDevice &device) |
void | setTransform (const OdGeMatrix3d &xForm) |
OdGeMatrix3d | transform () const |
bool | isIdentityTransform () const |
OdGeExtents3d & | transformExtents (OdGeExtents3d &pExts) const |
OdGsView::RenderMode | renderModeOverride () const |
void | setRenderModeOverride (OdGsView::RenderMode mode=OdGsView::kNone) |
void | highlight (const OdGiPathNode &path, bool bDoIt=true, OdUInt32 nStyle=0, const OdGsView *pView=NULL) |
void | highlight (const OdGiPathNode &path, const OdGsMarker *pMarkers, OdUInt32 nMarkers, bool bDoIt=true, OdUInt32 nStyle=0, const OdGsView *pView=NULL) |
virtual void | highlightImpl (const OdGiPathNode &path, const OdGsMarker *pMarkers, OdUInt32 nMarkers, bool bDoIt=true, OdUInt32 nStyle=0, const OdGsView *pView=NULL) |
void | hide (const OdGiPathNode &path, bool bDoIt=true, bool bSelectHidden=false, const OdGsView *pView=NULL) |
void | hide (const OdGiPathNode &path, const OdGsMarker *pMarkers, OdUInt32 nMarkers, bool bDoIt=true, bool bSelectHidden=false, const OdGsView *pView=NULL) |
virtual void | hideImpl (const OdGiPathNode &path, const OdGsMarker *pMarkers, OdUInt32 nMarkers, bool bDoIt=true, bool bSelectHidden=false, const OdGsView *pView=NULL) |
OdGsMaterialCache * | materialCache () |
void | setRenderType (RenderType renderType) |
RenderType | renderType () const |
void | setBackground (OdDbStub *backgroundId) |
OdDbStub * | background () const |
void | setVisualStyle (OdDbStub *visualStyleId) |
OdDbStub * | visualStyle () const |
void | setVisualStyle (const OdGiVisualStyle &visualStyle) |
bool | visualStyle (OdGiVisualStyle &visualStyle) const |
const OdGiDrawable * | visualStyleDrawable () const |
virtual bool | makeStock (OdDbStub *layoutId) |
virtual void | releaseStock (OdDbStub *layoutId) |
bool | hasChangedLayers () const |
void | addModelReactor (OdGsModelReactor *pReactor) |
void | removeModelReactor (OdGsModelReactor *pReactor) |
void | setEnableSectioning (bool bEnable) |
bool | isSectioningEnabled () const |
bool | setSectioning (const OdGePoint3dArray &points, const OdGeVector3d &upVector) |
bool | setSectioning (const OdGePoint3dArray &points, const OdGeVector3d &upVector, double dTop, double dBottom) |
void | setSectioningVisualStyle (OdDbStub *visualStyleId) |
const SectioningSettings & | getSectioning () const |
void | setViewClippingOverride (bool bEnable) |
bool | viewClippingOverride () const |
void | setEnableLinetypes (bool bEnable) |
bool | isLinetypesEnabled () const |
void | setSelectable (bool bEnable) |
bool | isSelectable () const |
void | setEnableViewExtentsCalculation (bool bEnable) |
bool | isViewExtentsCalculationEnabled () const |
void | setEnableLightsInBlocks (bool bEnable) |
bool | isLightsInBlocksEnabled () const |
void | setViewSectioningOverride (bool bEnable) |
bool | viewSectioningOverride () const |
virtual bool | saveModelState (OdGsFiler *pFiler, OdGsBaseVectorizer *pVectorizer=NULL) const |
virtual bool | loadModelState (OdGsFiler *pFiler, OdGsBaseVectorizer *pVectorizer=NULL) |
virtual bool | saveClientModelState (OdGsFiler *pFiler) const |
virtual bool | loadClientModelState (OdGsFiler *pFiler) |
bool | postprocessModelLoading (OdGsFiler *pFiler) |
virtual OdGsNode * | newNode (ENodeType ntp, const OdGiDrawable *drawable, bool bSetGsNode) |
![]() | |
virtual void | setOpenDrawableFn (OdGiOpenDrawableFn openDrawableFn)=0 |
virtual void | onAdded (OdGiDrawable *pAdded, OdGiDrawable *pParent)=0 |
virtual void | onAdded (OdGiDrawable *pAdded, OdDbStub *parentID)=0 |
virtual void | onModified (OdGiDrawable *pModified, OdGiDrawable *pParent)=0 |
virtual void | onModified (OdGiDrawable *pModified, OdDbStub *parentID)=0 |
virtual void | onModifiedGraphics (const OdGiDrawable *pModified, OdDbStub *parentID)=0 |
virtual void | onErased (OdGiDrawable *pErased, OdGiDrawable *pParent)=0 |
virtual void | onErased (OdGiDrawable *pErased, OdDbStub *parentID)=0 |
virtual void | onUnerased (OdGiDrawable *pUnerased, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
virtual void | onUnerased (OdGiDrawable *pUnerased, OdDbStub *parentID) |
virtual void | invalidate (InvalidationHint hint)=0 |
virtual void | invalidate (OdGsView *pView)=0 |
virtual void | invalidateVisible (OdGsDevice *pDevice)=0 |
virtual void | setTransform (const OdGeMatrix3d &)=0 |
virtual OdGeMatrix3d | transform () const =0 |
virtual void | highlight (const OdGiPathNode &path, bool bDoIt=true, OdUInt32 nStyle=0, const OdGsView *pView=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | highlight (const OdGiPathNode &path, const OdGsMarker *pMarkers, OdUInt32 nMarkers, bool bDoIt=true, OdUInt32 nStyle=0, const OdGsView *pView=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | hide (const OdGiPathNode &path, bool bDoIt=true, bool bSelectHidden=false, const OdGsView *pView=NULL)=0 |
virtual void | hide (const OdGiPathNode &path, const OdGsMarker *pMarkers, OdUInt32 nMarkers, bool bDoIt=true, bool bSelectHidden=false, const OdGsView *pView=0)=0 |
virtual void | setRenderType (RenderType renderType)=0 |
virtual RenderType | renderType () const =0 |
virtual void | setRenderModeOverride (OdGsView::RenderMode mode=OdGsView::kNone)=0 |
virtual OdGsView::RenderMode | renderModeOverride () const =0 |
virtual void | setViewClippingOverride (bool bEnable)=0 |
virtual bool | viewClippingOverride () const =0 |
virtual void | setBackground (OdDbStub *backgroundId)=0 |
virtual OdDbStub * | background () const =0 |
virtual void | setVisualStyle (OdDbStub *visualStyleId)=0 |
virtual OdDbStub * | visualStyle () const =0 |
virtual void | setVisualStyle (const OdGiVisualStyle &visualStyle)=0 |
virtual bool | visualStyle (OdGiVisualStyle &visualStyle) const =0 |
virtual void | addModelReactor (OdGsModelReactor *pReactor)=0 |
virtual void | removeModelReactor (OdGsModelReactor *pReactor)=0 |
virtual void | setEnableSectioning (bool bEnable)=0 |
virtual bool | isSectioningEnabled () const =0 |
virtual bool | setSectioning (const OdGePoint3dArray &points, const OdGeVector3d &upVector)=0 |
virtual bool | setSectioning (const OdGePoint3dArray &points, const OdGeVector3d &upVector, double dTop, double dBottom)=0 |
virtual void | setSectioningVisualStyle (OdDbStub *visualStyleId)=0 |
virtual void | setEnableLinetypes (bool bEnable)=0 |
virtual bool | isLinetypesEnabled () const =0 |
virtual void | setSelectable (bool bEnable)=0 |
virtual bool | isSelectable () const =0 |
virtual void | setEnableViewExtentsCalculation (bool bEnable)=0 |
virtual bool | isViewExtentsCalculationEnabled () const =0 |
virtual void | setEnableLightsInBlocks (bool bEnable)=0 |
virtual bool | isLightsInBlocksEnabled () const =0 |
virtual void | setViewSectioningOverride (bool bEnable)=0 |
virtual bool | viewSectioningOverride () const =0 |
![]() | |
OdRxObject () | |
virtual | ~OdRxObject () |
virtual OdRxObject * | queryX (const OdRxClass *pClass) const |
virtual OdRxObject * | x (const OdRxClass *pClass) const |
virtual OdRxClass * | isA () const |
virtual void | addRef ()=0 |
virtual void | release ()=0 |
virtual long | numRefs () const |
bool | isKindOf (const OdRxClass *pClass) const |
virtual OdRxObjectPtr | clone () const |
virtual void | copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource) |
virtual OdRx::Ordering | comparedTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const |
virtual bool | isEqualTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const |
Public Attributes | |
OdRefCounter | m_nMfCached |
OdRefCounter | m_nMfReused |
OdArray< ViewRef, OdMemoryAllocator< ViewRef > > | m_views |
OdArray< ModuleRef, OdMemoryAllocator< ModuleRef > > | m_modules |
Protected Types | |
enum | GsModelFlags { kCheckFaded = (1 << 0) , kEnableLinetypes = (1 << 1) , kModelSelectable = (1 << 2) , kLightsInBlocks = (1 << 3) , kSkipViewClip = (1 << 4) , kViewExtCalcs = (1 << 5) , kSkipViewSection = (1 << 6) , kIdentityXform = (1 << 7) , kVectorizing = (1 << 8) , kKeepSelStyles = (1 << 9) , kDisableNotifications = (1 << 10) , kDisableInvalidate = (1 << 11) } |
typedef std::map< const OdGsNode *, OdUInt32 > | SelectionStyleRefMap |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | addNode (OdGsNode *pNode) |
void | addViewRef (OdGsViewImpl *pView) |
void | removeViewRef (OdGsViewImpl *pView) |
void | setInvalidVp (unsigned int viewportId, bool val) |
virtual void | clearChangedLayersList () |
bool | supportSelectionStyles () const |
void | setSelectionStyleRef (const OdGsNode *pNode, OdUInt32 nStyle) |
OdUInt32 | selectionStyleRef (const OdGsNode *pNode) const |
void | extendSelStyleFlag (OdGsViewImpl *pView) |
void | rescanSelStyleFlag () |
OdGsBaseModel () | |
~OdGsBaseModel () | |
void | onModifiedNode (OdGsNode *pCache, OdGiDrawable *pDrawable, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
void | onModifiedDrawable (OdGiDrawable *pDrawable, OdGiDrawable *pParent) |
void | onModifiedNodeImp (OdGsNode *pCache, OdGiDrawable *pDrawable, OdGiDrawable *pParent, bool bGraphicsOnly) |
void | onPropertyModifiedImpl (OdGsBaseModelReactor::ModelProperty nProp, bool &bReturnValue) |
virtual bool | onPropertyModified (OdGsBaseModelReactor::ModelProperty nProp) |
Friends | |
class | CFxGsExtension |
class | OdGsNode |
class | OdGsViewImpl |
class | OdGsBaseVectorizer |
class | OdGsBaseVectorizeDevice |
GS_TOOLKIT_EXPORT OdGiDrawablePtr | fxOpenDrawable (OdGsBaseModel *, OdDbStub *) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static OdRxObjectPtr | cast (const OdRxObject *pointer) |
static OdRxClass * | desc () |
This class is the base class for custom GsBaseModel objects which coordinate custom caching support for client vectorization applications.
Corresponding C++ library: TD_Gs
<group OdGs_Classes>
Definition at line 95 of file GsBaseModel.h.
typedef std::pair<const OdGsBaseModule*, OdUInt32> OdGsBaseModel::ModuleRef |
Definition at line 177 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 271 of file GsBaseModel.h.
typedef std::pair<OdGsViewImpl*, OdUInt32> OdGsBaseModel::ViewRef |
Definition at line 175 of file GsBaseModel.h.
Enumerator | |
kAddDrawable | |
kUneraseDrawable |
Definition at line 326 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 142 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
protected |
virtual |
Adds a model reactor to process notifications.
pReactor | [in] Pointer to a model reactor. |
Implements OdGsModel.
Adds the specified Node object to this BaseModel object.
pNode | [in] Pointer to the Node to be added. |
protected |
virtual |
virtual |
Returns the background.
Implements OdGsModel.
inline |
Definition at line 162 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protectedvirtual |
Removes the associations between the specified Node object and this BaseModel object.
pNode | [in] Pointer to the Node object. |
virtual |
Removes all Node objects from this BaseModel object.
void OdGsBaseModel::detachAllFromDb | ( | const OdDbBaseDatabase * | pDb | ) |
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 166 of file GsBaseModel.h.
OdGsCache * OdGsBaseModel::drawableGsNode | ( | const OdGiDrawable * | pDrawable | ) |
Gets OdGsCache object from specified Drawable object.
pDrawable | [in] Drawable object pointer. |
protected |
virtual |
virtual |
inline |
Sets the visual style for the objects on the clipped side of the sectioning.
visualStyleId | [in] Visual style object ID. |
Definition at line 687 of file GsBaseModel.h.
inline |
Definition at line 179 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Checks whether view properties are valid for the specified viewport.
layerId | [in] Pointer to the persistent layer identifier. |
pView | [in] Pointer to the view for . |
virtual |
Returns the OdGsNode object associated with the specified Drawable.
pDrawable | [in] Pointer to the Drawable object. |
inline |
Checks whether this model has changed layers.
Definition at line 592 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Hides the specified entity in this Model object.
path | [in] Path to the entity for hide. |
bDoIt | [in] Flag that indicates whether hiding is enabled (true value) or disabled (false value). |
bSelectHidden | [in] Flag that indicates whether hidden object is selectable or not. |
pView | [in] Pointer to the view where the specified entity should be hidden. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Hides the specified subentities of entity in this Model object..
path | [in] Path to the entity for hide. |
pMarkers | [in] Array of subentity markers. |
nMarkers | [in] Count of subentity markers. |
bDoIt | [in] Flag that indicates whether hiding is enabled (true value) or disabled (false value). |
bSelectHidden | [in] Flag that indicates whether hidden object is selectable or not. |
pView | [in] Pointer to the view where the specified entity should be hidden. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Hides the specified subentities of entity in this Model object..
path | [in] Path to the entity for hide. |
pMarkers | [in] Array of subentity markers. |
nMarkers | [in] Count of subentity markers. |
bDoIt | [in] Flag that indicates whether hiding is enabled (true value) or disabled (false value). |
bSelectHidden | [in] Flag that indicates whether hidden object is selectable or not. |
pView | [in] Pointer to the view where the specified entity should be hidden. |
virtual |
Highlights or unhighlights the passed path.
path | [in] A path to subitems that should be highlighted. |
bDoIt | [in] A flag value that determines whether highlighting is enabled (if true) or disabled (if false). This flag can switch the highlighting on or off. |
nStyle | [in] Selection style index. |
pView | [in] Pointer to the view in which to highlight or unhighlight the path. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Highlights or unhighlights the passed path.
path | [in] A path to subitems that should be highlighted. |
pMarkers | [in] Pointer to an array of markers. |
nMarkers | [in] Number of markers in the array. |
bDoIt | [in] A flag value that determines whether highlighting is enabled (if true) or disabled (if false). This flag can switch the highlighting on or off. |
nStyle | [in] Selection style index. |
pView | [in] Pointer to the view in which to highlight or unhighlight the path. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
inline |
Definition at line 197 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Invalidates the specified cached data contained in this Model object.
hint | [in] Invalidation hint. |
Value kInvalidateIsolines 0 kInvalidateViewportCache 1 kInvalidateAll 2 kInvalidateMaterials 3 kInvalidateLinetypes 4
Implements OdGsModel.
void OdGsBaseModel::invalidate | ( | OdGsViewImpl & | view, |
OdUInt32 | mask | ||
) |
view | [in] BaseVectorizeView object for which data are to be invalidated. |
mask | [in] Mask. |
virtual |
virtual |
void OdGsBaseModel::invalidateRegenDrawBlocks | ( | OdGsViewImpl & | view, |
const OdDbStub * | layoutId | ||
) |
void OdGsBaseModel::invalidateSectionableBlocks | ( | ) |
virtual |
Invalidates cached data that visible on the device.
pView | [in] Pointer to the OdGsDevice object for which data is to be invalidated. |
Implements OdGsModel.
inline |
For internal needs. Do not use!
Definition at line 190 of file GsBaseModel.h.
inline |
Checks whether this object stores an identity matrix (default matrix) for transformations.
Definition at line 866 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Checks whether lights are enabled inside blocks.
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
virtual |
Checks whether sectioning is enabled for this model.
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Checks whether this model is selectable (provides an ability to select entities inside this Model object).
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Checks whether extents calculation for entities inside this Model object is enabled.
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Checks whether view properties are valid for the specified viewport.
viewport | [in] Viewport. |
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
inline |
Retrieves material cache.
Definition at line 514 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
inline |
Returns the size of the ViewProperties array for this BaseModel object.
Definition at line 838 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Notification function called whenever a drawable object is added to this Model object.
pAdded | [in] Pointer to the added Drawable object. |
parentID | [in] Object ID of the parent of the added Drawable object. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Notification function called whenever a drawable object is added to this Model object.
pAdded | [in] Pointer to the added Drawable object. |
pParent | [in] Pointer to the parent of the added Drawable object. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
virtual |
Notification function called whenever a drawable object is erased from this Model object.
pErased | [in] Pointer to the erased Drawable object. |
parentID | [in] Object ID of the parent of the erased Drawable object. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Notification function called whenever a drawable object is erased from this Model object.
pErased | [in] Pointer to the erased Drawable object. |
pParent | [in] Pointer to the parent of the erased Drawable object. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
virtual |
Notification function called whenever a drawable object is modified in this Model object.
pModified | [in] Pointer to the modified Drawable object. |
parentID | [in] Object ID of the parent of the modified Drawable object. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Notification function called whenever a drawable object is modified in this Model object.
pModified | [in] Pointer to the modified Drawable object. |
pParent | [in] Pointer to the parent of the modified Drawable object. |
Implements OdGsModel.
protected |
virtual |
Function to call directly whenever a drawable object's graphics has been modified but not the drawable itself
pModified | [in] Pointer to the Drawable object with modified graphics |
parentID | [in] Object ID of the parent of the modified Drawable object. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
protected |
protected |
protectedvirtual |
protected |
virtual |
Notification function called whenever a drawable object is unerased in this Model object.
pUnerased | [in] Pointer to the unerased Drawable object. |
parentID | [in] Object ID of the parent of the unerased Drawable object. |
Reimplemented from OdGsModel.
virtual |
Notification function called whenever a drawable object is unerased in this Model object.
pUnerased | [in] Pointer to the unerased Drawable object. |
pParent | [in] Pointer to the parent of the unerased Drawable object. |
Reimplemented from OdGsModel.
inline |
Opens the specified object.
objectID | [in] Object ID of the Drawable object to be opened. |
Definition at line 825 of file GsBaseModel.h.
OdGiOpenDrawableFn OdGsBaseModel::openDrawableFn | ( | ) | const |
bool OdGsBaseModel::postprocessModelLoading | ( | OdGsFiler * | pFiler | ) |
virtual |
Notifies layer changes to the specified device.
device | [in] Vectorization device. |
OdGsBaseVectorizeDevice * OdGsBaseModel::refDevice | ( | ) | const |
inline |
Definition at line 182 of file GsBaseModel.h.
inline |
Definition at line 854 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
virtual |
protected |
inlinevirtual |
Returns the render mode override.
Implements OdGsModel.
Definition at line 808 of file GsBaseModel.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the render type.
Implements OdGsModel.
Definition at line 861 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
inline |
Definition at line 165 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
virtual |
virtual |
Sets the background.
backgroundId | [in] Persistent identifier of a background. |
Implements OdGsModel.
inline |
Definition at line 163 of file GsBaseModel.h.
inline |
Definition at line 167 of file GsBaseModel.h.
void OdGsBaseModel::setDrawableGsNode | ( | OdGiDrawable * | pDrawable, |
OdGsCache * | pNode | ||
) |
virtual |
Enables or disables lights in blocks.
bEnable | [in] Flag that specifies whether to enable lights inside blocks. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
virtual |
Specifies whether sectioning should be enabled for this model.
bEnable | [in] Enables or disables sectioning. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Enables or disables extents calculation for entities inside this Model object.
bEnable | [in] Extents calculation for entities inside this model. |
Implements OdGsModel.
inlineprotected |
For internal needs. Do not use!
Definition at line 229 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Specifies the function called for drawable object open by this Model object.
openDrawableFn | [in] Function to be called. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Sets the render mode override.
mode | [in] Render mode override. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Sets the render type.
renderType | [in] Render mode. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Sets active sectioning for this model. After specifying the sectioning, it should be enabled by the setEnableSectioning() method.
points | [in] Array of co-planar points specifying a sectioning region. |
upVector | [in] Vector that specifies the orientation of the plane that contains points. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Sets active sectioning for this model. The sectioning is capped vertically using the specified top and bottom heights. After specifying the sectioning, it should be enabled by the setEnableSectioning() method.
points | [in] Array of co-planar points specifying a sectioning region. |
upVector | [in] Vector that specifies the orientation of the plane that contains points. |
dTop | [in] Specifies the top capping height of the sectioning. |
dBottom | [in] Specifies the bottom capping height of the sectioning. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Sets the visual style for the objects on the clipped side of the sectioning.
visualStyleId | [in] Visual style object ID. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Enables or disables selectability of this model (ability to select entities inside this Model object).
bEnable | [in] Flag that specifies whether to enable selectability of this model. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
inline |
Definition at line 164 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Specifies whether this model's geometry should ignore the view's front and back clipping planes (if any) and viewport 3d clipping (if set). If the method's input value is false, the view's clipping planes and viewport 3d clipping are allowed by this Model object.
bEnable | [in] Flag that specifies whether the model ignores the view's clipping planes and viewport 3d clipping. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Specifies whether this model's geometry should ignore the view's front and back clipping planes (if any) and viewport 3d clipping (if set). If the method's input value is false, the view's clipping planes and viewport 3d clipping are allowed by this Model object.
bEnable | [in] Flag that specifies whether to enable view sectioning override in this Model object. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Sets the visual style.
visualStyle | [in] Visual style to set. |
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Sets the visual style.
visualStyleId | [in] Persistent identifier of a background. |
Implements OdGsModel.
inlineprotected |
Definition at line 236 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Returns transformation matrix.
Implements OdGsModel.
OdGeExtents3d & OdGsBaseModel::transformExtents | ( | OdGeExtents3d & | pExts | ) | const |
Transforms extents of the passed object by the transformation matrix of this object and returns the transformed extents.
pExts | [in/out] Pointer to the extents to transform. |
bool OdGsBaseModel::trySetDisableInvalidate | ( | bool | bOn | ) |
virtual |
Updates the ViewProps structure for the specified Viewport.
viewport | [in] Viewport. |
const OdGsViewImpl * OdGsBaseModel::viewById | ( | OdUInt32 | viewportId | ) | const |
Returns view pointer by specified Viewport ID.
viewportId | [in] Viewport ID. |
Returns the view properties that have changed for the specified Viewport
viewportId | [in] Viewport ID. |
Definition at line 849 of file GsBaseModel.h.
inlinevirtual |
Checks whether view clipping override is enabled for this Model object.
Implements OdGsModel.
Definition at line 813 of file GsBaseModel.h.
Returns a reference to the the ViewProp structure for the specified Viewport.
viewportId | [in] Viewport ID. |
Definition at line 843 of file GsBaseModel.h.
inlinevirtual |
Checks the current state of view sectioning override.
Implements OdGsModel.
Definition at line 820 of file GsBaseModel.h.
virtual |
Returns the visual style.
Implements OdGsModel.
virtual |
Returns the visual style.
visualStyleId | [out] Receives visual style. |
Implements OdGsModel.
inline |
Definition at line 871 of file GsBaseModel.h.
friend |
Definition at line 98 of file GsBaseModel.h.
friend |
friend |
Definition at line 108 of file GsBaseModel.h.
friend |
Definition at line 107 of file GsBaseModel.h.
friend |
Definition at line 105 of file GsBaseModel.h.
friend |
Definition at line 106 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 103 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 269 of file GsBaseModel.h.
mutableprotected |
Definition at line 160 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 261 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 250 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 268 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 251 of file GsBaseModel.h.
OdArray<ModuleRef, OdMemoryAllocator<ModuleRef> > OdGsBaseModel::m_modules |
Definition at line 178 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 245 of file GsBaseModel.h.
OdRefCounter OdGsBaseModel::m_nMfCached |
Definition at line 138 of file GsBaseModel.h.
OdRefCounter OdGsBaseModel::m_nMfReused |
Definition at line 139 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 102 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 246 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 256 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 259 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 266 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 252 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 265 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 248 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 254 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 263 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 272 of file GsBaseModel.h.
Definition at line 244 of file GsBaseModel.h.
OdArray<ViewRef, OdMemoryAllocator<ViewRef> > OdGsBaseModel::m_views |
Definition at line 176 of file GsBaseModel.h.
protected |
Definition at line 249 of file GsBaseModel.h.