CFx SDK Documentation 2024 SP0
No Matches
Public Member Functions | List of all members
OdDbNurbSurface Class Reference

#include <DbNurbSurface.h>

Inheritance diagram for OdDbNurbSurface:
OdDbSurface OdDbEntity OdDbObject OdGiDrawable OdRxObject

Public Member Functions

 OdDbNurbSurface ()
OdResult get (int &iUDegree, int &iVDegree, bool &bRational, int &iUNumControlPoints, int &iVNumControlPoints, OdGePoint3dArray &ctrlPtsArr, OdGeDoubleArray &weights, OdGeKnotVector &uKnots, OdGeKnotVector &vKnots) const
OdResult set (int iUDegree, int iVDegree, bool bRational, int iUNumControlPoints, int iVNumControlPoints, const OdGePoint3dArray &ctrlPtsArr, const OdGeDoubleArray &weights, const OdGeKnotVector &uKnots, const OdGeKnotVector &vKnots)
virtual OdResult dwgInFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dwgOutFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
OdResult getControlPoints (int &iUCount, int &iVCount, OdGePoint3dArray &points) const
OdResult setControlPoints (int iUCount, int iVCount, const OdGePoint3dArray &points)
OdResult getControlPointAt (int iUIndex, int iVIndex, OdGePoint3d &point) const
OdResult setControlPointAt (int iUIndex, int iVIndex, const OdGePoint3d &point)
OdResult getNumberOfControlPointsInU (int &iCount) const
OdResult getNumberOfControlPointsInV (int &iCount) const
OdResult getUKnots (OdGeKnotVector &knots) const
OdResult getVKnots (OdGeKnotVector &knots) const
OdResult getNumberOfKnotsInU (int &iCount) const
OdResult getNumberOfKnotsInV (int &iCount) const
OdResult getWeight (int iUIndex, int iVIndex, double &weight) const
OdResult setWeight (int iUIndex, int iVIndex, double weight)
OdResult evaluate (double dU, double dV, OdGePoint3d &pos) const
OdResult evaluate (double dU, double dV, OdGePoint3d &pos, OdGeVector3d &uDeriv, OdGeVector3d &vDeriv) const
OdResult evaluate (double dU, double dV, OdGePoint3d &pos, OdGeVector3d &uDeriv, OdGeVector3d &vDeriv, OdGeVector3d &uuDeriv, OdGeVector3d &uvDeriv, OdGeVector3d &vvDeriv) const
OdResult evaluate (double dU, double dV, int iDerivDegree, OdGePoint3d &point, OdGeVector3dArray &derivatives) const
OdResult getDegreeInU (int &iDegree) const
OdResult getDegreeInV (int &iDegree) const
OdResult isClosedInU (bool &bIsClosed) const
OdResult isClosedInV (bool &bIsClosed) const
OdResult isPeriodicInU (bool &bIsPeriodic) const
OdResult isPeriodicInV (bool &bIsPeriodic) const
OdResult getPeriodInU (double &dPeriod) const
OdResult getPeriodInV (double &dPeriod) const
OdResult isRational (bool &bIsRational) const
OdResult isPlanar (bool &bIsPlanar, OdGePoint3d &ptOnSurface, OdGeVector3d &normal) const
OdResult isPointOnSurface (const OdGePoint3d &point, bool &bOnSurface) const
OdResult getNormal (double dU, double dV, OdGeVector3d &normal) const
OdResult getNumberOfSpansInU (int &span) const
OdResult getNumberOfSpansInV (int &span) const
OdResult getIsolineAtU (double dU, OdDbCurvePtrArray &lineSegments) const
OdResult getIsolineAtV (double dV, OdDbCurvePtrArray &lineSegments) const
OdResult InsertKnotAtU (double dU)
OdResult InsertKnotAtV (double dV)
OdResult InsertControlPointsAtU (double dU, const OdGePoint3dArray &vCtrlPts, const OdGeDoubleArray &vWeights)
OdResult InsertControlPointsAtV (double dV, const OdGePoint3dArray &uCtrlPts, const OdGeDoubleArray &uWeights)
OdResult RemoveControlPointsAtU (int iUDegree)
OdResult RemoveControlPointsAtV (int iVDegree)
OdResult rebuild (int iUDegree, int iVDegree, int iNumUCtrlPts, int iNumVCtrlPts, bool bRestore=false)
OdResult modifyPositionAndTangent (double dU, double dV, const OdGePoint3d &point, const OdGeVector3d *uDeriv=NULL, const OdGeVector3d *vDeriv=NULL)
OdResult getParameterOfPoint (const OdGePoint3d &point, double &dU, double &dV) const
OdResult convertFrom (OdDbSurface *pSource, OdDb::DwgVersion version, bool transferId=true)
virtual bool isPlanar () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbSurface
 OdDbSurface ()
virtual OdUInt16 uIsolineDensity () const
virtual void setUIsolineDensity (OdUInt16 numIsolines)
virtual OdUInt16 vIsolineDensity () const
virtual void setVIsolineDensity (OdUInt16 numIsolines)
virtual OdResult convertToRegion (OdDbEntityPtrArray &regions)
virtual OdResult thicken (double thickness, bool bBothSides, OdDb3dSolidPtr &pSolid) const
virtual OdResult getArea (double &area) const
bool isNull () const
OdResult acisOut (OdStreamBuf *pStreamBuf, AfTypeVer typeVer=kAfTypeVerAny) const
OdResult acisIn (OdStreamBuf *pStreamBuf, AfTypeVer *pTypeVer=0)
void brep (OdBrBrep &brep)
bool getFaceMesh (GeMesh::OdGeTrMesh &mesh, OdGsMarker iFace, const wrTriangulationParams &triangulationParams) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr decomposeForSave (OdDb::DwgVersion ver, OdDbObjectId &replaceId, bool &exchangeXData)
virtual OdResult subExplode (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const
virtual OdResult subTransformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
virtual void saveAs (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd, OdDb::DwgVersion ver) const
virtual OdResult setBody (const void *pGeometry)
virtual voidbody () const
virtual OdResult dwgInFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dwgOutFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const
virtual void subViewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const
virtual OdResult subGetClassID (void *pClsid) const
virtual OdDbSubentId internalSubentId (void *ent) const
virtual voidinternalSubentPtr (const OdDbSubentId &id) const
virtual OdDbEntityPtr subSubentPtr (const OdDbFullSubentPath &id) const
virtual OdResult createInterferenceObjects (OdDbEntityPtrArray &interferenceObjects, OdDbEntityPtr pEntity, unsigned int flags) const
virtual OdResult booleanUnion (const OdDbSurface *pSurface, OdDbSurfacePtr &pNewSurface)
virtual OdResult booleanSubtract (const OdDbSurface *pSurface, OdDbSurfacePtr &pNewSurface)
virtual OdResult booleanSubtract (const OdDb3dSolid *pSolid, OdDbSurfacePtr &pNewSurface)
virtual OdResult booleanIntersect (const OdDbSurface *pSurface, OdDbEntityPtrArray &intersectionEntities)
virtual OdResult booleanIntersect (const OdDb3dSolid *pSolid, OdDbEntityPtrArray &intersectionEntities)
virtual OdResult imprintEntity (const OdDbEntityPtr pEntity)
virtual OdResult createSectionObjects (const OdGePlane &sectionPlane, OdDbEntityPtrArray &sectionObjects) const
virtual OdResult sliceByPlane (const OdGePlane &slicePlane, OdDbSurfacePtr &pNegHalfSurface, OdDbSurfacePtr &pNewSurface)
virtual OdResult sliceBySurface (const OdDbSurfacePtr pSlicingSurface, OdDbSurfacePtr &pNegHalfSurface, OdDbSurfacePtr &pNewSurface)
virtual OdResult chamferEdges (const OdArray< OdDbSubentId * > &edgeSubentIds, const OdDbSubentId &baseFaceSubentId, double baseDist, double otherDist)
virtual OdResult filletEdges (const OdArray< OdDbSubentId * > &edgeSubentIds, const OdGeDoubleArray &radius, const OdGeDoubleArray &startSetback, const OdGeDoubleArray &endSetback)
virtual OdResult setSubentColor (const OdDbSubentId &subentId, const OdCmColor &color)
virtual OdResult getSubentColor (const OdDbSubentId &subentId, OdCmColor &color) const
virtual OdResult setSubentMaterial (const OdDbSubentId &subentId, const OdDbObjectId &matId)
virtual OdResult getSubentMaterial (const OdDbSubentId &subentId, OdDbObjectId &matId) const
virtual OdResult setSubentMaterialMapper (const OdDbSubentId &subentId, const OdGiMapper &mapper)
virtual OdResult getSubentMaterialMapper (const OdDbSubentId &subentId, OdGiMapper &mapper) const
virtual OdResult subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &subPath, OdGsMarkerArray &gsMarkers) const
virtual OdResult subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker (OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &viewXform, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray *pEntAndInsertStack=0) const
virtual OdResult subGetTransformedCopy (const OdGeMatrix3d &mat, OdDbEntityPtr &pCopy) const
virtual OdResult convertToNurbSurface (OdDbNurbSurfacePtrArray &nurbSurfaceArray)
virtual OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const
OdResult projectOnToSurface (const OdDbEntity *pEntityToProject, const OdGeVector3d &projectionDirection, OdDbEntityPtrArray &projectedEntities) const
OdResult getPerimeter (double &) const
OdResult rayTest (const OdGePoint3d &rayBasePoint, const OdGeVector3d &rayDir, double rayRadius, OdArray< OdDbSubentId > &subEntIds, OdGeDoubleArray &parameters) const
OdResult extendEdges (OdDbFullSubentPathArray &edgesId, double dExtDist, EdgeExtensionType extOption, bool bAssociativeEnabled)
virtual OdResult subGetGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
virtual void subHandOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject)
virtual void subClose ()
virtual OdUInt32 numChanges () const
virtual void copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource) ODRX_OVERRIDE
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbEntity
 OdDbEntity ()
OdDbObjectId blockId () const
OdCmColor color () const
virtual OdResult setColor (const OdCmColor &color, bool doSubents=true)
OdUInt16 colorIndex () const
virtual OdCmEntityColor entityColor () const
virtual OdResult setColorIndex (OdUInt16 colorIndex, bool doSubents=true)
OdDbObjectId colorId () const
virtual OdResult setColorId (OdDbObjectId colorId, bool doSubents=true)
OdCmTransparency transparency () const
virtual OdResult setTransparency (const OdCmTransparency &transparency, bool doSubents=true)
OdString plotStyleName () const
OdDb::PlotStyleNameType getPlotStyleNameId (OdDbObjectId &plotStyleNameId) const
virtual OdResult setPlotStyleName (const OdString &plotStyleName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setPlotStyleName (OdDb::PlotStyleNameType plotStyleNameType, OdDbObjectId plotStyleNameId=OdDbObjectId::kNull, bool doSubents=true)
OdString layer () const
OdDbObjectId layerId () const
virtual OdResult setLayer (const OdString &layerName, bool doSubents=true, bool allowHiddenLayer=false)
virtual OdResult setLayer (OdDbObjectId layerId, bool doSubents=true, bool allowHiddenLayer=false)
OdString linetype () const
OdDbObjectId linetypeId () const
virtual OdResult setLinetype (const OdString &linetypeName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setLinetype (OdDbObjectId linetypeID, bool doSubents=true)
OdString material () const
OdDbObjectId materialId () const
virtual OdResult setMaterial (const OdString &materialName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setMaterial (OdDbObjectId materialID, bool doSubents=true)
OdDbObjectId visualStyleId (VisualStyleType vstype=kFullVisualStyle) const
virtual OdResult setVisualStyle (OdDbObjectId visualStyleId, VisualStyleType vstype=kFullVisualStyle, bool doSubents=true)
virtual const OdGiMappermaterialMapper () const
virtual void setMaterialMapper (const OdGiMapper *mapper, bool doSubents=true)
double linetypeScale () const
virtual OdResult setLinetypeScale (double linetypeScale, bool doSubents=true)
OdDb::Visibility visibility () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult setVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility, bool doSubents=true) ODRX_SEALED
OdDb::Visibility tempVisibility () const
void setTempVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility)
OdDb::LineWeight lineWeight () const
virtual OdResult setLineWeight (OdDb::LineWeight lineWeight, bool doSubents=true)
virtual bool castShadows () const
virtual void setCastShadows (bool castShadows)
virtual bool receiveShadows () const
virtual void setReceiveShadows (bool receiveShadows)
virtual OdDb::CollisionType collisionType () const
void setPropertiesFrom (const OdDbEntity *pSource, bool doSubents=true)
virtual bool isPlanar () const
virtual OdResult getPlane (OdGePlane &plane, OdDb::Planarity &planarity) const
void subHandOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject)
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult transformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getTransformedCopy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbEntityPtr &pCopy) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult explode (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual OdResult explodeToBlock (OdDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockRecord, OdDbObjectIdArray *ids=0)
virtual OdResult explodeGeometry (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const
virtual OdResult explodeGeometryToBlock (OdDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockRecord, OdDbObjectIdArray *ids=0)
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const
virtual void subViewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const
void setDatabaseDefaults (OdDbDatabase *pDb=0, bool doSubents=false)
virtual void subSetDatabaseDefaults (OdDbDatabase *pDb, bool doSubents)
virtual void applyPartialUndo (OdDbDwgFiler *pUndoFiler, OdRxClass *pClassObj)
virtual OdResult dwgInFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dwgOutFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
void appendToOwner (OdDbIdPair &idPair, OdDbObject *pOwnerObject, OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap)
virtual OdResult dxfIn (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOut (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdGiDrawabledrawable ()
virtual OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const
virtual void subList () const
virtual OdResult subGetClassID (void *pClsid) const
void subSwapIdWith (const OdDbObjectId &otherId, bool swapXdata=false, bool swapExtDict=false)
virtual OdResult subErase (bool erasing) ODRX_OVERRIDE
virtual OdResult subOpen (OdDb::OpenMode mode) ODRX_OVERRIDE
void recordGraphicsModified (bool graphicsModified=true)
virtual void copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource)
virtual OdResult getGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void highlight (bool bDoIt=true, const OdDbFullSubentPath *pSubId=0, bool highlightAll=false) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints, const OdGeMatrix3d &insertionMat) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool isContentSnappable () const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &gripPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPoints (OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const int bitFlags) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAt (const OdDbVoidPtrArray &grips, const OdGeVector3d &offset, int bitFlags) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getStretchPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &stretchPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveStretchPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset) ODRX_SEALED
virtual void dragStatus (const OdDb::DragStat status)
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void gripStatus (const OdDb::GripStat status) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool hideMeForDragging () const ODRX_SEALED
virtual void saveAs (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd, OdDb::DwgVersion ver) const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getCompoundObjectTransform (OdGeMatrix3d &xM) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult intersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult intersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const ODRX_SEALED
OdResult boundingBoxIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker) const
OdResult boundingBoxIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker) const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentPathsAtGsMarker (OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray *pEntAndInsertStack=0) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGsMarkersAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &subPath, OdGsMarkerArray &gsMarkers) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPointsAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const OdUInt32 bitflags) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAtSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdDbVoidPtrArray &gripAppData, const OdGeVector3d &offset, const OdUInt32 bitflags) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult deleteSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult addSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbEntityPtr subentPtr (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult transformSubentPathsBy (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdGeMatrix3d &xform) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentClassId (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, void *clsId) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentPathGeomExtents (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdGeExtents3d &extents) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void subentGripStatus (OdDb::GripStat status, const OdDbFullSubentPath &subentity) ODRX_SEALED
virtual OdGeMatrix3d getEcs () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbObject
 ~OdDbObject ()
void addRef ()
void release ()
long numRefs () const
OdDbObjectId objectId () const
OdDbHandle getDbHandle () const
OdDbHandle handle () const
OdDbObjectId ownerId () const
virtual void setOwnerId (OdDbObjectId ownerId)
OdDbDatabasedatabase () const
void createExtensionDictionary ()
OdDbObjectId extensionDictionary () const
bool releaseExtensionDictionary ()
OdDbXrecordPtr createXrecord (const OdString &xrecordName, OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning style=OdDb::kDrcIgnore)
void upgradeOpen ()
void downgradeOpen ()
void cancel ()
virtual OdResult subOpen (OdDb::OpenMode mode)
virtual void subClose ()
OdResult erase (bool eraseIt=true)
virtual OdResult subErase (bool erasing)
void handOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject, bool keepXData=true, bool keepExtDict=true)
virtual void subHandOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject)
void swapIdWith (OdDbObjectId otherId, bool swapXdata=false, bool swapExtDict=false)
virtual void subSwapIdWith (const OdDbObjectId &otherId, bool swapXdata=false, bool swapExtDict=false)
virtual void audit (OdDbAuditInfo *pAuditInfo)
void dwgIn (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
void dwgOut (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfIn (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOut (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dwgInFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dwgOutFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning mergeStyle () const
virtual OdResBufPtr xData (const OdString &regappName=OdString::kEmpty) const
virtual void setXData (const OdResBuf *pRb)
bool isEraseStatusToggled () const
bool isErased () const
bool isReadEnabled () const
bool isWriteEnabled () const
bool isNotifyEnabled () const
bool isModified () const
bool isModifiedXData () const
bool isModifiedGraphics () const
bool isNewObject () const
bool isNotifying () const
bool isUndoing () const
bool isReallyClosing () const
bool isDBRO () const
void assertReadEnabled () const
void assertWriteEnabled (bool autoUndo=true, bool recordModified=true)
void assertNotifyEnabled () const
void disableUndoRecording (bool disable)
bool isUndoRecordingDisabled () const
OdDbDwgFilerundoFiler ()
virtual void applyPartialUndo (OdDbDwgFiler *pUndoFiler, OdRxClass *pClassObj)
void addReactor (OdDbObjectReactor *pReactor) const
void removeReactor (OdDbObjectReactor *pReactor) const
virtual void addPersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId)
virtual void removePersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId)
bool hasPersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId) const
OdDbObjectIdArray getPersistentReactors () const
OdDbObjectReactorArray getTransientReactors () const
virtual void recvPropagateModify (const OdDbObject *pSubObj)
virtual void xmitPropagateModify () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbObjectPtr deepClone (OdDbIdMapping &idMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary=true) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbObjectPtr wblockClone (OdDbIdMapping &idMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary=true) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual void appendToOwner (OdDbIdPair &idPair, OdDbObject *pOwnerObject, OdDbIdMapping &idMap)
void setOdDbObjectIdsInFlux ()
bool isOdDbObjectIdsInFlux () const
virtual void copied (const OdDbObject *pObject, const OdDbObject *pNewObject)
virtual void erased (const OdDbObject *pObject, bool erasing=true)
virtual void goodbye (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void openedForModify (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void modified (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void subObjModified (const OdDbObject *pObject, const OdDbObject *pSubObj)
virtual void modifyUndone (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void modifiedXData (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void unappended (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void reappended (const OdDbObject *pObject)
bool isAProxy () const
virtual void objectClosed (const OdDbObjectId &objectId)
virtual void modifiedGraphics (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource)
bool hasSaveVersionOverride () const
void setHasSaveVersionOverride (bool hasSaveVersionOverride)
virtual OdDb::DwgVersion getObjectSaveVersion (const OdDbFiler *pFiler, OdDb::MaintReleaseVer *pMaintVer=0) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr decomposeForSave (OdDb::DwgVersion ver, OdDbObjectId &replaceId, bool &exchangeXData)
virtual OdDbObjectPtr decomposeForSave (OdDb::SaveType format, OdDb::DwgVersion ver, OdDbObjectId &replaceId, bool &exchangeXData)
void convertForSave (OdDb::DwgVersion ver)
virtual void composeForLoad (OdDb::SaveType format, OdDb::DwgVersion version, OdDbAuditInfo *pAuditInfo)
virtual OdGiDrawabledrawable ()
virtual OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const
virtual void subViewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const
virtual bool isPersistent () const
virtual OdDbStub * id () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getClassID (void *pClsid) const ODRX_SEALED
void setGsNode (OdGsCache *pNode)
OdGsCachegsNode () const
void xDataTransformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
bool hasFields () const
OdDbObjectId getField (const OdString &fieldName) const
OdDbObjectPtr getField (const OdString &fieldName, OdDb::OpenMode mode) const
virtual OdDbObjectId setField (const OdString &fieldName, OdDbField *pField)
virtual OdResult removeField (OdDbObjectId fieldId)
virtual OdDbObjectId removeField (const OdString &fieldName)
OdDbObjectId getFieldDictionary () const
OdDbObjectPtr getFieldDictionary (OdDb::OpenMode mode) const
virtual OdRxClasssaveAsClass (OdRxClass *pClass) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdGiDrawable
virtual DrawableType drawableType () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 setAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool worldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void viewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual bool isPersistent () const =0
virtual OdDbStub * id () const =0
virtual void setGsNode (OdGsCache *pGsNode)=0
virtual OdGsCachegsNode () const =0
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 viewportDrawLogicalFlags (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual OdResult getGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 regenSupportFlags () const ODRX_SEALED
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdRxObject
 OdRxObject ()
virtual ~OdRxObject ()
virtual OdRxObjectqueryX (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxObjectx (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxClassisA () const
virtual void addRef ()=0
virtual void release ()=0
virtual long numRefs () const
bool isKindOf (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxObjectPtr clone () const
virtual void copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource)
virtual OdRx::Ordering comparedTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const
virtual bool isEqualTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from OdDbEntity
enum  VisualStyleType { kFullVisualStyle , kFaceVisualStyle , kEdgeVisualStyle }
- Public Types inherited from OdGiDrawable
enum  SetAttributesFlags {
  kDrawableNone = 0 , kDrawableIsAnEntity = 1 , kDrawableUsesNesting = 2 , kDrawableIsCompoundObject = 4 ,
  kDrawableViewIndependentViewportDraw = 8 , kDrawableIsInvisible = 16 , kDrawableHasAttributes = 32 , kDrawableRegenTypeDependantGeometry = 64 ,
  kDrawableIsDimension = (kDrawableIsAnEntity + kDrawableIsCompoundObject + 128) , kDrawableRegenDraw = 256 , kDrawableStandardDisplaySingleLOD = 512 , kDrawableShadedDisplaySingleLOD = 1024 ,
  kDrawableViewDependentViewportDraw = 2048 , kDrawableBlockDependentViewportDraw = 4096 , kDrawableIsExternalReference = 8192 , kDrawableNotPlottable = 16384 ,
  kDrawableNotAllowLCS = 32768 , kDrawableMergeControlOff = 65536 , kLastFlag = kDrawableMergeControlOff
enum  DrawableType {
  kGeometry = 0 , kDistantLight = 1 , kPointLight = 2 , kSpotLight = 3 ,
  kAmbientLight , kSolidBackground , kGradientBackground , kImageBackground ,
  kGroundPlaneBackground , kViewport , kWebLight , kSkyBackground ,
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbSurface
static OdResult createFrom (const OdDbEntity *pFromEntity, OdDbSurfacePtr &pNewSurface)
static OdResult trimSurface (const OdDbObjectId &blankSurfaceId, const OdDbObjectIdArray &toolIds, const OdDbObjectIdArray &toolCurveIds, const OdGeVector3dArray &projVectors, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeVector3d &viewVector, bool bAutoExtend, bool bAssociativeEnabled)
static OdResult createOffsetSurface (OdDbEntity *pInputSurface, double dOffsetDistance, OdDbEntityPtr &offsetSurface)
static OdResult createOffsetSurface (OdDbEntity *pInputSurface, double dOffsetDistance, bool bAssociativeEnabled, OdDbObjectId &offsetSurfaceId)
static OdResult createFilletSurface (const OdDbObjectId &surfId1, const OdGePoint3d &pickPt1, const OdDbObjectId &surfId2, const OdGePoint3d &pickPt2, double dRadius, OdDb::FilletTrimMode trimMode, const OdGeVector3d &projDir, OdDbSurface *&filletSurface)
static OdResult createFilletSurface (const OdDbObjectId &surfId1, const OdGePoint3d &pickPt1, const OdDbObjectId &surfId2, const OdGePoint3d &pickPt2, double dRadius, OdDb::FilletTrimMode trimMode, const OdGeVector3d &projDir, bool bAssociativeEnabled, OdDbObjectId &filletSurfaceId)
static OdResult createExtendSurface (OdDbObjectId sourceSurface, const OdArray< OdDbSubentId > &edgesId, double dExtDist, EdgeExtensionType extOption, bool bAssociativeEnabled, OdDbObjectId &newExtendSurfaceId)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OdRxObject
static OdRxObjectPtr cast (const OdRxObject *pointer)
static OdRxClassdesc ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdDbEntity
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subWblockClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *, bool bPrimary) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subDeepClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *, bool bPrimary) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
virtual OdResult subTransformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
virtual OdResult subGetTransformedCopy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbEntityPtr &pCopy) const
virtual OdResult subExplode (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const
virtual OdResult subGetCompoundObjectTransform (OdGeMatrix3d &xM) const
virtual bool subCloneMeForDragging ()
virtual bool subHideMeForDragging () const
virtual void subGripStatus (const OdDb::GripStat status)
virtual OdResult subGetOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints) const
virtual OdResult subGetOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints, const OdGeMatrix3d &insertionMat) const
virtual bool subIsContentSnappable () const
virtual OdResult subGetGripPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &gripPoints) const
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset)
virtual OdResult subGetGripPoints (OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const int bitFlags) const
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAt (const OdDbVoidPtrArray &grips, const OdGeVector3d &offset, int bitFlags)
virtual OdResult subGetStretchPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &stretchPoints) const
virtual OdResult subMoveStretchPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset)
virtual OdResult subIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const
virtual OdResult subIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const
virtual void subHighlight (bool bDoIt=true, const OdDbFullSubentPath *pSubId=0, bool highlightAll=false) const
virtual OdDb::Visibility subVisibility () const
virtual OdResult subSetVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult subGetGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
virtual OdResult subDeleteSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths)
virtual OdResult subAddSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths)
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAtSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdDbVoidPtrArray &gripAppData, const OdGeVector3d &offset, const OdUInt32 bitflags)
virtual OdResult subGetGripPointsAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const OdUInt32 bitflags) const
virtual OdResult subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker (OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray *pEntAndInsertStack=0) const
virtual OdResult subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &subPath, OdGsMarkerArray &gsMarkers) const
virtual OdDbEntityPtr subSubentPtr (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path) const
virtual OdResult subTransformSubentPathsBy (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdGeMatrix3d &xform)
virtual OdResult subGetSubentClassId (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, void *clsId) const
virtual OdResult subGetSubentPathGeomExtents (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
virtual void subSubentGripStatus (OdDb::GripStat status, const OdDbFullSubentPath &subentity)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdDbObject
 OdDbObject ()
virtual OdResult subGetClassID (void *pClsid) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subDeepClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subWblockClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdGiDrawable
 OdGiDrawable ()
virtual OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *traits) const =0
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *wd) const =0
virtual void subViewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *vd) const =0
virtual OdUInt32 subViewportDrawLogicalFlags (OdGiViewportDraw *vd) const
virtual OdUInt32 subRegenSupportFlags () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from OdDbObject

Detailed Description

This class implements a three-dimensional NURB surface entity.

<group OdDb_Classes>

Definition at line 46 of file DbNurbSurface.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OdDbNurbSurface()

OdDbNurbSurface::OdDbNurbSurface ( )

Creates an OdDbNurbSurface object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ convertFrom()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::convertFrom ( OdDbSurface pSource,
OdDb::DwgVersion  version,
bool  transferId = true 

Creates a surface from a specified surface with conversion.

pSource[in] A pointer to the source surface.
version[in] .dwg file version of the source surface.
transferId[in] Indicates whether the Id of the source surface is transferred to the surface.
Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code in the other case.

◆ dwgInFields()

virtual OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::dwgInFields ( OdDbDwgFiler pFiler)

Reads the .dwg file data of this object.

pFiler[in] Filer object from which data are read.
Filer status.
This function is called by dwgIn() to allow the object to read its data.

When overriding this function:

  1. Call assertWriteEnabled().
  2. Call the parent class's dwgInFields(pFiler).
  3. If it returns eOK, continue; otherwise return whatever the parent's dwgInFields(pFiler) returned.
  4. Call the OdDbDwgFiler(pFiler) methods to read each of the object's data items in the order they were written.
  5. Return pFiler->filerStatus().

Reimplemented from OdDbSurface.

◆ dwgOutFields()

virtual void OdDbNurbSurface::dwgOutFields ( OdDbDwgFiler pFiler) const

Writes the .dwg file data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer to which data are written.
This function is called by dwgIn() to allow the object to write its data.

When overriding this function:

  1. Call assertReadEnabled().
  2. Call the parent class's dwgOutFields(pFiler).
  3. Call the OdDbDwgFiler(pFiler) methods to write each of the object's data items in the order they were written.

Reimplemented from OdDbSurface.

◆ dxfInFields()

virtual OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::dxfInFields ( OdDbDxfFiler pFiler)

Reads the DXF data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer from which data are read.
Filer status.
This function is called by dxfIn() to allow the object to read its data.

When overriding this function:

  1. Call assertWriteEnabled().
  2. Call the parent class's dwgInFields(pFiler).
  3. If it returns eOK, continue; otherwise return whatever the parent's dxfInFields(pFiler) returned.
  4. Call the OdDbDxfFiler(pFiler) methods to read each of the object's data items in the order they were written.
  5. Return pFiler->filerStatus().

Reimplemented from OdDbSurface.

◆ dxfOutFields()

virtual void OdDbNurbSurface::dxfOutFields ( OdDbDxfFiler pFiler) const

Writes the DXF data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer to which data are to be written.
This function is called by dxfOut() to allow the object to write its data.

When overriding this function:

  1. Call assertReadEnabled().
  2. Call the parent class's dxfOutFields(pFiler).
  3. Use pFiler to call the OdDbDxfFiler methods to write each of the object's data items in the order they were written.

Reimplemented from OdDbSurface.

◆ evaluate() [1/4]

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::evaluate ( double  dU,
double  dV,
int  iDerivDegree,
OdGePoint3d point,
OdGeVector3dArray derivatives 
) const

Evaluates the position and an arbitrary number of derivatives of the surface at the specified parameter value (u, v).

dU[in] u direction parameter.
dV[in] v direction parameter.
iDerivDegree[in] The degree of derivatives to evaluate.
point[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the evaluated position on the surface.
derivatives[out] A passed-in parameter for returning derivatives array of vectors, in the order of uDeriv, vDeriv, uuDeriv, uvDeriv, vvDeriv.
Returns eOk if evaluation is successfully done. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the u or v value is out of range, returns eOutOfRange.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ evaluate() [2/4]

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::evaluate ( double  dU,
double  dV,
OdGePoint3d pos 
) const

Evaluates the position on the NURBS surface at the specified parameter value (u, v).

dU[in] u direction parameter.
dV[in] v direction parameter.
pos[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the evaluated position on the surface.
Returns eOk if evaluation is successfully done. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the u or v value is out of range, returns eOutOfRange.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ evaluate() [3/4]

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::evaluate ( double  dU,
double  dV,
OdGePoint3d pos,
OdGeVector3d uDeriv,
OdGeVector3d vDeriv 
) const

Evaluates the position and first derivatives on the NURBS surface at the specified parameter value (u, v).

dU[in] u direction parameter.
dV[in] v direction parameter.
pos[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the evaluated position on the surface.
uDeriv[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the first derivative with respect to u.
vDeriv[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the first derivative with respect to v.
Returns eOk if evaluation is successfully done. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the u or v value is out of range, returns eOutOfRange.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ evaluate() [4/4]

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::evaluate ( double  dU,
double  dV,
OdGePoint3d pos,
OdGeVector3d uDeriv,
OdGeVector3d vDeriv,
OdGeVector3d uuDeriv,
OdGeVector3d uvDeriv,
OdGeVector3d vvDeriv 
) const

Evaluates the position and first and second derivatives on the NURBS surface at the specified parameter value (u, v).

dU[in] u direction parameter.
dV[in] v direction parameter.
pos[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the evaluated position on the surface.
uDeriv[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the first derivative with respect to u.
vDeriv[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the first derivative with respect to v.
uuDeriv[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the second derivative with respect to u twice.
uvDeriv[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the second derivative with respect to u and v.
vvDeriv[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the second derivative with respect to v twice.
Returns eOk if evaluation is successfully done. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the u or v value is out of range, returns eOutOfRange.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ get()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::get ( int &  iUDegree,
int &  iVDegree,
bool &  bRational,
int &  iUNumControlPoints,
int &  iVNumControlPoints,
OdGePoint3dArray ctrlPtsArr,
OdGeDoubleArray weights,
OdGeKnotVector uKnots,
OdGeKnotVector vKnots 
) const

Gets all NURB data.

iUDegree[out] Degree in the u direction.
iVDegree[out] Degree in the v direction.
bRational[out] Determines whether the surface is rational.
iUNumControlPoints[out] The quantity of control points in the u direction.
iVNumControlPoints[out] The quantity of control points in the v direction.
ctrlPtsArr[out] An array of control points (in WCS coordinates).
weights[out] An array of the weights for each control point.
uKnots[out] An array of the knot values in the u direction.
vKnots[out] An array of the knot values in the v direction.
Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code otherwise.
The control points are represented with an AcGePoint3d array. The column indexes are for the v direction, and row indexes are for the u direction. For example, if the surface has n control points in the u direction and m control points in the v direction, the array looks like [0,0], [0,1], ...[0,n-1], ..., [m-1,0], [m-1,1], ...[m-1,n-1]. If the surface is rational, the weights array will contain the same number of entries as the ctrlPts array. The values in weights and ctrlPts arrays have the same sequential order as the control points array. If the surface is not periodic in the u direction, the size of the uKnots vector is greater than the iUNumControlPoints value by the degree + 1. If the surface is periodic in the u direction, the size of the uKnots vector is greater than the iUNumControlPoints value by 1. Similarly, if the surface is not periodic in the v direction, the size of the vKnots vector is greater than the iUNumControlPoints by the degree + 1. If the surface is periodic in the v direction, the size of the vKnots vector is greater than the iUNumControlPoints by 1.

◆ getControlPointAt()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getControlPointAt ( int  iUIndex,
int  iVIndex,
OdGePoint3d point 
) const

Returns the control point (in WCS coordinates) at the specified position in the control points vector.

iUIndex[in] An index of a control point in the u direction. Index starts from the 0 value.
iVIndex[in] An index of a control point in the v direction. Index starts from the 0 value.
point[out] The control point (in WCS coordinates) at specified index.
Returns eOk if a control point was returned successfully. If the surface doesn't contain the control point information, the method returns eFail. Returns eOutOfRange if the uIndex or vIndex are not valid.

◆ getControlPoints()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getControlPoints ( int &  iUCount,
int &  iVCount,
OdGePoint3dArray points 
) const

Returns the control points and the quantity of control points in both u and v directions.

iUCount[out] The quantity of control points in u direction.
iVCount[out] The quantity of control points in v direction.
points[out] Array of control points (in WCS coordinates).
Returns eOk if control point were successfully returned, or an appropriate error code in other case.
The control points will be allocated in the passed-in OdGePoint3d array. The column indexes are for the v direction, and row indexes are for the u direction. For example, if the surface has n control points in the u direction and m control points in the v direction, the array looks like [0,0], [0,1], ...[0,vCount-1], ..., [uCount-1,0], [uCount-1,1], ...[uCount-1,vCount-1].

◆ getDegreeInU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getDegreeInU ( int &  iDegree) const

Returns the degree of NURBS surface in the u direction.

iDegree[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the degree in the u direction.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ getDegreeInV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getDegreeInV ( int &  iDegree) const

Returns the degree of NURBS surface in the v direction.

iDegree[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the degree in the v direction.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ getIsolineAtU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getIsolineAtU ( double  dU,
OdDbCurvePtrArray lineSegments 
) const

Returns the isolines at a specified u value. The isolines are created in the v direction. If there are holes in the surface, there could be a number of isoline segments at a specified u value.

dU[in] u parameter.
lineSegments[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the array of isoline segments.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ getIsolineAtV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getIsolineAtV ( double  dV,
OdDbCurvePtrArray lineSegments 
) const

Returns the isolines at a specified v value. The isolines are created in the u direction. If there are holes in the surface, there could be a number of isoline segments at a specified v value.

dV[in] v parameter.
lineSegments[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the array of isoline segments.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ getNormal()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getNormal ( double  dU,
double  dV,
OdGeVector3d normal 
) const

Returns the normal vector at the specified parameter location ([u, v]).

dU[in] u parameter.
dV[in] v parameter.
normal[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the normal vector.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the dU or dV values are invalid, returns eOutOfRange.

◆ getNumberOfControlPointsInU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getNumberOfControlPointsInU ( int &  iCount) const

Returns the quantity of control points in the u direction.

iCount[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the quantity of control points in the u direction.
Returns eOk if successful or eFail if the surface doesn't contain control point information.

◆ getNumberOfControlPointsInV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getNumberOfControlPointsInV ( int &  iCount) const

Returns the quantity of control points in the v direction.

iCount[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the quantity of control points in the v direction.
Returns eOk if successful or eFail if the surface doesn't contain control point information.

◆ getNumberOfKnotsInU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getNumberOfKnotsInU ( int &  iCount) const

Returns the quantity of knots in the u direction.

iCount[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the quantity of knots in the u direction.
Returns eOk if successful or eFail if the surface doesn't contain knot information.

◆ getNumberOfKnotsInV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getNumberOfKnotsInV ( int &  iCount) const

Returns the quantity of knots in the v direction.

iCount[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the quantity of knots in the v direction.
Returns eOk if successful or eFail if the surface doesn't contain knot information.

◆ getNumberOfSpansInU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getNumberOfSpansInU ( int &  span) const

Returns the simple patches in the u direction.

span[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the number of simple patches in the u direction.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ getNumberOfSpansInV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getNumberOfSpansInV ( int &  span) const

Returns the simple patches in the v direction.

span[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the number of simple patches in the v direction.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ getParameterOfPoint()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getParameterOfPoint ( const OdGePoint3d point,
double &  dU,
double &  dV 
) const

Returns the u and v parameter for a point on the surface.

point[in] A point on the surface.
dU[in] A passed-in parameter for returning the value of the u parameter.
dV[in] A passed-in parameter for returning the value of the v parameter.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ getPeriodInU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getPeriodInU ( double &  dPeriod) const

Returns the period value in the u direction for the surface. Returned value is valid only if the surface is periodic in the u direction.

dPeriod[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the period value in the u direction.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ getPeriodInV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getPeriodInV ( double &  dPeriod) const

Returns the period value in the v direction for the surface. Returned value is valid only if the surface is periodic in the v direction.

dPeriod[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the period value in the v direction.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ getUKnots()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getUKnots ( OdGeKnotVector knots) const

Returns the knot vector in the u direction.

knots[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the knot vector in the u direction
Returns eOk if successful or eFail if the surface doesn't contain knot information.

◆ getVKnots()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getVKnots ( OdGeKnotVector knots) const

Returns the knot vector in the v direction.

knots[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the knot vector in the v direction
Returns eOk if successful or eFail if the surface doesn't contain knot information.

◆ getWeight()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::getWeight ( int  iUIndex,
int  iVIndex,
double &  weight 
) const

Returns the weight at a specified position (uIndex, vIndex) in the weights array. Returns valid weight value only when the surface is rational.

iUIndex[in] An index of weight value in the u direction. Index starts from the 0 value.
iVIndex[in] An index of weight value in the v direction. Index starts from the 0 value.
weight[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the weight value at the specified position.
Returns eOk if the weight value was successfully returned.
If the surface doesn't contain the weight information (weight array is empty or is NULL), returns eFail. If the uIndex or vIndex values are invalid, returns eOutOfRange.

◆ InsertControlPointsAtU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::InsertControlPointsAtU ( double  dU,
const OdGePoint3dArray vCtrlPts,
const OdGeDoubleArray vWeights 

Inserts a row of control points at the given u knot parameter.

dU[in] u parameter.
vCtrlPts[in] An array of control points to be added.
vWeights[in] Array of weight values to add if the surface is rational.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the dU parameter is out of range, returns eOutOfRange.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ InsertControlPointsAtV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::InsertControlPointsAtV ( double  dV,
const OdGePoint3dArray uCtrlPts,
const OdGeDoubleArray uWeights 

Inserts a row of control points at the given v knot parameter.

dV[in] v parameter.
uCtrlPts[in] An array of control points to be added.
vWeights[in] Array of weight values to add if the surface is rational.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the dV parameter is out of range, returns eOutOfRange.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ InsertKnotAtU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::InsertKnotAtU ( double  dU)

Inserts a knot at the specified u parameter. The knot insertion doesn't modify the shape of the surface. It will add a new row of control points in the v direction and adjust the local control point's location.

dU[in] u parameter.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the surface's knot multiplicity at the u parameter is bigger than the degree in the u direction, returns eInvalidInput.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ InsertKnotAtV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::InsertKnotAtV ( double  dV)

Inserts a knot at the specified v parameter. The knot insertion doesn't modify the shape of the surface. It will add a new row of control points in the u direction and adjust the local control point's location.

dV[in] v parameter.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail. If the surface's knot multiplicity at the v parameter is bigger than the degree in the v direction, returns eInvalidInput.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ isClosedInU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::isClosedInU ( bool &  bIsClosed) const

Determines whether the surface is closed in the u direction.

bIsClosed[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator of whether the surface is closed in the u direction. bIsClosed is equal to true if the surface is closed in the u direction, otherwise it is equal to false.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ isClosedInV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::isClosedInV ( bool &  bIsClosed) const

Determines whether the surface is closed in the v direction.

bIsClosed[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator of whether the surface is closed in the v direction. bIsClosed is equal to true if the surface is closed in the v direction, otherwise it is equal to false.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ isPeriodicInU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::isPeriodicInU ( bool &  bIsPeriodic) const

Determines whether the surface is periodic in the u direction.

bIsPeriodic[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator of whether the surface is periodic in the u direction. bIsPeriodic is equal to true if the surface is periodic in the u direction, otherwise it is equal to false.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ isPeriodicInV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::isPeriodicInV ( bool &  bIsPeriodic) const

Determines whether the surface is periodic in the v direction.

bIsPeriodic[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator of whether the surface is periodic in the v direction. bIsPeriodic is equal to true if the surface is periodic in the v direction, otherwise it is equal to false.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ isPlanar() [1/2]

virtual bool OdDbEntity::isPlanar ( ) const

Returns true if and only if this entity is planar.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ isPlanar() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::isPlanar ( bool &  bIsPlanar,
OdGePoint3d ptOnSurface,
OdGeVector3d normal 
) const

Determines whether the surface is planar. If the surface is planar, also returns the plane information and normal. If the surface is planar, the method returns true via the bIsPlanar parameter, otherwise the method returns false.

bIsPlanar[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator of whether the surface is planar.
ptOnSurface[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the point on the surface (if the surface is planar).
normal[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the plane normal (if the surface is planar).
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ isPointOnSurface()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::isPointOnSurface ( const OdGePoint3d point,
bool &  bOnSurface 
) const

Determines whether a specified point is on the surface. If specified point is on the surface, the method returns true via bOnSurface, otherwise the method returns false.

point[in] A point.
bOnSurface[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator of whether the specified point is on the surface.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ isRational()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::isRational ( bool &  bIsRational) const

Determines whether the surface is rational. If the surface is rational, the method returns true, otherwise the method returns false.

bIsRational[out] A passed-in parameter for returning the indicator of whether the surface is rational.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.

◆ modifyPositionAndTangent()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::modifyPositionAndTangent ( double  dU,
double  dV,
const OdGePoint3d point,
const OdGeVector3d uDeriv = NULL,
const OdGeVector3d vDeriv = NULL 

Adjusts the location and tangent of a point on the surface with the specified parameter ([u, v]). The local control points are adjusted accordingly. If the pointer uDeriv and vDeriv are equal to NULL, then only the location of the point is adjusted.

dU[in] u parameter.
dV[in] v parameter.
point[in] A new location of the point on the surface.
uDeriv[in] The tangent vector in the u direction.
vDeriv[in] The tangent vector in the v direction.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.
This method is not implemented.


OdDbNurbSurface::ODDB_DECLARE_MEMBERS ( OdDbNurbSurface  )

◆ rebuild()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::rebuild ( int  iUDegree,
int  iVDegree,
int  iNumUCtrlPts,
int  iNumVCtrlPts,
bool  bRestore = false 

Rebuilds the NURBS surface with a specified new degree and quantity of control points in the u and v directions. This operation modifies the shape of the surface.

iUDegree[in] The new degree value in the u direction.
iVDegree[in] The new degree value in the v direction.
iNumUCtrlPts[in] The new quantity of control point in the u direction.
iNumVCtrlPts[in] The new quantity of control point in the v direction.
bRestore[in] Restore flag.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.
This method is not implemented.

◆ RemoveControlPointsAtU()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::RemoveControlPointsAtU ( int  iUDegree)

Removes a row of control points at the specified position in the control points array. The method modifies the shape of the surface.

iUDegree[in] An index of the control point to remove from the array.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ RemoveControlPointsAtV()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::RemoveControlPointsAtV ( int  iVDegree)

Removes a row of control points at the specified position in the control points array. The method modifies the shape of the surface.

iVDegree[in] An index of the control point to remove from the array.
Returns eOk if successful. If the surface doesn't contain any NURBS information, returns eFail.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ set()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::set ( int  iUDegree,
int  iVDegree,
bool  bRational,
int  iUNumControlPoints,
int  iVNumControlPoints,
const OdGePoint3dArray ctrlPtsArr,
const OdGeDoubleArray weights,
const OdGeKnotVector uKnots,
const OdGeKnotVector vKnots 

Set new data for the existing NURBS surface.

iUDegree[in] A new value for degrees in the u direction.
iVDegree[in] A new value for degrees in the v direction.
bRational[in] Determines whether the surface is rational (new value).
IUNumControlPoints[in] A new value of the quantity of control points in the u direction.
iVNumControlPoints[in] A new value of the quantity of control points in the v direction.
ctrlPtsArr[in] A new array of control points (in WCS coordinates).
weights[in] A new array of the weights for each control point.
uKnots[in] A new array of the knot values in the u direction.
vKnots[in] A new array of the knot values in the v direction.
Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code otherwise.
The column indexes is for the v direction, and row indexes are for the u direction. For example, if the surface has n control points in the u direction and m control points in the v direction, the array looks like [0,0], [0,1], ...[0,n-1], ..., [m-1,0], [m-1,1], ...[m-1,n-1].

If the surface is rational (bRational == true), the weights array must contain the same number of entries as the ctrlPts array. All weight values must be greater than 0.0. The values in weights and ctrlPts arrays must have the same sequential order as the control points array. If the surface is not rational (bRational == false), the weight array must be empty.

If the surface is not periodic in the u direction, the size of the uKnots vector must be equal to iUNumControlPoints + iUDegree + 1. If the surface is periodic in the u direction, the size of the uKnots vector must be iUNumControlPoints + 1. Similarly, if the surface is not periodic in the v direction, the size of the vKnots vector must be equal to iVNumControlPoints + iVDegree + 1. If the surface is periodic in the v direction, the size of the vKnots vector must be iVNumControlPoints + 1. Each knot must have a value greater than or equal to the value of its predecessor in the array.

If any of the passed-in parameters are not valid, the surface will not be created.

This method is implemented for Spatial modeler and Modeler Geometry and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ setControlPointAt()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::setControlPointAt ( int  iUIndex,
int  iVIndex,
const OdGePoint3d point 

Sets a new control point (in WCS coordinates) at a specified position in the control points vector.

iUIndex[in] An index of a control point in the u direction. Index starts from the 0 value.
iVIndex[in] An index of a control point in the v direction. Index starts from the 0 value.
point[in] A new control point (in WCS coordinates) to be set at the specified position.
Returns eOk if a control point was returned successfully. If the surface doesn't contain the control point information, the method returns eFail. Returns eOutOfRange if the uIndex or vIndex are not valid.
This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

◆ setControlPoints()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::setControlPoints ( int  iUCount,
int  iVCount,
const OdGePoint3dArray points 

Sets the control points.

iUCount[in] The new value of the quantity of control points in the u direction.
iVCount[in] The new value of the quantity of control points in the v direction.
points[in] New array of control points (in WCS coordinates).
Returns eOk if control points were successfully set or an appropriate error code in other case. Returns eFail if the surface doesn't contain the control point information. Returns eInvalidInput if the uCount and vCount are not the same as the current numbers.
The new quantity of control points in the u and v direction must be equal to the current values. New control points are allocated in an AcGePoint3d array. The column indexes are for the v direction, and row indexes are for the u direction. For example, if the surface has n control points in the u direction and m control points in the v direction, the array looks like [0,0], [0,1], ...[0,vCount-1], ..., [uCount-1,0], [uCount-1,1], ...[uCount-1,vCount-1].

◆ setWeight()

OdResult OdDbNurbSurface::setWeight ( int  iUIndex,
int  iVIndex,
double  weight 

Sets the weight value at a specified position in the weights array.

If the surface is not rational, the method does nothing.

iUIndex[in] An index of weight value in the u direction. Index starts from the 0 value.
iVIndex[in] An index of weight value in the v direction. Index starts from the 0 value.
weight[in] A new weight value to be set at a specified position.
Returns eOk if a new weight value was successfully set. If the surface doesn't contain the weight information (weight array is empty or is NULL), returns eFail. If the uIndex or vIndex values are invalid, returns eOutOfRange.

This method is implemented only for Spatial modeler and returns eNotImplementedYet status for other modelers.

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