CFx SDK Documentation 2024 SP0
No Matches
Public Member Functions | List of all members
OdDbSubDMesh Class Reference

#include <DbSubDMesh.h>

Inheritance diagram for OdDbSubDMesh:
OdDbEntity OdDbObject OdGiDrawable OdRxObject

Public Member Functions

 OdDbSubDMesh ()
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const
virtual OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr decomposeForSave (OdDb::DwgVersion ver, OdDbObjectId &replaceId, bool &exchangeXData)
virtual OdResult dwgInFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dwgOutFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult subTransformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
virtual OdResult subGetGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
virtual OdResult subExplode (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const
OdResult setSubDMesh (const OdGePoint3dArray &vertexArray, const OdInt32Array &faceArray, OdInt32 subDLevel)
OdResult setSphere (double radius, OdInt32 divAxis, OdInt32 divHeight, OdInt32 subDLevel)
OdResult setCylinder (double majorRadius, double minorRadius, double height, OdInt32 divAxis, OdInt32 divHeight, OdInt32 divCap, OdInt32 subDLevel)
OdResult setCone (double majorRadius, double minorRadius, double height, OdInt32 divAxis, OdInt32 divHeight, OdInt32 divCap, double radiusRatio, OdInt32 subDLevel)
OdResult setTorus (double majorRadius, OdInt32 divSection, OdInt32 divSweepPath, double sectionRadiusRatio, double sectionRotate, OdInt32 subDLevel)
OdResult setBox (double xLen, double yLen, double zLen, OdInt32 divX, OdInt32 divY, OdInt32 divZ, OdInt32 subDLevel)
OdResult setWedge (double xLen, double yLen, double zLen, OdInt32 divLength, OdInt32 divWidth, OdInt32 divHeight, OdInt32 divSlope, OdInt32 divCap, OdInt32 subDLevel)
OdResult setPyramid (double radius, double height, OdInt32 divLength, OdInt32 divHeight, OdInt32 divCap, OdInt32 nSides, double radiusRatio, OdInt32 subDLevel)
OdResult computeRayIntersection (const OdGePoint3d &rayStart, const OdGeVector3d &rayDir, OdArray< OdDbSubentId > &retSubents, OdArray< double > &retIntersectDist, OdGePoint3dArray &retIntersectPoint) const
OdResult subdDivideUp ()
OdResult subdDivideDown ()
OdResult subdRefine ()
OdResult subdRefine (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths)
OdResult subdLevel (OdInt32 &result) const
OdResult splitFace (const OdDbSubentId &subentFaceId, const OdDbSubentId &subent0, const OdGePoint3d &point0, const OdDbSubentId &subent1, const OdGePoint3d &point1)
OdResult extrudeFaces (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, double length, const OdGeVector3d &dir, double taper)
OdResult extrudeFaces (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdGePoint3dArray &alongPath, double taper)
OdResult extrudeConnectedFaces (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, double length, const OdGeVector3d &dir, double taper)
OdResult negate ()
OdResult isWatertight (bool &result) const
OdResult numOfFaces (OdInt32 &result) const
OdResult numOfSubDividedFaces (OdInt32 &result) const
OdResult numOfSubDividedFacesAt (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, OdInt32 &result) const
OdResult numOfVertices (OdInt32 &result) const
OdResult numOfSubDividedVertices (OdInt32 &result) const
OdResult numOfEdges (OdInt32 &result) const
OdResult getVertices (OdGePoint3dArray &vertexArray) const
OdResult getEdgeArray (OdInt32Array &edgeArray) const
OdResult getFaceArray (OdInt32Array &faceArray) const
OdResult getNormalArray (OdGeVector3dArray &normalArray) const
OdResult getSubDividedEdgeArray (OdInt32Array &edgeArray) const
OdResult getSubDividedData (OdGePoint3dArray &vertexArray, OdInt32Array &edgeArray, OdInt32Array &faceArray) const
OdResult getSubDividedData (OdGePoint3dArray &vertexArray, OdInt32Array &edgeArray, OdInt32Array &faceArray, OdGeDoubleArray &newCreases, OdUInt32Array &edgeData) const
OdResult getSubDividedVertices (OdGePoint3dArray &vertexArray) const
OdResult getSubDividedFaceArray (OdInt32Array &faceArray) const
OdResult getSubDividedNormalArray (OdGeVector3dArray &normalArray) const
OdResult getVertexAt (OdInt32 nIndex, OdGePoint3d &vertex) const
OdResult setVertexAt (OdInt32 nIndex, const OdGePoint3d &vertex)
OdResult getVertexAt (const OdDbSubentId &id, OdGePoint3d &vertex) const
OdResult setVertexAt (const OdDbSubentId &id, const OdGePoint3d &vertex)
OdResult getSubDividedVertexAt (OdInt32 nIndex, OdGePoint3d &vertex) const
OdResult getSubDividedVertexAt (const OdDbSubentId &id, OdGePoint3d &vertex) const
OdResult setCrease (double creaseVal)
OdResult setCrease (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, double creaseVal)
OdResult getCrease (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, OdDoubleArray &result) const
OdResult getCrease (const OdDbSubentId &id, double &result) const
OdResult getAdjacentSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdDb::SubentType type, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths) const
OdResult getSubentPath (OdInt32 nIndex, OdDb::SubentType type, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths) const
OdResult convertToSurface (bool bConvertAsSmooth, const OdDbSubentId &id, OdDbSurfacePtr &pSurface) const
OdResult convertToSurface (bool bConvertAsSmooth, bool optimize, OdDbSurfacePtr &pSurface) const
OdResult convertToSolid (bool bConvertAsSmooth, bool optimize, OdDb3dSolidPtr &pSolid) const
OdResult getSubentColor (const OdDbSubentId &id, OdCmColor &color) const
OdResult setSubentColor (const OdDbSubentId &id, const OdCmColor &color)
OdResult getSubentMaterial (const OdDbSubentId &id, OdDbObjectId &material) const
OdResult setSubentMaterial (const OdDbSubentId &id, const OdDbObjectId &material)
OdResult getSubentMaterialMapper (const OdDbSubentId &id, OdGiMapper &mapper) const
OdResult setSubentMaterialMapper (const OdDbSubentId &id, const OdGiMapper &mapper)
OdResult getFacePlane (const OdDbSubentId &id, OdGePlane &facePlane) const
OdResult computeVolume (double &retVolume) const
OdResult computeSurfaceArea (double &retSurfArea) const
OdResult getVertexNormalArray (OdGeVector3dArray &arrNorm)
OdResult getVertexTextureArray (OdGePoint3dArray &arrPts)
OdResult getVertexColorArray (OdCmEntityColorArray &arrColor)
OdResult setVertexNormalArray (OdGeVector3dArray &arrNorm)
OdResult setVertexTextureArray (OdGePoint3dArray &arrPts)
OdResult setVertexColorArray (OdCmEntityColorArray &arrColor)
OdResult clearVertexNormalArray ()
OdResult clearVertexTextureArray ()
OdResult clearVertexColorArray ()
OdResult subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker (OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMarker, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xrm, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray *pEntAndInsertStack) const
OdResult subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &subPath, OdGsMarkerArray &gsMarkers) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbEntity
 OdDbEntity ()
OdDbObjectId blockId () const
OdCmColor color () const
virtual OdResult setColor (const OdCmColor &color, bool doSubents=true)
OdUInt16 colorIndex () const
virtual OdCmEntityColor entityColor () const
virtual OdResult setColorIndex (OdUInt16 colorIndex, bool doSubents=true)
OdDbObjectId colorId () const
virtual OdResult setColorId (OdDbObjectId colorId, bool doSubents=true)
OdCmTransparency transparency () const
virtual OdResult setTransparency (const OdCmTransparency &transparency, bool doSubents=true)
OdString plotStyleName () const
OdDb::PlotStyleNameType getPlotStyleNameId (OdDbObjectId &plotStyleNameId) const
virtual OdResult setPlotStyleName (const OdString &plotStyleName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setPlotStyleName (OdDb::PlotStyleNameType plotStyleNameType, OdDbObjectId plotStyleNameId=OdDbObjectId::kNull, bool doSubents=true)
OdString layer () const
OdDbObjectId layerId () const
virtual OdResult setLayer (const OdString &layerName, bool doSubents=true, bool allowHiddenLayer=false)
virtual OdResult setLayer (OdDbObjectId layerId, bool doSubents=true, bool allowHiddenLayer=false)
OdString linetype () const
OdDbObjectId linetypeId () const
virtual OdResult setLinetype (const OdString &linetypeName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setLinetype (OdDbObjectId linetypeID, bool doSubents=true)
OdString material () const
OdDbObjectId materialId () const
virtual OdResult setMaterial (const OdString &materialName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setMaterial (OdDbObjectId materialID, bool doSubents=true)
OdDbObjectId visualStyleId (VisualStyleType vstype=kFullVisualStyle) const
virtual OdResult setVisualStyle (OdDbObjectId visualStyleId, VisualStyleType vstype=kFullVisualStyle, bool doSubents=true)
virtual const OdGiMappermaterialMapper () const
virtual void setMaterialMapper (const OdGiMapper *mapper, bool doSubents=true)
double linetypeScale () const
virtual OdResult setLinetypeScale (double linetypeScale, bool doSubents=true)
OdDb::Visibility visibility () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult setVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility, bool doSubents=true) ODRX_SEALED
OdDb::Visibility tempVisibility () const
void setTempVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility)
OdDb::LineWeight lineWeight () const
virtual OdResult setLineWeight (OdDb::LineWeight lineWeight, bool doSubents=true)
virtual bool castShadows () const
virtual void setCastShadows (bool castShadows)
virtual bool receiveShadows () const
virtual void setReceiveShadows (bool receiveShadows)
virtual OdDb::CollisionType collisionType () const
void setPropertiesFrom (const OdDbEntity *pSource, bool doSubents=true)
virtual bool isPlanar () const
virtual OdResult getPlane (OdGePlane &plane, OdDb::Planarity &planarity) const
void subHandOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject)
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult transformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getTransformedCopy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbEntityPtr &pCopy) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult explode (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual OdResult explodeToBlock (OdDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockRecord, OdDbObjectIdArray *ids=0)
virtual OdResult explodeGeometry (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const
virtual OdResult explodeGeometryToBlock (OdDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockRecord, OdDbObjectIdArray *ids=0)
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const
virtual void subViewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const
void setDatabaseDefaults (OdDbDatabase *pDb=0, bool doSubents=false)
virtual void subSetDatabaseDefaults (OdDbDatabase *pDb, bool doSubents)
virtual void applyPartialUndo (OdDbDwgFiler *pUndoFiler, OdRxClass *pClassObj)
virtual OdResult dwgInFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dwgOutFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
void appendToOwner (OdDbIdPair &idPair, OdDbObject *pOwnerObject, OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap)
virtual OdResult dxfIn (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOut (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdGiDrawabledrawable ()
virtual OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const
virtual void subList () const
virtual OdResult subGetClassID (void *pClsid) const
void subSwapIdWith (const OdDbObjectId &otherId, bool swapXdata=false, bool swapExtDict=false)
virtual OdResult subErase (bool erasing) ODRX_OVERRIDE
virtual OdResult subOpen (OdDb::OpenMode mode) ODRX_OVERRIDE
void recordGraphicsModified (bool graphicsModified=true)
virtual void copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource)
virtual OdResult getGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void highlight (bool bDoIt=true, const OdDbFullSubentPath *pSubId=0, bool highlightAll=false) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints, const OdGeMatrix3d &insertionMat) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool isContentSnappable () const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &gripPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPoints (OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const int bitFlags) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAt (const OdDbVoidPtrArray &grips, const OdGeVector3d &offset, int bitFlags) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getStretchPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &stretchPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveStretchPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset) ODRX_SEALED
virtual void dragStatus (const OdDb::DragStat status)
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void gripStatus (const OdDb::GripStat status) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool hideMeForDragging () const ODRX_SEALED
virtual void saveAs (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd, OdDb::DwgVersion ver) const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getCompoundObjectTransform (OdGeMatrix3d &xM) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult intersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult intersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const ODRX_SEALED
OdResult boundingBoxIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker) const
OdResult boundingBoxIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker) const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentPathsAtGsMarker (OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray *pEntAndInsertStack=0) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGsMarkersAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &subPath, OdGsMarkerArray &gsMarkers) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPointsAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const OdUInt32 bitflags) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAtSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdDbVoidPtrArray &gripAppData, const OdGeVector3d &offset, const OdUInt32 bitflags) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult deleteSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult addSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbEntityPtr subentPtr (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult transformSubentPathsBy (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdGeMatrix3d &xform) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentClassId (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, void *clsId) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentPathGeomExtents (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdGeExtents3d &extents) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void subentGripStatus (OdDb::GripStat status, const OdDbFullSubentPath &subentity) ODRX_SEALED
virtual OdGeMatrix3d getEcs () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbObject
 ~OdDbObject ()
void addRef ()
void release ()
long numRefs () const
OdDbObjectId objectId () const
OdDbHandle getDbHandle () const
OdDbHandle handle () const
OdDbObjectId ownerId () const
virtual void setOwnerId (OdDbObjectId ownerId)
OdDbDatabasedatabase () const
void createExtensionDictionary ()
OdDbObjectId extensionDictionary () const
bool releaseExtensionDictionary ()
OdDbXrecordPtr createXrecord (const OdString &xrecordName, OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning style=OdDb::kDrcIgnore)
void upgradeOpen ()
void downgradeOpen ()
void cancel ()
virtual OdResult subOpen (OdDb::OpenMode mode)
virtual void subClose ()
OdResult erase (bool eraseIt=true)
virtual OdResult subErase (bool erasing)
void handOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject, bool keepXData=true, bool keepExtDict=true)
virtual void subHandOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject)
void swapIdWith (OdDbObjectId otherId, bool swapXdata=false, bool swapExtDict=false)
virtual void subSwapIdWith (const OdDbObjectId &otherId, bool swapXdata=false, bool swapExtDict=false)
virtual void audit (OdDbAuditInfo *pAuditInfo)
void dwgIn (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
void dwgOut (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfIn (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOut (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dwgInFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dwgOutFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning mergeStyle () const
virtual OdResBufPtr xData (const OdString &regappName=OdString::kEmpty) const
virtual void setXData (const OdResBuf *pRb)
bool isEraseStatusToggled () const
bool isErased () const
bool isReadEnabled () const
bool isWriteEnabled () const
bool isNotifyEnabled () const
bool isModified () const
bool isModifiedXData () const
bool isModifiedGraphics () const
bool isNewObject () const
bool isNotifying () const
bool isUndoing () const
bool isReallyClosing () const
bool isDBRO () const
void assertReadEnabled () const
void assertWriteEnabled (bool autoUndo=true, bool recordModified=true)
void assertNotifyEnabled () const
void disableUndoRecording (bool disable)
bool isUndoRecordingDisabled () const
OdDbDwgFilerundoFiler ()
virtual void applyPartialUndo (OdDbDwgFiler *pUndoFiler, OdRxClass *pClassObj)
void addReactor (OdDbObjectReactor *pReactor) const
void removeReactor (OdDbObjectReactor *pReactor) const
virtual void addPersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId)
virtual void removePersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId)
bool hasPersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId) const
OdDbObjectIdArray getPersistentReactors () const
OdDbObjectReactorArray getTransientReactors () const
virtual void recvPropagateModify (const OdDbObject *pSubObj)
virtual void xmitPropagateModify () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbObjectPtr deepClone (OdDbIdMapping &idMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary=true) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbObjectPtr wblockClone (OdDbIdMapping &idMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary=true) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual void appendToOwner (OdDbIdPair &idPair, OdDbObject *pOwnerObject, OdDbIdMapping &idMap)
void setOdDbObjectIdsInFlux ()
bool isOdDbObjectIdsInFlux () const
virtual void copied (const OdDbObject *pObject, const OdDbObject *pNewObject)
virtual void erased (const OdDbObject *pObject, bool erasing=true)
virtual void goodbye (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void openedForModify (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void modified (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void subObjModified (const OdDbObject *pObject, const OdDbObject *pSubObj)
virtual void modifyUndone (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void modifiedXData (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void unappended (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void reappended (const OdDbObject *pObject)
bool isAProxy () const
virtual void objectClosed (const OdDbObjectId &objectId)
virtual void modifiedGraphics (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource)
bool hasSaveVersionOverride () const
void setHasSaveVersionOverride (bool hasSaveVersionOverride)
virtual OdDb::DwgVersion getObjectSaveVersion (const OdDbFiler *pFiler, OdDb::MaintReleaseVer *pMaintVer=0) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr decomposeForSave (OdDb::DwgVersion ver, OdDbObjectId &replaceId, bool &exchangeXData)
virtual OdDbObjectPtr decomposeForSave (OdDb::SaveType format, OdDb::DwgVersion ver, OdDbObjectId &replaceId, bool &exchangeXData)
void convertForSave (OdDb::DwgVersion ver)
virtual void composeForLoad (OdDb::SaveType format, OdDb::DwgVersion version, OdDbAuditInfo *pAuditInfo)
virtual OdGiDrawabledrawable ()
virtual OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const
virtual void subViewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const
virtual bool isPersistent () const
virtual OdDbStub * id () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getClassID (void *pClsid) const ODRX_SEALED
void setGsNode (OdGsCache *pNode)
OdGsCachegsNode () const
void xDataTransformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
bool hasFields () const
OdDbObjectId getField (const OdString &fieldName) const
OdDbObjectPtr getField (const OdString &fieldName, OdDb::OpenMode mode) const
virtual OdDbObjectId setField (const OdString &fieldName, OdDbField *pField)
virtual OdResult removeField (OdDbObjectId fieldId)
virtual OdDbObjectId removeField (const OdString &fieldName)
OdDbObjectId getFieldDictionary () const
OdDbObjectPtr getFieldDictionary (OdDb::OpenMode mode) const
virtual OdRxClasssaveAsClass (OdRxClass *pClass) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdGiDrawable
virtual DrawableType drawableType () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 setAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool worldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void viewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual bool isPersistent () const =0
virtual OdDbStub * id () const =0
virtual void setGsNode (OdGsCache *pGsNode)=0
virtual OdGsCachegsNode () const =0
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 viewportDrawLogicalFlags (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual OdResult getGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 regenSupportFlags () const ODRX_SEALED
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdRxObject
 OdRxObject ()
virtual ~OdRxObject ()
virtual OdRxObjectqueryX (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxObjectx (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxClassisA () const
virtual void addRef ()=0
virtual void release ()=0
virtual long numRefs () const
bool isKindOf (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxObjectPtr clone () const
virtual void copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource)
virtual OdRx::Ordering comparedTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const
virtual bool isEqualTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from OdDbEntity
enum  VisualStyleType { kFullVisualStyle , kFaceVisualStyle , kEdgeVisualStyle }
- Public Types inherited from OdGiDrawable
enum  SetAttributesFlags {
  kDrawableNone = 0 , kDrawableIsAnEntity = 1 , kDrawableUsesNesting = 2 , kDrawableIsCompoundObject = 4 ,
  kDrawableViewIndependentViewportDraw = 8 , kDrawableIsInvisible = 16 , kDrawableHasAttributes = 32 , kDrawableRegenTypeDependantGeometry = 64 ,
  kDrawableIsDimension = (kDrawableIsAnEntity + kDrawableIsCompoundObject + 128) , kDrawableRegenDraw = 256 , kDrawableStandardDisplaySingleLOD = 512 , kDrawableShadedDisplaySingleLOD = 1024 ,
  kDrawableViewDependentViewportDraw = 2048 , kDrawableBlockDependentViewportDraw = 4096 , kDrawableIsExternalReference = 8192 , kDrawableNotPlottable = 16384 ,
  kDrawableNotAllowLCS = 32768 , kDrawableMergeControlOff = 65536 , kLastFlag = kDrawableMergeControlOff
enum  DrawableType {
  kGeometry = 0 , kDistantLight = 1 , kPointLight = 2 , kSpotLight = 3 ,
  kAmbientLight , kSolidBackground , kGradientBackground , kImageBackground ,
  kGroundPlaneBackground , kViewport , kWebLight , kSkyBackground ,
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OdRxObject
static OdRxObjectPtr cast (const OdRxObject *pointer)
static OdRxClassdesc ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdDbEntity
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subWblockClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *, bool bPrimary) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subDeepClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *, bool bPrimary) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
virtual OdResult subTransformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
virtual OdResult subGetTransformedCopy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbEntityPtr &pCopy) const
virtual OdResult subExplode (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const
virtual OdResult subGetCompoundObjectTransform (OdGeMatrix3d &xM) const
virtual bool subCloneMeForDragging ()
virtual bool subHideMeForDragging () const
virtual void subGripStatus (const OdDb::GripStat status)
virtual OdResult subGetOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints) const
virtual OdResult subGetOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints, const OdGeMatrix3d &insertionMat) const
virtual bool subIsContentSnappable () const
virtual OdResult subGetGripPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &gripPoints) const
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset)
virtual OdResult subGetGripPoints (OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const int bitFlags) const
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAt (const OdDbVoidPtrArray &grips, const OdGeVector3d &offset, int bitFlags)
virtual OdResult subGetStretchPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &stretchPoints) const
virtual OdResult subMoveStretchPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset)
virtual OdResult subIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const
virtual OdResult subIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const
virtual void subHighlight (bool bDoIt=true, const OdDbFullSubentPath *pSubId=0, bool highlightAll=false) const
virtual OdDb::Visibility subVisibility () const
virtual OdResult subSetVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult subGetGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
virtual OdResult subDeleteSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths)
virtual OdResult subAddSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths)
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAtSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdDbVoidPtrArray &gripAppData, const OdGeVector3d &offset, const OdUInt32 bitflags)
virtual OdResult subGetGripPointsAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const OdUInt32 bitflags) const
virtual OdResult subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker (OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray *pEntAndInsertStack=0) const
virtual OdResult subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &subPath, OdGsMarkerArray &gsMarkers) const
virtual OdDbEntityPtr subSubentPtr (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path) const
virtual OdResult subTransformSubentPathsBy (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdGeMatrix3d &xform)
virtual OdResult subGetSubentClassId (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, void *clsId) const
virtual OdResult subGetSubentPathGeomExtents (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
virtual void subSubentGripStatus (OdDb::GripStat status, const OdDbFullSubentPath &subentity)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdDbObject
 OdDbObject ()
virtual OdResult subGetClassID (void *pClsid) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subDeepClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subWblockClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdGiDrawable
 OdGiDrawable ()
virtual OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *traits) const =0
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *wd) const =0
virtual void subViewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *vd) const =0
virtual OdUInt32 subViewportDrawLogicalFlags (OdGiViewportDraw *vd) const
virtual OdUInt32 subRegenSupportFlags () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from OdDbObject

Detailed Description

This class represents SubDMesh entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.

<group OdDb_Classes>

Definition at line 50 of file DbSubDMesh.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OdDbSubDMesh()

OdDbSubDMesh::OdDbSubDMesh ( )

The default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clearVertexColorArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::clearVertexColorArray ( )

Clears the array of vertex colors.

Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ clearVertexNormalArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::clearVertexNormalArray ( )

Clears the array of vertex normals.

Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ clearVertexTextureArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::clearVertexTextureArray ( )

Clears the array of vertex textures.

Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ computeRayIntersection()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::computeRayIntersection ( const OdGePoint3d rayStart,
const OdGeVector3d rayDir,
OdArray< OdDbSubentId > &  retSubents,
OdArray< double > &  retIntersectDist,
OdGePoint3dArray retIntersectPoint 
) const

Calculates an array of indices of all faces of current SubDMash entity that are intersected by a specified ray. Also the method returns two additional arrays containing the intersection points for each face and distances between the start point of the ray and intersection points.

rayStart[in] Start point of the ray.
rayDir[in] Ray direction.
retSubents[out] Array of indices of faces intersected by the ray.
retIntersectDist[out] Array of distances between the start point of the ray and the intersection point for intersected subentities.
retIntersectPoint[out] The array of intersection points for intersected subentities.
A value of the OdResult type containing the result of the method execution.

◆ computeSurfaceArea()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::computeSurfaceArea ( double &  retSurfArea) const

Calculates the current surface area of a mesh.

retSurfArea[out] Surface area of the mesh.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ computeVolume()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::computeVolume ( double &  retVolume) const

Calculates the current volume of a watertight mesh.

retVolume[out] Receives the volume of the mesh.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ convertToSolid()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::convertToSolid ( bool  bConvertAsSmooth,
bool  optimize,
OdDb3dSolidPtr pSolid 
) const

Creates a new OdDb3dSolid object from this mesh.

bConvertAsSmooth[in] Specify true for converting to a smooth surface, or false for converting to a faceted surface.
optimize[in] Specify true for converting as an optimized surface, or false otherwise.
pSolid[out] Pointer to the newly created OdDb3dSolid object.
Value Description eNotImplementedYet The method is not implemented yet for the current modeler. eInvalidContext The mesh is empty. eInvalidInput The mesh has self-intersections or zero area faces or the mesh does not form a closed volume. eOk 3dSolid created successfully.
The mesh should not have self-intersections and zero area faces and should form a closed volume. The case when bConvertAsSmooth == true or optimize == true is not implemented yet.

◆ convertToSurface() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::convertToSurface ( bool  bConvertAsSmooth,
bool  optimize,
OdDbSurfacePtr pSurface 
) const

Creates a new OdDbSurface object from this mesh.

bConvertAsSmooth[in] Specify true for converting to a smooth surface, or false for converting to a faceted surface.
optimize[in] Specify true for converting as an optimized surface, or false otherwise.
pSurface[out] Pointer to the newly created OdDbSurface object.
Value Description eNotImplementedYet The method is not implemented yet for the current modeler. eInvalidContext The mesh is empty. eInvalidInput The mesh has self-intersections or zero area faces. eOk The surface created successfully.
The mesh should not have self-intersections and zero area faces. The case when bConvertAsSmooth == true or optimize == true is not implemented yet.

◆ convertToSurface() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::convertToSurface ( bool  bConvertAsSmooth,
const OdDbSubentId id,
OdDbSurfacePtr pSurface 
) const

Creates a new OdDbSurface object from a part of this mesh by the specified sub-entity ID.

bConvertAsSmooth[in] Specify true for converting to a smooth surface, or false for converting to a faceted surface.
id[in] Sub-entity ID to convert.
pSurface[out] Pointer to the newly created OdDbSurface object.
Value Description eNotImplementedYet The method is not implemented yet for the current modeler. eInvalidContext The mesh is empty. eInvalidInput ID is not kFaceSubentType or the mesh has self-intersections or zero area faces. eOk The surface created successfully.
The mesh should not have self-intersections and zero area faces. The case when bConvertAsSmooth == true is not implemented yet.

◆ decomposeForSave()

virtual OdDbObjectPtr OdDbSubDMesh::decomposeForSave ( OdDb::DwgVersion  ver,
OdDbObjectId replaceId,
bool &  exchangeXData 

Determines the behavior for custom objects when saving to .dwg or .dxf file.

ver[in] Drawing version to save as.
replaceId[out] Object ID of the object replacing this object.
exchangeXData[out] Set to true if and only if this function did not add XData to the replacement object.
This function either

Returns an OdDbObjectPtr for a non- database -resident (NDBRO) replacement object, setting replaceId to OdDbObjectId::kNull. Returns NULL, setting replaceId for a database -resident (DBRO) replacement object.

Custom objects can decompose themselves into other objects, adding additional XData as required. The Drawings transfers XData from this object to the replacement object if and only if exchangeXData is true.

The default implementation returns NULL and sets replaceId to OdDbObjectId::kNull. This function can be overridden in custom classes.

The method is not intended to be called by client code. For processing owned objects use convertForSave() method.

Reimplemented from OdDbObject.

◆ dwgInFields()

virtual OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::dwgInFields ( OdDbDwgFiler pFiler)

Reads the .dwg file data of this object.

pFiler[in] Filer object from which data are read.
Returns the filer status.

This function is called by dwgIn() to allow the object to read its data.

When overriding this function:

1) Call assertWriteEnabled(). 2) Call the parent class's dwgInFields(pFiler). 3) If it returns eOK, continue; otherwise return whatever the parent's dwgInFields(pFiler) returned. 4) Call the OdDbDwgFiler(pFiler) methods to read each of the object's data items in the order they were written. 5) Return pFiler->filerStatus().

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ dwgOutFields()

virtual void OdDbSubDMesh::dwgOutFields ( OdDbDwgFiler pFiler) const

Writes the .dwg file data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer to which data are written.

This function is called by dwgIn() to allow the object to write its data.

When overriding this function:

1) Call assertReadEnabled(). 2) Call the parent class's dwgOutFields(pFiler). 3) Call the OdDbDwgFiler(pFiler) methods to write each of the object's data items in the order they were written.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ dxfInFields()

virtual OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::dxfInFields ( OdDbDxfFiler pFiler)

Reads the DXF data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer from which data are read.
Returns the filer status.

This function is called by dxfIn() to allow the object to read its data.

When overriding this function:

1) Call assertWriteEnabled(). 2) Call the parent class's dwgInFields(pFiler). 3) If it returns eOK, continue; otherwise return whatever the parent's dxfInFields(pFiler) returned. 4) Call the OdDbDxfFiler(pFiler) methods to read each of the object's data items in the order they were written. 5) Return pFiler->filerStatus().

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ dxfOutFields()

virtual void OdDbSubDMesh::dxfOutFields ( OdDbDxfFiler pFiler) const

Writes the DXF data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer to which data are to be written.

This function is called by dxfOut() to allow the object to write its data.

When overriding this function:

1) Call assertReadEnabled(). 2) Call the parent class's dxfOutFields(pFiler). 4) Use pFiler to call the OdDbDxfFiler methods to write each of the object's data items in the order they were written.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ extrudeConnectedFaces()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::extrudeConnectedFaces ( const OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths,
double  length,
const OdGeVector3d dir,
double  taper 

Extrudes connected faces along the given direction and with a given taper angle.

subentPaths[in] Array of faces to be extruded.
length[in] Length of extrusion.
dir[in] Direction of extrusion.
taper[in] Taper angle of extrusion.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ extrudeFaces() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::extrudeFaces ( const OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths,
const OdGePoint3dArray alongPath,
double  taper 

Extrudes faces along the given direction and with a given taper angle.

subentPaths[in] Array of faces to be extruded.
alongPath[in] Array of points, which describes the path, along which the faces will be extruded.
taper[in] Taper angle of extrusion.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ extrudeFaces() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::extrudeFaces ( const OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths,
double  length,
const OdGeVector3d dir,
double  taper 

Extrudes faces along the given direction and with a given taper angle.

subentPaths[in] Array of faces to be extruded.
length[in] Length of extrusion.
dir[in] Direction of extrusion.
taper[in] Taper angle of extrusion.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getAdjacentSubentPath()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getAdjacentSubentPath ( const OdDbFullSubentPath path,
OdDb::SubentType  type,
OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths 
) const

Retrieves subentities adjacent to a given one.

path[in] Original subentity.
type[in] Type of subentities to be returned.
subentPaths[out] Array of subentities adjacent to the original one.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getCrease() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getCrease ( const OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths,
OdDoubleArray result 
) const

Retrieves crease values for mesh subentities.

subentPaths[in] Array of mesh subentities.
result[out] Receives an array of crease values.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getCrease() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getCrease ( const OdDbSubentId id,
double &  result 
) const

Retrieves the crease value for a mesh subentity via its ID.

id[in] Subentity ID.
result[out] Receives the crease value.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getEdgeArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getEdgeArray ( OdInt32Array edgeArray) const

Retrieves the base level edges.

edgeArray[out] Receives an array of the base level edges.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getFaceArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getFaceArray ( OdInt32Array faceArray) const

Retrieves the base level faces.

faceArray[out] Receives an array of the base level faces.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getFacePlane()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getFacePlane ( const OdDbSubentId id,
OdGePlane facePlane 
) const

Retrieves the face plane of a given face.

id[in] ID of the face.
facePlane[out] Receives the face plane of the given face.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getNormalArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getNormalArray ( OdGeVector3dArray normalArray) const

Calculates normals for all vertices of the current SubDMash entity.

normalArray[out] Receives an array of normals.
A value of the OdResult type containing the result of the method execution.
The normal for a vertex is calculated as the average of all normals for the faces that include the vertex. This method assumes that the smoothness level is zero.

◆ getSubDividedData() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedData ( OdGePoint3dArray vertexArray,
OdInt32Array edgeArray,
OdInt32Array faceArray 
) const

◆ getSubDividedData() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedData ( OdGePoint3dArray vertexArray,
OdInt32Array edgeArray,
OdInt32Array faceArray,
OdGeDoubleArray newCreases,
OdUInt32Array edgeData 
) const

◆ getSubDividedEdgeArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedEdgeArray ( OdInt32Array edgeArray) const

◆ getSubDividedFaceArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedFaceArray ( OdInt32Array faceArray) const

Retrieves the faces for a smoothened mesh.

faceArray[out] Receives an array of the faces.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getSubDividedNormalArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedNormalArray ( OdGeVector3dArray normalArray) const

Calculates normals for all vertices of the current SubDMash entity taking into account the level of smoothing.

normalArray[out] Receives an array of normals.
A value of the OdResult type containing the result of the method execution.
The normal for a vertex is calculated as the average of all normals for the faces that include the vertex. This method takes into account the level of smoothness, which can take any value from 0 to 4.

◆ getSubDividedVertexAt() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedVertexAt ( const OdDbSubentId id,
OdGePoint3d vertex 
) const

Retrieves a vertex of a smooth mesh using the given subentity ID.

id[in] Subentity ID of the vertex.
vertex[out] Receives the vertex.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getSubDividedVertexAt() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedVertexAt ( OdInt32  nIndex,
OdGePoint3d vertex 
) const

Retrieves a vertex of a smooth mesh using the given index.

nIndex[in] Index of the vertex.
vertex[out] Receives the vertex.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getSubDividedVertices()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubDividedVertices ( OdGePoint3dArray vertexArray) const

Retrieves the vertices for a smoothened mesh.

vertexArray[out] Receives an array of the vertices.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getSubentColor()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubentColor ( const OdDbSubentId id,
OdCmColor color 
) const

Retrieves the color of a given subentity.

id[in] ID of the subentity.
color[out] Receives the color of the subentity.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getSubentMaterial()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubentMaterial ( const OdDbSubentId id,
OdDbObjectId material 
) const

Retrieves the material of a given subentity.

id[in] ID of the subentity.
material[out] Receives the material of the subentity.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getSubentMaterialMapper()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubentMaterialMapper ( const OdDbSubentId id,
OdGiMapper mapper 
) const

Retrieves the material mapper of a subentity.

id[in] ID of the subentity.
mapper[out] Receives the material mapper of the subentity.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getSubentPath()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getSubentPath ( OdInt32  nIndex,
OdDb::SubentType  type,
OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths 
) const

Retrieves all subentity paths by the specified index and subentity type.

nIndex[in] Subentity index. If it's equal to -1, then all subentities of the specified type will be returned as an array.
type[in] Type of the input subentity.
subentPaths[out] Array of subentities.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getVertexAt() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getVertexAt ( const OdDbSubentId id,
OdGePoint3d vertex 
) const

Retrieves a vertex using a specified subentity ID.

id[in] Subentity ID of the vertex.
vertex[out] Receives the vertex.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getVertexAt() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getVertexAt ( OdInt32  nIndex,
OdGePoint3d vertex 
) const

Retrieves a vertex from a specified position on a mesh.

nIndex[in] Index of the vertex.
vertex[out] Receives the vertex.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getVertexColorArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getVertexColorArray ( OdCmEntityColorArray arrColor)

Retrieves the array of vertex colors.

arrColor[out] Receives an array of texture coordinates.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getVertexNormalArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getVertexNormalArray ( OdGeVector3dArray arrNorm)

Retrieves the array of the normals for vertices.

arrNorm[out] Receives an array of normals.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getVertexTextureArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getVertexTextureArray ( OdGePoint3dArray arrPts)

Retrieves the array of texture coordinates.

arrPts[out] Receives an array of texture coordinates.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ getVertices()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::getVertices ( OdGePoint3dArray vertexArray) const

Retrieves the base level vertices.

vertexArray[out] Receives an array of the base level vertices.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ isWatertight()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::isWatertight ( bool &  result) const

Checks whether a mesh is watertight.

result[out] Receives true if the mesh is watertight, false otherwise.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ negate()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::negate ( )

Inverts the vertex order of each face.

Returns eOk if the mesh is successfully negated, or a corresponding error code otherwise.

◆ numOfEdges()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::numOfEdges ( OdInt32 result) const

Retrieves the number of edges for the base level.

result[out] Receives the number of edges for the base level. Receives 0 if the mesh hasn't been initialized yet.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ numOfFaces()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::numOfFaces ( OdInt32 result) const

Retrieves the number of faces for the base level.

result[out] Receives the number of faces for the base level. Receives 0 if the mesh hasn't been initialized yet.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ numOfSubDividedFaces()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::numOfSubDividedFaces ( OdInt32 result) const

Retrieves the number of faces with the current level of smoothness.

result[out] Receives the number of smooth faces.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ numOfSubDividedFacesAt()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::numOfSubDividedFacesAt ( const OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths,
OdInt32 result 
) const

Retrieves the number of smooth faces for given base mesh faces.

subentPaths[out] Array of faces.
result[out] Receives the number of faces.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ numOfSubDividedVertices()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::numOfSubDividedVertices ( OdInt32 result) const

Retrieves the number of vertices with the current level of smoothness.

result[out] Receives the number of vertices.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ numOfVertices()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::numOfVertices ( OdInt32 result) const

Retrieves the number of vertices for base level.

result[out] Receives the number of vertices for the base level.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.



◆ setBox()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setBox ( double  xLen,
double  yLen,
double  zLen,
OdInt32  divX,
OdInt32  divY,
OdInt32  divZ,
OdInt32  subDLevel 

Creates a mesh of a box.

xLen[in] Box depth.
yLen[in] Box width.
zLen[in] Box height.
divX[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the depth direction.
divY[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the width direction.
divZ[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the height direction.
subDLevel[in] Level of smoothness.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setCone()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setCone ( double  majorRadius,
double  minorRadius,
double  height,
OdInt32  divAxis,
OdInt32  divHeight,
OdInt32  divCap,
double  radiusRatio,
OdInt32  subDLevel 

Creates a mesh of a cone.

majorRadius[in] Major radius.
minorRadius[in] Minor radius.
height[in] Height of a cone.
divAxis[in] Specify how many divisions are made for the base circle.
divHeight[in] Specify how many divisions are made in the direction of the height of a cone.
divCap[in] Specify how many radial divisions are made for the base circle.
radiusRatio[in] Ratio of top to bottom radii.
subDLevel[in] Level of smoothness.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setCrease() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setCrease ( const OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths,
double  creaseVal 

Sharpens faces, edges, vertices of a mesh.

subentPaths[in] Array of subentities, to which the crease will be applied.
creaseVal[in] Flag, defining when to apply the crease.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.
The value of the creaseVal parameter can be one of the following:
Value Description -1 Always apply the crease. 0 Never apply the crease. any positive value Apply the crease starting from this level.

◆ setCrease() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setCrease ( double  creaseVal)

Sharpens the edges of a mesh.

creaseVal[in] Flag, defining when to apply the crease.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.
The value of the creaseVal parameter can be one of the following:
Value Description -1 Always apply the crease. 0 Never apply the crease. any positive value Apply the crease starting from this level.

◆ setCylinder()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setCylinder ( double  majorRadius,
double  minorRadius,
double  height,
OdInt32  divAxis,
OdInt32  divHeight,
OdInt32  divCap,
OdInt32  subDLevel 

Creates a mesh of a cylinder.

majorRadius[in] Major radius.
minorRadius[in] Minor radius.
height[in] Height of a cylinder.
divAxis[in] Specify how many divisions are made for the base circle.
divHeight[in] Specify how many divisions are made in the direction of the height of a cylinder.
divCap[in] Specify how many radial divisions are made for the base circle.
subDLevel[in] Level of smoothness.
eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setPyramid()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setPyramid ( double  radius,
double  height,
OdInt32  divLength,
OdInt32  divHeight,
OdInt32  divCap,
OdInt32  nSides,
double  radiusRatio,
OdInt32  subDLevel 

Creates a mesh of a pyramid.

radius[in] Radius of a circle inscribed in a pyramid.
height[in] Pyramid height.
divLength[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the length direction.
divHeight[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the height direction.
divCap[in] Specify how many radial divisions are made for the base face.
nSides[in] Number of sides that pyramid will have.
radiusRatio[in] Ratio of major to minor radii.
subDLevel[in] Level of smoothness.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setSphere()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setSphere ( double  radius,
OdInt32  divAxis,
OdInt32  divHeight,
OdInt32  subDLevel 

Creates a mesh of a sphere.

radius[in] Sphere radius.
divAxis[in] Specify how many divisions are made for the base circle.
divHeight[in] Specify how many divisions are made in the direction of the height of a sphere.
subDLevel[in] Level of smoothness.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setSubDMesh()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setSubDMesh ( const OdGePoint3dArray vertexArray,
const OdInt32Array faceArray,
OdInt32  subDLevel 

Creates a mesh using input arrays of vertices and faces.

vertexArray[in] Array of vertices.
faceArray[in] Array of integers, describing faces.
subDLevel[in] Level of smoothness.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.
Face array is arranged using the following pattern: the first number is the number a vertices a face has, the following numbers are indices of vertices, that form a face.

◆ setSubentColor()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setSubentColor ( const OdDbSubentId id,
const OdCmColor color 

Sets the color of a given subentity.

id[in] ID of the subentity.
color[in] Color to be set to the subentity.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setSubentMaterial()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setSubentMaterial ( const OdDbSubentId id,
const OdDbObjectId material 

Sets the material of a given subentity.

id[in] ID of the subentity.
material[in] Material to be set to the subentity.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setSubentMaterialMapper()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setSubentMaterialMapper ( const OdDbSubentId id,
const OdGiMapper mapper 

Sets the material mapper of a subentity.

id[in] ID of the subentity.
mapper[in] Material mapper to be set to the subentity.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setTorus()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setTorus ( double  majorRadius,
OdInt32  divSection,
OdInt32  divSweepPath,
double  sectionRadiusRatio,
double  sectionRotate,
OdInt32  subDLevel 

Creates a mesh of a torus.

majorRadius[in] Major radius of a torus.
divSection[in] Specify how many divisions are made for the base circle.
divSweepPath[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the torus' path.
sectionRadiusRatio[in] Ratio of major to minor radii.
sectionRotate[in] Angle of section rotation.
subDLevel[in] Level of smoothness.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setVertexAt() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setVertexAt ( const OdDbSubentId id,
const OdGePoint3d vertex 

Sets a vertex using the given subentity ID.

id[in] Subentity ID of the vertex.
vertex[in] Vertex to be set.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setVertexAt() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setVertexAt ( OdInt32  nIndex,
const OdGePoint3d vertex 

Sets a vertex using the given index.

nIndex[in] Index of the vertex.
vertex[in] Vertex to be set.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setVertexColorArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setVertexColorArray ( OdCmEntityColorArray arrColor)

Sets the array of vertex colors.

arrColor[in] Input array of vertex colors.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setVertexNormalArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setVertexNormalArray ( OdGeVector3dArray arrNorm)

Sets the array of vertex normals.

arrNorm[in] Input array of vertex normals.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setVertexTextureArray()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setVertexTextureArray ( OdGePoint3dArray arrPts)

Sets the array of texture coordinates.

arrPts[in] Input array of texture coordinates.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ setWedge()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::setWedge ( double  xLen,
double  yLen,
double  zLen,
OdInt32  divLength,
OdInt32  divWidth,
OdInt32  divHeight,
OdInt32  divSlope,
OdInt32  divCap,
OdInt32  subDLevel 

Creates a mesh of a wedge.

xLen[in] Wedge depth.
yLen[in] Wedge width.
zLen[in] Wedge height.
divLength[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the depth direction.
divWidth[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the width direction.
divHeight[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the height direction.
divSlope[in] Specify how many divisions are made along the slope direction.
divCap[in] Specify how many radial divisions are made for the base face.
subDLevel[in] Level of smoothness.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ splitFace()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::splitFace ( const OdDbSubentId subentFaceId,
const OdDbSubentId subent0,
const OdGePoint3d point0,
const OdDbSubentId subent1,
const OdGePoint3d point1 

Cuts a face in two using two points on different edges of the original face.

subentFaceId[in] ID of the face that will be cut.
subent0[in] First edge.
point0[in] Point on the first edge.
subent1[in] Second edge.
point1[in] Point on the second edge.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ subdDivideDown()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subdDivideDown ( )

Decreases the smoothness level by one.

Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ subdDivideUp()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subdDivideUp ( )

Increases the smoothness level by one.

Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ subdLevel()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subdLevel ( OdInt32 result) const

Retrieves the current level of smoothness.

result[out] Current level of smoothness.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ subdRefine() [1/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subdRefine ( )

Applies the current level of smoothness to an array of vertices and faces. The level of smoothing will be set to 0.

Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

◆ subdRefine() [2/2]

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subdRefine ( const OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths)

Applies the current level of smoothness to an array of vertices and faces. The level of smoothing will be set to 0.

subentPaths[in] Array of subentities.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.
Currently not implemented.

◆ subExplode()

virtual OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subExplode ( OdRxObjectPtrArray entitySet) const

Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities.

entitySet[out] Array of pointers to the new entities.
Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ subGetGeomExtents()

virtual OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subGetGeomExtents ( OdGeExtents3d extents) const

Calculates geometrical extents of this object by vertices coordinates.

extents[out] Receives the extents.
Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath ( const OdDbFullSubentPath subPath,
OdGsMarkerArray gsMarkers 
) const

Gets all graphic system markers by subentity paths.

subPath[in] Full subentity path to the subentity.
gsMarkers[out] Array of integer identifiers (GS markers).
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker()

OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker ( OdDb::SubentType  type,
OdGsMarker  gsMarker,
const OdGePoint3d pickPoint,
const OdGeMatrix3d xrm,
OdDbFullSubentPathArray subentPaths,
const OdDbObjectIdArray pEntAndInsertStack 
) const

Gets all subentity paths by graphic system marker.

type[in] Subentity type being queried (OdDb::kClassSubentType only).
gsMarker[in] The GS marker of the subentity being queried.
pickPoint[in] The WCS point being queried (not used).
xrm[in] The WCS->DCS transformation matrix (not used).
subentPaths[out] Array of OdDbFullSubentPath objects.
pEntAndInsertStack[in] Array of objectIds of the objects that are the nested containers of the subentity.
Returns eOk if the operation completed successfully, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ subSetAttributes()

virtual OdUInt32 OdDbSubDMesh::subSetAttributes ( OdGiDrawableTraits pTraits) const

Sets the values of this object's subentity traits, and returns with the calling object's subentity traits.

pTraits[in] Pointer to the OdGiDrawableTraits object to be set.
When overriding subSetAttributes(), you must OR (|) the return value of <base class>::subSetAttributes(pTraits) with any flags you add.

A derived class may not remove flags for any reason.

The default implementation does nothing but returns kDrawableNone. This function can be overridden in custom classes.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ subTransformBy()

virtual OdResult OdDbSubDMesh::subTransformBy ( const OdGeMatrix3d xfm)

Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity.

xfm[in] 3D transformation matrix.
Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code otherwise.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ subWorldDraw()

virtual bool OdDbSubDMesh::subWorldDraw ( OdGiWorldDraw pWd) const

Draws OdDbSubDMesh to the specified OdGiWorldDraw object.

pWd[in] Pointer to the OdGiWorldDraw object.
The true value if the entity has no view-dependent graphics, or false otherwise.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

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