- GetXData()
Void GetXData([in] BSTR AppName, [out] Pointer Type XDataType, [out] Pointer Type XDataValue)
Returns the extended data (XData) associated with an object.
- SetXData()
Void SetXData([in] VARIANT XDataType, [in] VARIANT XDataValue)
Sets the extended data (XData) associated with an object.
- Delete()
Void Delete( )
Deletes a specified object.
- GetExtensionDictionary()
IAcadDictionary* GetExtensionDictionary( )
Returns the extension dictionary associated with an object.
- ArrayPolar()
VARIANT ArrayPolar([in] Int NumberOfObjects, [in] Double AngleToFill, [in] VARIANT CenterPoint)
Not implemented. Creates an array of selected objects in a polar pattern.
- ArrayRectangular()
VARIANT ArrayRectangular([in] Int NumberOfRows, [in] Int NumberOfColumns, [in] Int NumberOfLevels, [in] Double DistBetweenRows, [in] Double DistBetweenCols, [in] Double DistBetweenLevels)
Not implemented. Creates an array of selected objects in a rectangular pattern.
- Highlight()
Void Highlight([in] Boolean HighlightFlag)
Not implemented. Highlights or removes highlight from an entity.
- Copy()
IDispatch* Copy( )
Copies a specified entity.
- Move()
Void Move([in] VARIANT FromPoint, [in] VARIANT ToPoint)
Moves an entity from one point to a second point.
- Rotate()
Void Rotate([in] VARIANT BasePoint, [in] Double RotationAngle)
Rotates an entity around a point.
- Rotate3D()
Void Rotate3D([in] VARIANT Point1, [in] VARIANT Point2, [in] Double RotationAngle)
Rotates an entity around a line defined by two points, where the direction of the axis if from the first point to the second point.
- Mirror()
IDispatch* Mirror([in] VARIANT Point1, [in] VARIANT Point2)
Not implemented. Mirrors an object around a line defined by two points.
- Mirror3D()
IDispatch* Mirror3D([in] VARIANT Point1, [in] VARIANT Point2, [in] VARIANT point3)
Not implemented. Mirrors an object around a plane defined by three points.
- ScaleEntity()
Void ScaleEntity([in] VARIANT BasePoint, [in] Double ScaleFactor)
Scales an object with respect to a base point and scale factor.
- TransformBy()
Void TransformBy([in] VARIANT TransformationMatrix)
Performs the specified transformation on an entity.
- Update()
Void Update( )
Not implemented. Updates the display of an entity.
- GetBoundingBox()
Void GetBoundingBox([out] Pointer Type MinPoint, [out] Pointer Type MaxPoint)
Returns the minimum and maximum point of an entity's bounding box.
- IntersectWith()
VARIANT IntersectWith([in] IDispatch* IntersectObject, AcExtendOptionShort option)
Returns coordinates of intersections with the (input) IntersectObject.
- Handle [ReadOnly]
BSTR Handle( )
Returns the handle of an object.
- ObjectName [ReadOnly]
BSTR ObjectName( )
Returns the TeighaX class name of an object.
- ObjectID [ReadOnly]
LONG_PTR ObjectID( )
Returns the object ID of an object.
- Application [ReadOnly]
IDispatch* Application( )
Returns the Application object.
- HasExtensionDictionary [ReadOnly]
Boolean HasExtensionDictionary( )
Returns whether an object has an associated extension dictionary.
- OwnerID [ReadOnly]
Returns the object ID of the parent object.
- Document [ReadOnly]
IDispatch* Document( )
Returns the drawing to which an object belongs.
- TrueColor [ReadOnly]
IAcadAcCmColor* TrueColor( )
Specifies or returns the true color of an object.
- Layer [ReadOnly]
BSTR Layer( )
Specifies or returns the current layer of an object.
- Linetype [ReadOnly]
BSTR Linetype( )
Specifies or returns the current linetype of an object.
- LinetypeScale [ReadOnly]
ACAD_NOUNITS LinetypeScale( )
Specifies or returns the linetype scale factor of an object.
- Visible [ReadOnly]
Boolean Visible( )
Specifies or returns the visibility of an object or the application.
- PlotStyleName [ReadOnly]
BSTR PlotStyleName( )
Specifies or returns the plot style name of an object.
- Lineweight [ReadOnly]
ACAD_LWEIGHT Lineweight( )
Specifies or returns the lineweight of an object.
- Hyperlinks [ReadOnly]
IAcadHyperlinks* Hyperlinks( )
Assigns a hyperlink to an object and displays the hyperlink name and description (if one is specified).
- Material [ReadOnly]
BSTR Material( )
Specifies or returns the material of an object.
- EntityTransparency [ReadOnly]
BSTR EntityTransparency( )
Specifies the transparency of the object
- Normal [ReadOnly]
VARIANT Normal( )
Specifies or returns the x, y, and z coordinates of the normal direction vector.
- Rotation [ReadOnly]
ACAD_ANGLE Rotation( )
Specifies or returns the rotation angle of a dimension.
- TextPosition [ReadOnly]
VARIANT TextPosition( )
Specifies or returns the x, y, z coordinates for the text position of a dimension.
- TextRotation [ReadOnly]
ACAD_ANGLE TextRotation( )
Specifies or returns the rotation angle of dimension text.
- TextOverride [ReadOnly]
BSTR TextOverride( )
Specifies or returns a dimension text string that displays in addition to or instead of the dimension measurement.
- StyleName [ReadOnly]
BSTR StyleName( )
Specifies or returns the name of the dimension style assigned to a dimension.
- TextColor [ReadOnly]
ACAD_COLOR TextColor( )
Specifies or returns the text color of a dimension.
- DecimalSeparator [ReadOnly]
BSTR DecimalSeparator( )
Specifies or returns the decimal separator of a dimension formatted for decimals.
- TextGap [ReadOnly]
Double TextGap( )
Specifies or returns the amount of blank space surrounding dimension text when the text causes a dimension line to break.
- TextPrefix [ReadOnly]
BSTR TextPrefix( )
Specifies or returns the prefix for text of a dimension.
- TextSuffix [ReadOnly]
BSTR TextSuffix( )
Specifies or returns the suffix for text of a dimension.
- ScaleFactor [ReadOnly]
ACAD_NOUNITS ScaleFactor( )
Specifies or returns the scale factor of a dimension.
- VerticalTextPosition [ReadOnly]
AcDimVerticalJustification VerticalTextPosition( )
Specifies or returns the vertical position of text for a dimension.
- TolerancePrecision [ReadOnly]
AcDimPrecision TolerancePrecision( )
Specifies or returns the number of decimal places for tolerance values of dimensions.
- ToleranceHeightScale [ReadOnly]
ACAD_NOUNITS ToleranceHeightScale( )
Specifies or returns the scale factor of tolerance text height in relation to dimension text height.
- ToleranceLowerLimit [ReadOnly]
Double ToleranceLowerLimit( )
Specifies or returns the lower tolerance limit for dimensions.
- TextMovement [ReadOnly]
AcDimTextMovement TextMovement( )
Specifies or returns how dimension lines move when the corresponding dimension text moves.
- ToleranceDisplay [ReadOnly]
AcDimToleranceMethod ToleranceDisplay( )
Specifies or returns whether dimension tolerance values display with dimension text.
- ToleranceJustification [ReadOnly]
AcDimToleranceJustify ToleranceJustification( )
Specifies or returns the vertical placement of tolerance values for dimension text.
- ToleranceUpperLimit [ReadOnly]
Double ToleranceUpperLimit( )
Specifies or returns the upper tolerance limit for dimensions.
- TextStyle [ReadOnly]
BSTR TextStyle( )
Specifies or returns the text style of a dimension.
- TextHeight [ReadOnly]
Double TextHeight( )
Specifies or returns the text height of a dimension.
- SuppressLeadingZeros [ReadOnly]
Boolean SuppressLeadingZeros( )
Specifies or returns whether leading zeros display for dimensions.
- SuppressTrailingZeros [ReadOnly]
Boolean SuppressTrailingZeros( )
Specifies or returns whether trailing zeros display for dimensions.
- ToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros [ReadOnly]
Boolean ToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros( )
Specifies or returns whether leading zeros display for tolerance values of dimensions.
- ToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros [ReadOnly]
Boolean ToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros( )
Specifies or returns whether trailing zeros display for tolerance values of dimensions.
- TextFill [ReadOnly]
Boolean TextFill( )
Specifies or returns the background fill of dimension text.
- TextFillColor [ReadOnly]
ACAD_COLOR TextFillColor( )
Specifies or returns the fill color for dimension text.
- AltUnits [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltUnits( )
Specifies or returns whether alternate units are used for dimensions.
- AltUnitsPrecision [ReadOnly]
AcDimPrecision AltUnitsPrecision( )
Specifies or returns the number of decimal places for alternate unit dimension.
- AltUnitsScale [ReadOnly]
ACAD_NOUNITS AltUnitsScale( )
Specifies or returns the scale factor for alternate unit dimensions.
- AltRoundDistance [ReadOnly]
Double AltRoundDistance( )
Specifies or returns the rounding value for alternate unit dimensions.
- AltTolerancePrecision [ReadOnly]
AcDimPrecision AltTolerancePrecision( )
Specifies or returns the number of decimal places for tolerance values of alternate unit dimensions.
- AltUnitsFormat [ReadOnly]
AcDimUnits AltUnitsFormat( )
Specifies or returns the unit measurement for alternate unit dimensions (not including angular dimensions).
- AltTextPrefix [ReadOnly]
BSTR AltTextPrefix( )
Specifies or returns the prefix for alternate unit dimensions (not including angular dimensions).
- AltTextSuffix [ReadOnly]
BSTR AltTextSuffix( )
Specifies or returns the suffix for alternate unit dimensions (not including angular dimensions).
- DimensionLineColor [ReadOnly]
ACAD_COLOR DimensionLineColor( )
Specifies or returns the color of dimension lines.
- ExtensionLineColor [ReadOnly]
ACAD_COLOR ExtensionLineColor( )
Specifies or returns the color of extension lines.
- PrimaryUnitsPrecision [ReadOnly]
AcDimPrecision PrimaryUnitsPrecision( )
Specifies or returns the number of decimal places for the primary units of dimensions.
- DimensionLineExtend [ReadOnly]
Double DimensionLineExtend( )
Specifies or returns how far dimension lines extend beyond extension lines when using dimension lines with oblique strokes.
- ExtensionLineExtend [ReadOnly]
Double ExtensionLineExtend( )
Specifies or returns how far extension lines extend beyond dimension lines.
- Fit [ReadOnly]
AcDimFit Fit( )
Specifies or returns how text and arrowheads are positioned when they do not fit in the space between extension lines.
- FractionFormat [ReadOnly]
AcDimFractionType FractionFormat( )
Specifies or returns how fractions display for dimensions.
- HorizontalTextPosition [ReadOnly]
AcDimHorizontalJustification HorizontalTextPosition( )
Specifies or returns the horizontal position of dimension text.
- LinearScaleFactor [ReadOnly]
ACAD_NOUNITS LinearScaleFactor( )
Specifies or returns the scale factor for linear dimensions.
- UnitsFormat [ReadOnly]
AcDimLUnits UnitsFormat( )
Specifies or returns the unit of measurement for linear dimensions.
- ExtensionLineWeight [ReadOnly]
ACAD_LWEIGHT ExtensionLineWeight( )
Specifies or returns the lineweight of extension lines.
- RoundDistance [ReadOnly]
Double RoundDistance( )
Specifies or returns how measurements are rounded for all dimensions except angular dimensions.
- DimLine1Suppress [ReadOnly]
Boolean DimLine1Suppress( )
Specifies or returns whether the first dimension line displays.
- DimLine2Suppress [ReadOnly]
Boolean DimLine2Suppress( )
Specifies or returns whether the second dimension line displays.
- ExtLine1Suppress [ReadOnly]
Boolean ExtLine1Suppress( )
Specifies or returns whether the first extension line displays.
- ExtLine2Suppress [ReadOnly]
Boolean ExtLine2Suppress( )
Specifies or returns whether the second extension line displays.
- DimLineInside [ReadOnly]
Boolean DimLineInside( )
Specifies or returns whether dimension lines are drawn outside of extension lines.
- TextInsideAlign [ReadOnly]
Boolean TextInsideAlign( )
Specifies or returns whether dimension text displays between extension lines.
- TextInside [ReadOnly]
Boolean TextInside( )
Specifies or returns whether dimension text between extension lines is aligned horizontally or with the dimension line.
- ForceLineInside [ReadOnly]
Boolean ForceLineInside( )
Specifies or returns whether dimension lines display between extension lines when text is positioned outside of the extension lines.
- TextOutsideAlign [ReadOnly]
Boolean TextOutsideAlign( )
Specifies or returns whether dimension text displays outside of extension lines.
- ExtensionLineOffset [ReadOnly]
Double ExtensionLineOffset( )
Specifies or returns the distance between extension lines and the object being dimensioned.
- AltSuppressLeadingZeros [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltSuppressLeadingZeros( )
Specifies or returns whether leading zeros display for alternate unit dimensions.
- AltSuppressTrailingZeros [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltSuppressTrailingZeros( )
Specifies or returns whether leading zeros display for alternate unit dimensions.
- AltSuppressZeroFeet [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltSuppressZeroFeet( )
Specifies or returns whether zero feet measurements display for alternate unit dimensions.
- AltSuppressZeroInches [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltSuppressZeroInches( )
Specifies or returns whether zero inch measurements display for alternate unit dimensions.
- AltToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltToleranceSuppressLeadingZeros( )
Specifies or returns whether leading zeros display for tolerance values of alternate unit dimensions.
- AltToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltToleranceSuppressTrailingZeros( )
Specifies or returns whether trailing zeros display for tolerance values of alternate unit dimensions.
- AltToleranceSuppressZeroFeet [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltToleranceSuppressZeroFeet( )
Specifies or returns whether zero feet measurements display for tolerance values of alternate unit dimensions.
- AltToleranceSuppressZeroInches [ReadOnly]
Boolean AltToleranceSuppressZeroInches( )
Specifies or returns whether zero inch measurements display for tolerance values of alternate unit dimensions.
- SuppressZeroFeet [ReadOnly]
Boolean SuppressZeroFeet( )
SSpecifies or returns whether zero feet measurements display for dimensions.
- SuppressZeroInches [ReadOnly]
Boolean SuppressZeroInches( )
Specifies or returns whether zero inch measurements display for dimensions.
- ToleranceSuppressZeroFeet [ReadOnly]
Boolean ToleranceSuppressZeroFeet( )
Specifies or returns whether zero feet measurements display for tolerance values of dimensions.
- ToleranceSuppressZeroInches [ReadOnly]
Boolean ToleranceSuppressZeroInches( )
Specifies or returns whether zero inch measurements display for tolerance values of dimensions.
- DimensionLineWeight [ReadOnly]
ACAD_LWEIGHT DimensionLineWeight( )
Specifies or returns the lineweight of dimension lines.
- ArrowheadSize [ReadOnly]
Double ArrowheadSize( )
Specifies or returns the size of dimension arrowheads.
- Arrowhead1Type [ReadOnly]
AcDimArrowheadType Arrowhead1Type( )
Specifies or returns the arrowhead of the first dimension line.
- Arrowhead2Type [ReadOnly]
AcDimArrowheadType Arrowhead2Type( )
Specifies or returns the arrowhead of the second dimension line.
- Measurement [ReadOnly]
Double Measurement( )
Returns the length measurement of linear dimensions or the angle measurement for angular dimensions.
- Arrowhead1Block [ReadOnly]
BSTR Arrowhead1Block( )
Specifies or returns the arrowhead of the first dimension line.
- Arrowhead2Block [ReadOnly]
BSTR Arrowhead2Block( )
Specifies or returns the arrowhead of the second dimension line.
- ArcPoint [ReadOnly]
VARIANT ArcPoint( )
Specifies or returns a point on the arc.
- ExtLine1Point [ReadOnly]
VARIANT ExtLine1Point( )
Specifies or returns the start point of the first extension line.
- ExtLine2Point [ReadOnly]
VARIANT ExtLine2Point( )
Specifies or returns the start point of the second extension line.
- CenterPoint [ReadOnly]
VARIANT CenterPoint( )
Specifies or returns the center point of the arc.
- Leader1Point [ReadOnly]
VARIANT Leader1Point( )
Specifies or returns the start point of the first leader.
- Leader2Point [ReadOnly]
VARIANT Leader2Point( )
Specifies or returns the start point of the second leader.
- IsPartial [ReadOnly]
Boolean IsPartial( )
Specifies or returns whether the dimension is for a partial arc.
- ArcStartParam [ReadOnly]
Double ArcStartParam( )
Specifies or returns the start parameter of the arc.
- ArcEndParam [ReadOnly]
Double ArcEndParam( )
Specifies or returns the end parameter of the arc.
- HasLeader [ReadOnly]
Boolean HasLeader( )
Specifies or returns whether the dimension has a leader.
- SymbolPosition [ReadOnly]
AcDimArcLengthSymbol SymbolPosition( )
Specifies or returns the location of the arc length dimension symbol.
- DimensionLinetype [ReadOnly]
BSTR DimensionLinetype( )
Specifies the linetype of a dimension line.
- ExtLine1Linetype [ReadOnly]
BSTR ExtLine1Linetype( )
Specifies or returns the linetype of the first extension line.
- ExtLine2Linetype [ReadOnly]
BSTR ExtLine2Linetype( )
Specifies or returns the linetype of the second extension line.
- ExtLineFixedLenSuppress [ReadOnly]
Boolean ExtLineFixedLenSuppress( )
Specifies or returns whether fixed-length extension lines display.
- ExtLineFixedLen [ReadOnly]
Double ExtLineFixedLen( )
Specifies or returns whether extension lines are a fixed length.
- SubUnitsSuffix
Void SubUnitsSuffix( )
Specifies the text suffix for all applicable linear dimension when change to sub-units
- SubUnitsFactor [ReadOnly]
Double SubUnitsFactor( )
Specifies the sub-units scale factor for all applicable linear dimension
- AltSubUnitsSuffix [ReadOnly]
BSTR AltSubUnitsSuffix( )
Specifies the text suffix for the alternate dimension when change to alternate sub-units
- AltSubUnitsFactor [ReadOnly]
Double AltSubUnitsFactor( )
Specifies the alternate sub-units scale factor for all applicable linear dimension