TeighaX Interface of a special Block object containing all the entities in the active paper space layout
Supported Platforms: Windows only
Object Inheritance
These members are part of this object:
Methods- GetXData
- SetXData
- Delete
- GetExtensionDictionary
- Item
- AddCustomObject
- Add3DFace
- Add3DMesh
- Add3DPoly
- AddArc
- AddAttribute
- AddBox
- AddCircle
- AddCone
- AddCylinder
- AddDimAligned
- AddDimAngular
- AddDimDiametric
- AddDimRotated
- AddDimOrdinate
- AddDimRadial
- AddEllipse
- AddEllipticalCone
- AddEllipticalCylinder
- AddExtrudedSolid
- AddExtrudedSolidAlongPath
- AddLeader
- AddMText
- AddPoint
- AddLightWeightPolyline
- AddPolyline
- AddRay
- AddRegion
- AddRevolvedSolid
- AddShape
- AddSolid
- AddSphere
- AddSpline
- AddText
- AddTolerance
- AddTorus
- AddTrace
- AddWedge
- AddXline
- InsertBlock
- AddHatch
- AddRaster
- AddLine
- AddMInsertBlock
- AddPolyfaceMesh
- AddMLine
- AddDim3PointAngular
- AttachExternalReference
- Unload
- Reload
- Bind
- Detach
- AddTable
- AddDimArc
- AddDimRadialLarge
- AddSection
- AddMLeader
- AddEmbeddedRaster
- AddPViewport
Properties- Handle
- ObjectName
- ObjectID
- Application
- HasExtensionDictionary
- OwnerID
- Document
- Count
- Name
- Origin
- IsLayout
- Layout
- IsXRef
- XRefDatabase
- Path
- Comments
- Units
- Explodable
- BlockScaling
- IsDynamicBlock
- GetXData()
Void GetXData([in] BSTR AppName, [out] Pointer Type XDataType, [out] Pointer Type XDataValue)
Returns the extended data (XData) associated with an object.
- SetXData()
Void SetXData([in] VARIANT XDataType, [in] VARIANT XDataValue)
Sets the extended data (XData) associated with an object.
- Delete()
Void Delete( )
Deletes a specified object.
- GetExtensionDictionary()
IAcadDictionary* GetExtensionDictionary( )
Returns the extension dictionary associated with an object.
- Item()
IAcadEntity* Item([in] VARIANT Index)
Returns an object at a given index in a collection.
- AddCustomObject()
IDispatch* AddCustomObject([in] BSTR ClassName)
Creates a custom object.
- Add3DFace()
IAcad3DFace* Add3DFace([in] VARIANT Point1, [in] VARIANT Point2, [in] VARIANT point3, [in] VARIANT Point4)
Creates a 3DFace object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- Add3DMesh()
IAcadPolygonMesh* Add3DMesh([in] Int M, [in] Int N, [in] VARIANT PointsMatrix)
Creates a PolyfaceMesh object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- Add3DPoly()
IAcad3DPolyline* Add3DPoly([in] VARIANT PointsArray)
Creates a 3DPolyline object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddArc()
IAcadArc* AddArc([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double Radius, [in] Double StartAngle, [in] Double EndAngle)
Creates an Arc object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddAttribute()
IAcadAttribute* AddAttribute([in] Double Height, AcAttributeModeShort Mode, [in] BSTR Prompt, [in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] BSTR Tag, [in] BSTR Value)
Creates an Attribute object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddBox()
IAcad3DSolid* AddBox([in] VARIANT Origin, [in] Double Length, [in] Double Width, [in] Double Height)
Creates a 3D solid box and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddCircle()
IAcadCircle* AddCircle([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double Radius)
Creates a Circle object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddCone()
IAcad3DSolid* AddCone([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double BaseRadius, [in] Double Height)
Creates a 3D solid cone and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddCylinder()
IAcad3DSolid* AddCylinder([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double Radius, [in] Double Height)
Creates a 3D solid cylinder and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDimAligned()
IAcadDimAligned* AddDimAligned([in] VARIANT ExtLine1Point, [in] VARIANT ExtLine2Point, [in] VARIANT TextPosition)
Creates an aligned dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDimAngular()
IAcadDimAngular* AddDimAngular([in] VARIANT AngleVertex, [in] VARIANT FirstEndPoint, [in] VARIANT SecondEndPoint, [in] VARIANT TextPoint)
Creates an angular dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDimDiametric()
IAcadDimDiametric* AddDimDiametric([in] VARIANT ChordPoint, [in] VARIANT FarChordPoint, [in] Double LeaderLength)
Creates a diametric dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDimRotated()
IAcadDimRotated* AddDimRotated([in] VARIANT ExtLine1Point, [in] VARIANT ExtLine2Point, [in] VARIANT DimLineLocation, [in] Double RotationAngle)
Creates a rotated linear dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDimOrdinate()
IAcadDimOrdinate* AddDimOrdinate([in] VARIANT DefinitionPoint, [in] VARIANT LeaderEndPoint, [in] Int UseXAxis)
Creates an ordinate dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDimRadial()
IAcadDimRadial* AddDimRadial([in] VARIANT Center, [in] VARIANT ChordPoint, [in] Double LeaderLength)
Creates a radial dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddEllipse()
IAcadEllipse* AddEllipse([in] VARIANT Center, [in] VARIANT MajorAxis, [in] Double RadiusRatio)
Creates an Ellipse object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddEllipticalCone()
IAcad3DSolid* AddEllipticalCone([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double MajorRadius, [in] Double MinorRadius, [in] Double Height)
Creates a 3D solid elliptical cone object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddEllipticalCylinder()
IAcad3DSolid* AddEllipticalCylinder([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double MajorRadius, [in] Double MinorRadius, [in] Double Height)
Creates a 3D solid elliptical cylinder object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddExtrudedSolid()
IAcad3DSolid* AddExtrudedSolid([in] Pointer Type Profile, [in] Double Height, [in] Double TaperAngle)
Creates an extruded solid object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddExtrudedSolidAlongPath()
IAcad3DSolid* AddExtrudedSolidAlongPath([in] Pointer Type Profile, [in] IDispatch* Path)
Creates an extruded solid object along a path and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddLeader()
IAcadLeader* AddLeader([in] VARIANT PointsArray, [in] Pointer Type Annotation, AcLeaderTypeShort Type)
Creates a Leader object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddMText()
IAcadMText* AddMText([in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] Double Width, [in] BSTR Text)
Creates an Multiline Text object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddPoint()
IAcadPoint* AddPoint([in] VARIANT Point)
Creates a Point object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddLightWeightPolyline()
IAcadLWPolyline* AddLightWeightPolyline([in] VARIANT VerticesList)
Creates a Lightweight Polyline object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddPolyline()
IAcadPolyline* AddPolyline([in] VARIANT VerticesList)
Creates a Polyline object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddRay()
IAcadRay* AddRay([in] VARIANT Point1, [in] VARIANT Point2)
Creates a Ray object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddRegion()
VARIANT AddRegion([in] VARIANT ObjectList)
Creates a Region object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddRevolvedSolid()
IAcad3DSolid* AddRevolvedSolid([in] Pointer Type Profile, [in] VARIANT AxisPoint, [in] VARIANT AxisDir, [in] Double Angle)
Creates a revolved solid object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddShape()
IAcadShape* AddShape([in] BSTR Name, [in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] Double ScaleFactor, [in] Double RotationAngle)
Creates a Shape object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddSolid()
IAcadSolid* AddSolid([in] VARIANT Point1, [in] VARIANT Point2, [in] VARIANT point3, [in] VARIANT Point4)
Creates a 2D solid polygon object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddSphere()
IAcad3DSolid* AddSphere([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double Radius)
Creates a Sphere object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddSpline()
IAcadSpline* AddSpline([in] VARIANT PointsArray, [in] VARIANT StartTangent, [in] VARIANT EndTangent)
Creates a Spline object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddText()
IAcadText* AddText([in] BSTR TextString, [in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] Double Height)
Creates a Text object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddTolerance()
IAcadTolerance* AddTolerance([in] BSTR Text, [in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] VARIANT Direction)
Creates a Tolerance object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddTorus()
IAcad3DSolid* AddTorus([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double TorusRadius, [in] Double TubeRadius)
Creates a Torus object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddTrace()
IAcadTrace* AddTrace([in] VARIANT PointsArray)
Creates a Trace object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddWedge()
IAcad3DSolid* AddWedge([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double Length, [in] Double Width, [in] Double Height)
Creates a Wedge object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddXline()
IAcadXline* AddXline([in] VARIANT Point1, [in] VARIANT Point2)
Creates an XLine object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- InsertBlock()
IAcadBlockReference* InsertBlock([in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] BSTR Name, [in] Double Xscale, [in] Double Yscale, [in] Double Zscale, [in] Double Rotation, [in, optional] VARIANT Password)
Inserts a drawing or named block to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddHatch()
IAcadHatch* AddHatch([in] Int PatternType, [in] BSTR PatternName, [in] Boolean Associativity, [in, optional] VARIANT HatchObjectType)
Creates a Hatch object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddRaster()
IAcadRasterImage* AddRaster([in] BSTR imageFileName, [in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] Double ScaleFactor, [in] Double RotationAngle)
Adds a raster image as a Raster object to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddLine()
IAcadLine* AddLine([in] VARIANT StartPoint, [in] VARIANT EndPoint)
Creates a Line object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddMInsertBlock()
IAcadMInsertBlock* AddMInsertBlock([in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] BSTR Name, [in] Double Xscale, [in] Double Yscale, [in] Double Zscale, [in] Double Rotation, [in] Integer NumRows, [in] Integer NumColumns, [in] Integer RowSpacing, [in] Integer ColumnSpacing, [in, optional] VARIANT Password)
Adds an array of blocks to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddPolyfaceMesh()
IAcadPolyfaceMesh* AddPolyfaceMesh([in] VARIANT VertexList, [in] VARIANT FaceList)
Creates a Polyface Mesh object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddMLine()
IAcadMLine* AddMLine([in] VARIANT VertexList)
Creates a Multiline object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDim3PointAngular()
IAcadDim3PointAngular* AddDim3PointAngular([in] VARIANT AngleVertex, [in] VARIANT FirstEndPoint, [in] VARIANT SecondEndPoint, [in] VARIANT TextPoint)
Creates a 3-point angular dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AttachExternalReference()
IAcadExternalReference* AttachExternalReference([in] BSTR PathName, [in] BSTR Name, [in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] Double Xscale, [in] Double Yscale, [in] Double Zscale, [in] Double Rotation, [in] Boolean bOverlay, [in, optional] VARIANT Password)
Attaches an external reference to a drawing.
- Unload()
Void Unload( )
Unloads an external reference from a drawing.
- Reload()
Void Reload( )
Reloads an external reference to a drawing.
- Bind()
Void Bind([in] Boolean bPrefixName)
Binds an external reference to a drawing.
- Detach()
Void Detach( )
Detachs an external reference from a drawing.
- AddTable()
IAcadTable* AddTable([in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] Int NumRows, [in] Int NumColumns, [in] Double RowHeight, [in] Double ColWidth)
Creates a Table object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDimArc()
IAcadDimArcLength* AddDimArc([in] VARIANT ArcCenter, [in] VARIANT FirstEndPoint, [in] VARIANT SecondEndPoint, [in] VARIANT ArcPoint)
Creates an arc length dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddDimRadialLarge()
IAcadDimRadialLarge* AddDimRadialLarge([in] VARIANT Center, [in] VARIANT ChordPoint, [in] VARIANT OverrideCenter, [in] VARIANT JogPoint, [in] Double JogAngle)
Creates a jogged radial dimension object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddSection()
IAcadSection* AddSection([in] VARIANT FromPoint, [in] VARIANT ToPoint, [in] VARIANT planeVector)
Creates a Section object and adds it to modelspace, paperspace, or a block.
- AddMLeader()
IAcadMLeader* AddMLeader([in] VARIANT PointsArray, [out] Pointer Type leaderLineIndex)
Creates a multileader
- AddEmbeddedRaster()
IAcadOle* AddEmbeddedRaster([in] BSTR ImagePath, [in] VARIANT InsertionPoint, [in] Double Height, [in] Double Width)
Embed raster as an OLE item.
- AddPViewport()
IAcadPViewport* AddPViewport([in] VARIANT Center, [in] Double Width, [in] Double Height)
Adds a paperspace viewport to paperspace.
- Handle [ReadOnly]
BSTR Handle( )
Returns the handle of an object.
- ObjectName [ReadOnly]
BSTR ObjectName( )
Returns the TeighaX class name of an object.
- ObjectID [ReadOnly]
LONG_PTR ObjectID( )
Returns the object ID of an object.
- Application [ReadOnly]
IDispatch* Application( )
Returns the Application object.
- HasExtensionDictionary [ReadOnly]
Boolean HasExtensionDictionary( )
Returns whether an object has an associated extension dictionary.
- OwnerID [ReadOnly]
Returns the object ID of the parent object.
- Document [ReadOnly]
IDispatch* Document( )
Returns the drawing to which an object belongs.
- Count [ReadOnly]
Integer Count( )
Returns the number of items in a collection.
- Name [ReadOnly]
BSTR Name( )
Specifies or returns the name of an object.
- Origin [ReadOnly]
VARIANT Origin( )
Specifies or returns the coordinates for the origin of a block.
- IsLayout [ReadOnly]
Boolean IsLayout( )
Returns whether a specified block is a layout block.
- Layout [ReadOnly]
IAcadLayout* Layout( )
Returns the layout associated with the specified block.
- IsXRef [ReadOnly]
Boolean IsXRef( )
Returns whether a specified block is an external reference block.
- XRefDatabase [ReadOnly]
IAcadDatabase* XRefDatabase( )
Returns the Database object.
- Path [ReadOnly]
BSTR Path( )
Specifies or returns the path of an external reference.
BSTR Comments( )
Specifies or returns the comments of a block.
- Units [ReadOnly]
AcInsertUnits Units( )
Specifies or returns the units of measure for a block.
- Explodable [ReadOnly]
Boolean Explodable( )
Specifies or returns whether a block can be exploded.
- BlockScaling [ReadOnly]
AcBlockScaling BlockScaling( )
Specifies or returns whether a block can be scaled.
- IsDynamicBlock [ReadOnly]
Boolean IsDynamicBlock( )
Returns whether the block is a dynamic block.