This object contains the options from the Profiles tab on the Options dialog
Supported Platforms: Windows only
Object Inheritance
These members are part of this object:
Methods- ImportProfile
- ExportProfile
- DeleteProfile
- ResetProfile
- RenameProfile
- CopyProfile
- GetAllProfileNames
Properties- Application
- ActiveProfile
- ImportProfile()
Void ImportProfile([in] BSTR ProfileName, [in] BSTR RegFile, [in] Boolean IncludePathInfo)
Imports a profile created by another user
- ExportProfile()
Void ExportProfile([in] BSTR ProfileName, [in] BSTR RegFile)
Exports the active profile so it can be shared with other users
- DeleteProfile()
Void DeleteProfile([in] BSTR ProfileName)
Deletes the specified profile
- ResetProfile()
Void ResetProfile([in] BSTR Profile)
Resets the value in the specified profile to its default values
- RenameProfile()
Void RenameProfile([in] BSTR origProfileName, [in] BSTR newProfileName)
Renames the specified profile
- CopyProfile()
Void CopyProfile([in] BSTR oldProfileName, [in] BSTR newProfileName)
Copies the specified profile
- GetAllProfileNames()
Void GetAllProfileNames([out] Pointer Type pNames)
Gets all available profiles for the system
- Application [ReadOnly]
IAcadApplication* Application( )
Gets the Application object
- ActiveProfile
Void ActiveProfile( )
Specifies the active profile for session