A group of one or more Argon objects specified for processing as a single unit
Supported Platforms: Windows only
Object Inheritance
These members are part of this object:
Methods- Item
- Highlight
- Erase
- Update
- AddItems
- RemoveItems
- Clear
- Select
- SelectAtPoint
- SelectByPolygon
- SelectOnScreen
- Delete
Properties- Count
- Name
- Application
- Item()
IAcadEntity* Item([in] VARIANT Index)
Gets the member object at a given index in a collection, group, or selection set
- Highlight()
Void Highlight([in] Boolean bFlag)
Sets the highlight status for the given object, or for all objects in a given selection set
- Erase()
Void Erase( )
Erases all the objects in a selection set
- Update()
Void Update( )
Updates the object to the drawing screen
- AddItems()
Void AddItems([in] VARIANT pSelSet)
Adds one or more objects to the specified selection set
- RemoveItems()
Void RemoveItems([in] VARIANT Objects)
Removes specified items from the group or selection set
- Clear()
Void Clear( )
Clears the specified selection set of all items
- Select()
Void Select(AcSelectShort Mode, [in Point1, optional] VARIANT Point2, [in FilterType, optional] VARIANT,[in, optional] VARIANT,[in, optional] VARIANT FilterData)
Specifies objects and places them into a selection set
- SelectAtPoint()
Void SelectAtPoint([in] VARIANT Point, [in FilterType, optional] VARIANT,[in, optional] VARIANT FilterData)
Specifies an object passing through a given point and places it into a selection set
- SelectByPolygon()
Void SelectByPolygon(AcSelectShort Mode, [in] VARIANT PointsList, [in FilterType, optional] VARIANT,[in, optional] VARIANT FilterData)
Specifies entities within a fence and adds them to the selection set
- SelectOnScreen()
Void SelectOnScreen([in FilterType, optional] VARIANT,[in, optional] VARIANT FilterData)
Prompts the user to pick an object from the screen
- Delete()
Void Delete( )
Deletes a specified object
- Count [ReadOnly]
Integer Count( )
Gets the number of items in the collection, dictionary, group, or selection set
- Name [ReadOnly]
BSTR Name( )
Specifies the name of the object
- Application [ReadOnly]
IAcadApplication* Application( )
Gets the Application object