CFx SDK Documentation
2022 SP0
#include <FxUserIO.h>
Classes | |
struct | CFxRange |
Public Member Functions | |
CFxUserIO () | |
~CFxUserIO () override | |
virtual void | Write (const CFxString &prompt) |
virtual int | DoSSGet (SelectMode eMode, CFxSelectionSet *pSelectionSet, int keywords=eKwSSGet, const CFxString &sSelectPrompt=CFxString(), const CFxString &sRemovePrompt=CFxString(), const fdt_resbufW *pFilter=0, OdGePoint3dArray *pickPointsWCS=0, bool bSingleMode=false, CFxSelectionSet::RemoveFlags flags=CFxSelectionSet::eRemoveDefaultInvalid, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0)=0 |
virtual int | DoEntsel (const CFxString &sPrompt, CFxSelectionSet *pSelectionSet, const fdt_resbufW *pFilter, OdGePoint3d &pickPointWCS, bool &bPointInput, int keywords=eKwEntSel, CFxSelectionSet::RemoveFlags flags=CFxSelectionSet::eRemoveDefaultInvalid, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0)=0 |
virtual int | DoNentsel (const CFxString &sPrompt, CFxSelectionSet *pSelectionSet, const fdt_resbufW *pFilter, OdGePoint3d &pickPointWCS, int pickflag, OdGeMatrix3d &modelToWorld, OdDbObjectIdArray &containerBlocks, int keywords=eKwNEntSel, CFxSelectionSet::RemoveFlags flags=CFxSelectionSet::eRemoveDefaultInvalid, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetUserInput (CFxString *pInput)=0 |
virtual const CFxString & | GetUserInput () const =0 |
virtual int | GetPoint (const CFxString &sPrompt, const OdGePoint3d *pDefaultValue, const OdGePoint3d *pBasePointWCS, OdGePoint3d *pReturnValueWCS, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, const CFxString &errorPrompt=CFxString(), bool bDoNotShowBasePointLine=false, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0, const OdGePlane *pPlane=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetString (bool bIgnoreSpaces, const CFxString &sPrompt, const CFxString &sDefaultVal, CFxString *pResult, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetKeyword (const CFxString &sPrompt, const CFxString &sDefault, CFxString *pResult, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetDouble (const CFxString &sPrompt, const double *pDefaultVal, double *pResult, CFxRange< double > *pRange=0, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, const CFxString &errorPrompt=CFxString(), TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetInt (const CFxString &prompt, const int *pDefaultVal, int *pResult, CFxRange< int > *pRange=0, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, const CFxString &errorPrompt=CFxString(), TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetAngle (const CFxString &prompt, const double *pDefaultValue, const OdGePoint3d *pBasePointWCS, double *pResult, CFxRange< double > *pRange=0, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, const CFxString &errorPrompt=CFxString(), bool bDoNotShowBasePointLine=false, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0, const OdGePlane *pPlane=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetDirection (const CFxString &prompt, const double *pDefaultValue, const OdGePoint3d *pBasePointWCS, double *pResult, CFxRange< double > *pRange=0, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, const CFxString &errorPrompt=CFxString(), bool bDoNotShowBasePointLine=false, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0, const OdGePlane *pPlane=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetOrient (const CFxString &prompt, const double *pDefaultValue, const OdGePoint3d *pBasePtWCS, double *pResult, CFxRange< double > *pRange=0, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, const CFxString &errorPrompt=CFxString(), bool bDoNotShowBasePointLine=false, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0, const OdGePlane *pPlane=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetCorner (const CFxString &prompt, const OdGePoint3d *pDefaultValue, const OdGePoint3d *pBasePtWCS, OdGePoint3d *pResult, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, const CFxString &errorPrompt=CFxString(), TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0, const OdGePlane *pPlane=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetDist (const CFxString &prompt, const double *pDefaultValue, const OdGePoint3d *pBasePtWCS, double *pResult, CFxRange< double > *pRange=0, CFxEdInputTracker *pTracker=0, const CFxString &errorPrompt=CFxString(), bool bDoNotShowBasePointLine=false, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers=0, const OdGePlane *pPlane=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetFileName (bool &bFILEDIA, const CFxString &prompt, const CFxString &defaultFileName, CFxUserIO::FileNameRetVal *pResultMode, CFxString *pResultStr, FxWId parent, CFxUserIO::FileNameType eType, const CFxString &dialogCaption, const CFxString &defaultExtension, const CFxString &filter, const CFxString &initialDir, int *filterIndex=0, CFxString *templateName=0, FileNameFlags flags=eFileNameNoFlags, OdCodePageId **codepage=0)=0 |
virtual int | GetFileNames (bool &bFILEDIA, const CFxString &prompt, const CFxString &defaultFileName, CFxUserIO::FileNameRetVal *pResultMode, CFxStringArray *pResultStrs, FxWId parent, CFxUserIO::FileNameType eType, const CFxString &dialogCaption, const CFxString &defaultExtension, const CFxString &filter, const CFxString &initialDir, int *filterIndex=0, CFxString *templateName=0, FileNameFlags flags=eFileNameNoFlags, OdCodePageId **codepage=0)=0 |
virtual int | MessageBox (bool bFILEDIA, const CFxString &prompt, const CFxString &caption, unsigned int uType)=0 |
virtual void | Initget (int iFlags)=0 |
virtual void | Initget (int iFlags, const CFxStringArray &keywordsGlobal, const CFxStringArray &keywordsLocal)=0 |
virtual void | Initget (int iFlags, const CFxKeywordArray &keywords)=0 |
virtual void | SetIsPrintSelectResults (bool value)=0 |
virtual const CFxUnitsFormatter * | GetUnitsFormatter () const =0 |
virtual void | SetPromptExplanation (const CFxString &explanation)=0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPrompt (const CFxString &prompt) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPrompt (const CFxString &prompt, const CFxString &range) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptPoint (const CFxString &prompt, const OdGePoint2d *pDefaultValue) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptPoint (const CFxString &prompt, const OdGePoint3d *pDefaultValue) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptString (const CFxString &prompt, const CFxString *pDefaultValue) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptString (const CFxString &prompt, const CFxString *pDefaultValue, const CFxString &range) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptDist (const CFxString &prompt, const double *pDefaultValue) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptReal (const CFxString &prompt, const double *pDefaultValue) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptAngle (const CFxString &prompt, const double *pDefaultValue, bool ignoreANGBASE=false) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptInt (const CFxString &prompt, const int *pDefaultValue) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptInt (const CFxString &prompt, const int *pDefaultValue, const CFxString &range) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptKeyword (const CFxString *pDefaultValue=0, const CFxString *pOptionDescription=0) const =0 |
virtual CFxString | GetPromptKeyword (const CFxString &prompt, const CFxString *pDefaultValue=0) const =0 |
virtual void | MessageLoop_Obsolete (bool bClickAllowed, bool bIgnoreWhiteSpaces, CFxTracker *pInputTracker, OdResBufPtr &pInput, TRACKER_VECTOR *pTrackers)=0 |
virtual const OdDbObjectIdArray & | GetPreviousSelectionSet () const =0 |
virtual void | SetPreviousSelectionSet (const OdDbObjectIdArray &ids)=0 |
virtual int | GetZoomScale (double *pScale, const CFxString &userInput, const CFxView *pView) const =0 |
virtual CFxSelectionSet * | GetFxCurrentSelectionSet ()=0 |
virtual bool | IsPending () const =0 |
virtual int | InitgetFlags () const =0 |
virtual const CFxString & | GetActivePrompt () const =0 |
virtual void | SetCurrentPrompt (const CFxString &prompt, bool bWrite=false)=0 |
virtual const CFxStringArray & | GetActiveGlobalKeywords (CFxStringArray &activeGlobalAbbreviations) const =0 |
virtual const CFxStringArray & | GetActiveLocalKeywords (CFxStringArray &activeLocalAbbreviations) const =0 |
![]() | |
void | addRef () |
void | release () |
![]() | |
virtual OdSelectionSetPtr | select (const OdString &prompt=OdString::kEmpty, int options=OdEd::kSelDefault, const OdSelectionSet *pDefaultValue=0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdSSetTracker *pTracker=0, OdGePoint3dArray *ptsPointer=NULL)=0 |
![]() | |
![]() | |
virtual bool | interactive () |
virtual OdSharedPtr< OdCmColorBase > | getCmColor (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kInpDefault, const OdCmColorBase *pDefaultValue=0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdColorTracker *pTracker=0)=0 |
virtual void | putError (const OdString &errmsg) |
![]() | |
OdRxObject () | |
virtual | ~OdRxObject () |
virtual OdRxObject * | queryX (const OdRxClass *pClass) const |
virtual OdRxObject * | x (const OdRxClass *pClass) const |
virtual OdRxClass * | isA () const |
virtual long | numRefs () const |
bool | isKindOf (const OdRxClass *pClass) const |
virtual OdRxObjectPtr | clone () const |
virtual void | copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource) |
virtual OdRx::Ordering | comparedTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const |
virtual bool | isEqualTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static int | GetFileNameStatic_Obsolete (FileNameRetVal *pResultMode, CFxString *pResultStr, FxWId parent, CFxUserIO::FileNameType eType, const CFxString &dialogCaption, const CFxString &defaultExtension, const CFxString &filter, const CFxString &initialDir, int *filterIndex=0, CFxString *templateName=0, FileNameFlags flags=eFileNameNoFlags, OdCodePageId **pCodepage=0) |
static int | GetFileNamesStatic_Obsolete (FileNameRetVal *pResultMode, CFxStringArray *pResultStrs, FxWId parent, CFxUserIO::FileNameType eType, const CFxString &dialogCaption, const CFxString &defaultExtension, const CFxString &filter, const CFxString &initialDir, int *filterIndex=0, CFxString *templateName=0, FileNameFlags flags=eFileNameNoFlags, OdCodePageId **pCodepage=0) |
![]() | |
static OdRxObjectPtr | cast (const OdRxObject *pointer) |
static OdRxClass * | desc () |
Protected Member Functions | |
OdGePoint3d | getPoint (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kGptDefault, const OdGePoint3d *pDefaultValue=0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdPointTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
double | getAngle (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kInpDefault, double defaultValue=0.0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdRealTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
double | getDist (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kInpDefault, double defaultValue=0.0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdRealTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
OdCmColor | getColor (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kInpDefault, const OdCmColor *pDefaultValue=0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdColorTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
virtual OdSelectionSetPtr | select (const OdString &prompt=OdString::kEmpty, int options=OdEd::kSelDefault, const OdSelectionSet *pDefaultValue=0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdSSetTracker *pTracker=0)=0 |
virtual OdDbUnitsFormatter & | formatter ()=0 |
int | getKeyword (const OdString &prompt, const OdString &keywords, int defVal=0, int options=OdEd::kInpDefault, OdEdIntegerTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
int | getInt (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kInpDefault, int defVal=0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdIntegerTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
double | getReal (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kInpDefault, double defVal=0.0, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdRealTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
OdString | getString (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kInpDefault, const OdString &defValue=OdString::kEmpty, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdStringTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
void | putString (const OdString &string) override=0 |
OdString | getFilePath (const OdString &prompt, int options=OdEd::kGfpForOpen, const OdString &dialogCaption=OdString::kEmpty, const OdString &defExt=OdString::kEmpty, const OdString &fileName=OdString::kEmpty, const OdString &filter=OdString::kEmpty, const OdString &keywords=OdString::kEmpty, OdEdStringTracker *pTracker=0) override=0 |
OdGePoint3d | getLASTPOINT () const override=0 |
void | setLASTPOINT (const OdGePoint3d &pt) override=0 |
void | setPickfirst (OdSelectionSet *pSSet) override=0 |
OdSelectionSetPtr | pickfirst () override=0 |
OdEdPointDefTrackerPtr | createRubberBand (const OdGePoint3d &base, OdGsModel *pModel=NULL) const override=0 |
OdEdPointDefTrackerPtr | createRectFrame (const OdGePoint3d &base, OdGsModel *pModel=NULL) const override=0 |
Friends | |
class | CFxCommandParser |
Description: Represents the user input and output. Library: DDKERNEL
Definition at line 137 of file FxUserIO.h.
typedef enum CFxUserIO::_FileNameFlags CFxUserIO::FileNameFlags |
typedef enum CFxUserIO::_FileNameRetVal CFxUserIO::FileNameRetVal |
typedef std::vector<CFxUserIO::FileNameRetVal> CFxUserIO::FileNameRetValArray |
Definition at line 596 of file FxUserIO.h.
typedef enum CFxUserIO::_FileNameType CFxUserIO::FileNameType |
typedef enum CFxUserIO::_Keywords CFxUserIO::Keywords |
typedef enum CFxUserIO::_KeywordsEx CFxUserIO::KeywordsEx |
typedef enum CFxUserIO::_SelectMode CFxUserIO::SelectMode |
Description: Interactive modes only. This enum doesn't contain non-interactive modes like entire database or last.
Enumerator | |
eFileNameNoFlags | |
eFileNameHaveMenu |
Definition at line 559 of file FxUserIO.h.
Enumerator | |
eFileNew | |
eFileNewNoTemplateImperial | |
eFileNewNoTemplateMetric | |
eFileOpen | |
eFileOpenReadOnly | |
eFileSave |
Definition at line 584 of file FxUserIO.h.
Enumerator | |
eTypeFilter | |
eNew | |
eOpen | |
eSave | |
eOpenFilter | |
eOpenNoPreview | |
eOpenNoReadOnly | |
eOpenNoTemplateHandling | |
eOpenNotExist |
Definition at line 567 of file FxUserIO.h.
enum CFxUserIO::_Keywords |
Enumerator | |
eKwNone | |
eKwWindow | |
eKwLast | |
eKwCrossing | |
eKwALL | |
eKwBOX | |
eKwFence | |
eKwWPolygon | |
eKwCPolygon | |
eKwGroup | |
eKwEntSel | |
eKwNEntSel |
Definition at line 182 of file FxUserIO.h.
Enumerator | |
eKwAdd | |
eKwRemove | |
eKwMultiple | |
eKwPrevious | |
eKwUndo | |
eKwAUto | |
eKwSIngle | |
eKwSUbobject | |
eKwObject | |
eKwSSGet |
Definition at line 201 of file FxUserIO.h.
Description: Interactive modes only. This enum doesn't contain non-interactive modes like entire database or last.
Enumerator | |
eNormal | |
ePickFirst | |
eCrossing | |
eObjectClassification | |
eCrossingPolygon | |
eFence | |
eLast | |
ePrevious | |
eWindow | |
eWindowPolygon | |
eFilter | |
eBox | |
eGroup | |
eByPoint | |
eLasso | |
eSingleMode | |
eSubobjects |
Definition at line 158 of file FxUserIO.h.
CFxUserIO::CFxUserIO | ( | ) |
override |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Implements OdEdBaseUserIO.
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Implements OdEdBaseUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Prompts for the user to pick one entity. Arguments:
sPrompt | Input |
pSelectionSet | Input |
pFilter | Input |
pickPointWCS | Input |
bPointInput | Input |
keywords | Input |
flags | Input |
pTrackers | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Returns the attribute's Entity Name. Arguments:
sPrompt | Input |
pSelectionSet | Input |
pFilter | Input |
pickPointWCS | Input |
pickflag | Input |
modelToWorld | Input |
containerBlocks | Output The array of ids ordered from highest to lowest. In other words, the first id in the array is the id of the block that was directly inserted into the drawing, and the last id of the array is the id of the block that contains the selected entity. If the selected entity is not a nested entity, array is empty. |
keywords | Input |
flags | Input |
pTrackers | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Prompts the user to select entities. Arguments:
eMode | Input |
pSelectionSet | Input |
keywords | Input |
sSelectPrompt | Input |
sRemovePrompt | Input |
pFilter | Input |
pickPointsWCS | Input |
bSingleMode | Input |
flags | Input |
pTrackers | Input Return Value: |
protectedpure virtual |
pure virtual |
Description: Returns global keywords for active input operation. Arguments:
activeGlobalAbbreviations | output The array of Global Abbreviations Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Returns local keywords for active input operation. Arguments:
activeLocalAbbreviations | output The array of Local Abbreviations Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Returns prompt for active input operation.
Prompt is formatted for display and includes keywords and default value Return Value:
pure virtual |
Description: Returns angle input. Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
pBasePointWCS | Input |
pResult | Input |
pRange | Input |
pTracker | Input |
errorPrompt | Input |
bDoNotShowBasePointLine | Input |
pTrackers | Input |
pPlane | Input Return Value: |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of an angle.
prompt | [in] Message displayed to prompt the user. |
options | [in] Combination of OdEd::GetPointOptions enum values. |
defaultValue | [in] Default value to return if an empty string is received as input. |
keywords | [in] Keyword string. |
pTracker | [in] Pointer to a User IO tracker. |
If prompt is an empty string, a default prompt string is used.
Implements OdEdBaseUserIO.
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of a color.
prompt | [in] Message displayed to prompt the user. |
options | [in] Combination of OdEd::GetPointOptions enum values. |
pDefaultValue | [in] Pointer to a default value to return if an empty string is received as input. |
keywords | [in] Keyword string. |
pTracker | [in] Pointer to a User IO tracker. |
If prompt is an empty string, a default prompt string is used.
Implements OdDbUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Returns corner input. Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
pBasePtWCS | Input |
pResult | Input |
pRange | Input |
pTracker | Input |
errorPrompt | Input |
pTrackers | Input |
pPlane | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
pBasePointWCS | Input |
pResult | Input |
pRange | Input |
pTracker | Input |
errorPrompt | Input |
bDoNotShowBasePointLine | Input |
pTrackers | Input |
pPlane | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Returns distance input. Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
pBasePtWCS | Input |
pResult | Input |
pRange | Input |
pTracker | Input |
errorPrompt | Input |
bDoNotShowBasePointLine | Input |
pTrackers | Input |
pPlane | Input Return Value: |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of a distance.
prompt | [in] Message displayed to prompt the user. |
options | [in] Combination of OdEd::GetPointOptions enum values. |
defaultValue | [in] Default value to return if an empty string is received as input. |
keywords | [in] Keyword string. |
pTracker | [in] Pointer to a User IO tracker. |
If prompt is an empty string, a default prompt string is used.
Implements OdEdBaseUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Returns double input. Arguments:
sPrompt | Input |
pDefaultVal | Input |
pResult | Input |
pRange | Input |
pTracker | Input |
errorPrompt | Input |
pTrackers | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: We use a reference to bFILEDIA so that we can alert the caller if the filedia=0 has been overriden with ~ input. Arguments:
bFILEDIA | Input |
prompt | Input |
defaultFileName | Input |
pResultMode | Input |
pResultStr | Input |
parent | Input |
eType | Input |
defaultExtension | Input |
filter | Input |
initialDir | Input |
filterIndex | Input |
templateName | Input |
flags | Input |
pCodepage | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
bFILEDIA | Input |
prompt | Input |
defaultFileName | Input |
pResultMode | Input |
pResultStrs | Input |
parent | Input |
eType | Input |
defaultExtension | Input |
filter | Input |
initialDir | Input |
filterIndex | Input |
templateName | Input |
flags | Input |
pCodepage | Input Return Value: |
static |
Description: Arguments:
pResultMode | Input |
pResultStrs | Input |
parent | Input |
eType | Input |
dialogCaption | Input |
defaultExtension | Input |
filter | Input |
initialDir | Input |
filterIndex | Input |
templateName | Input |
flags | Input |
pCodepage | Input Return Value: |
static |
Description: Arguments:
pResultMode | Input |
pResultStr | Input |
parent | Input |
eType | Input |
dialogCaption | Input |
defaultExtension | Input |
filter | Input |
initialDir | Input |
filterIndex | Input |
templateName | Input |
flags | Input |
pCodepage | Input Return Value: |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of a filename obtained in some manner.
options | [in] combination of OdEd::CommonInputOptions and OdEd::GetFilePathFlags enum values. |
prompt | [in] Prompt output before pausing for user input. |
dialogCaption | [in] Dialog caption. |
defExt | [in] Default file extension without "." |
fileName | [in] Initial filename to initialize dialog with. |
filter | [in] Filter pattern. |
pTracker | [in/out] File path tracker; may be used to display file preview. |
Value Description OdEd::kGfpForOpen 0 For Open. OdEd::kGfpForSave 1 For Save. OdEd::kGfpOverwritePrompt 2 Enable overwrite prompt displaying when exist file selected for saving.
The default implementation of this function utilizes getString().
Reimplemented from OdEdUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Returns main selection set being called outside of DoEntSel or DoSSGet Returns active selection set being called inside of DoEntSel or DoSSGet Return Value:
pure virtual |
Description: Returns integer input. Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultVal | Input |
pResult | Input |
pRange | Input |
pTracker | Input |
errorPrompt | Input |
pTrackers | Input Return Value: |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of an integer.
prompt | [in] Prompt output before pausing for user input. |
pTracker | [in/out] Pointer to an IO Tracker for this user input. |
options | [in] Bitwise OR combination of OdEd::CommonInputOptions enum. |
defVal | [in] Returned if user input nothing and OdEd::kInpReturnDefVal flag is set. |
This function uses the underlying OdEdBaseIO functions putString and getString for low level output and input.
Implements OdEdUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Returns keyword input. Arguments:
sPrompt | Input |
sDefault | Input |
pResult | Input |
pTracker | Input |
pTrackers | Input Return Value: |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of a keyword.
prompt | [in] Prompt output before pausing for user input. |
keywords | [in] Keyword list. |
options | [in] Bitwise OR combination of OdEd::CommonInputOptions enum. |
defVal | [in] Returned if user input nothing. |
Implements OdEdUserIO.
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Implements OdEdBaseUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Returns orientation input. Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
pBasePtWCS | Input |
pResult | Input |
pRange | Input |
pTracker | Input |
errorPrompt | Input |
bDoNotShowBasePointLine | Input |
pTrackers | Input |
pPlane | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Returns point input. Arguments:
sPrompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
pBasePointWCS | Input |
pReturnValueWCS | Input |
pTracker | Input |
errorPrompt | Input |
bDoNotShowBasePointLine | Input |
pTrackers | Input |
pPlane | Input Return Value: |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of a point.
prompt | [in] Message displayed to prompt the user. |
options | [in] Combination of OdEd::GetPointOptions enum values. |
pDefaultValue | [in] Pointer to a default value to return if an empty string is received as input. |
keywords | [in] Keyword string. |
pTracker | [in] Pointer to a User IO tracker. |
If prompt is an empty string, a default prompt string is used.
Implements OdEdBaseUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Returns previous selection sets ids Possibly refactor to OdDbStubPtrArray or remove from this API completely Return Value:
Description: Arguments:
prompt | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
prompt | Input |
range | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Reads angle prompt Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
ignoreANGBASE | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Reads distance prompt. Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Reads type integer prompt Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
range | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Reads type only keyword prompt Arguments:
pDefaultValue | Input |
pOptionDescription | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Reads Point2d prompt Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Reads Point3d prompt Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Reads type real prompt Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Reads string prompt Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
prompt | Input |
pDefaultValue | Input |
range | Input Return Value: |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of a double.
prompt | [in] Prompt output before pausing for user input. |
options | [in] Bitwise OR combination of OdEd::CommonInputOptions enum. |
defVal | [in] Returned if user input nothing and OdEd::kInpReturnDefVal flag is set. |
pTracker | [in] Pointer to an IO Tracker for this user input. |
This function uses the underlying OdEdBaseIO functions putString and getString for low level output and input.
Implements OdEdUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Returns string input. Arguments:
bIgnoreSpaces | Input |
sPrompt | Input |
sDefaultVal | Input |
pResult | Input |
pTracker | Input |
pTrackers | Input Return Value: |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Returns user input of a string.
options | [in] combination of OdEd::CommonInputOptions and OdEd::GetStringOptions enum values. |
prompt | [in] Prompt output before pausing for user input. |
pTracker | [in] Pointer to an IO Tracker for this user input. |
defValue | [in] Default value. |
keywords | [in] Keyword string. |
This function uses the underlying OdEdBaseIO functions putString and getString for low level output and input.
Implements OdEdUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Returns units formatter. Return Value:
pure virtual |
Description: Returns user input. Return Value:
pure virtual |
Description: Gets and store user input. Arguments:
pInput | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Defines zoom scale input Arguments:
pScale | Input |
userInput | Input |
pView | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
iFlags | Input |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
iFlags | Input |
keywords | Input |
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
iFlags | Input |
keywordsGlobal | Input |
keywordsLocal | Input |
pure virtual |
Description: Returns active initget flags. Return Value:
pure virtual |
Description: Returns state of input Return Value:
pure virtual |
Description: Arguments:
bFILEDIA | Input |
prompt | Input |
caption | Input |
uType | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Function which waits for a string input Arguments:
bClickAllowed | Input |
bIgnoreWhiteSpaces | Input |
pInputTracker | Input |
pInput | Input |
pTrackers | Input |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Implements OdDbUserIO.
Writes the specified string to the command's output.
string | [in] string to write. |
Implements OdEdUserIO.
protectedpure virtual |
pure virtual |
Description: Sets prompt for active input operation Arguments:
prompt | Input |
bWriteToOutput | Input Return Value: |
pure virtual |
Description: Suppress printing selection results. Flag resets after call of a GetXXX function(like initget flags). Arguments:
value | Input |
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Implements OdEdBaseUserIO.
overrideprotectedpure virtual |
Implements OdDbUserIO.
pure virtual |
Description: Sets previous selection sets ids Arguments:
ids | Input |
Description: Reads general prompt. Arguments:
explanation | Input |
Description: Writes line with given string. Arguments:
prompt | Input |
friend |
Definition at line 139 of file FxUserIO.h.