CFx SDK Documentation  2022 SP0
Public Types | Public Member Functions | List of all members
OdDbTable Class Reference

#include <DbTable.h>

Inheritance diagram for OdDbTable:
OdDbBlockReference OdDbEntity OdDbObject OdGiDrawable OdRxObject

Public Types

enum  TableStyleOverrides {
  kTitleSuppressed = 1 , kHeaderSuppressed = 2 , kFlowDirection = 3 , kHorzCellMargin = 4 ,
  kVertCellMargin = 5 , kTitleRowColor = 6 , kHeaderRowColor = 7 , kDataRowColor = 8 ,
  kTitleRowFillNone = 9 , kHeaderRowFillNone = 10 , kDataRowFillNone = 11 , kTitleRowFillColor = 12 ,
  kHeaderRowFillColor = 13 , kDataRowFillColor = 14 , kTitleRowAlignment = 15 , kHeaderRowAlignment = 16 ,
  kDataRowAlignment = 17 , kTitleRowTextStyle = 18 , kHeaderRowTextStyle = 19 , kDataRowTextStyle = 20 ,
  kTitleRowTextHeight = 21 , kHeaderRowTextHeight = 22 , kDataRowTextHeight = 23 , kTitleRowDataType = 24 ,
  kHeaderRowDataType = 25 , kDataRowDataType = 26 , kTitleHorzTopColor = 40 , kTitleHorzInsideColor = 41 ,
  kTitleHorzBottomColor = 42 , kTitleVertLeftColor = 43 , kTitleVertInsideColor = 44 , kTitleVertRightColor = 45 ,
  kHeaderHorzTopColor = 46 , kHeaderHorzInsideColor = 47 , kHeaderHorzBottomColor = 48 , kHeaderVertLeftColor = 49 ,
  kHeaderVertInsideColor = 50 , kHeaderVertRightColor = 51 , kDataHorzTopColor = 52 , kDataHorzInsideColor = 53 ,
  kDataHorzBottomColor = 54 , kDataVertLeftColor = 55 , kDataVertInsideColor = 56 , kDataVertRightColor = 57 ,
  kTitleHorzTopLineWeight = 70 , kTitleHorzInsideLineWeight = 71 , kTitleHorzBottomLineWeight = 72 , kTitleVertLeftLineWeight = 73 ,
  kTitleVertInsideLineWeight = 74 , kTitleVertRightLineWeight = 75 , kHeaderHorzTopLineWeight = 76 , kHeaderHorzInsideLineWeight = 77 ,
  kHeaderHorzBottomLineWeight = 78 , kHeaderVertLeftLineWeight = 79 , kHeaderVertInsideLineWeight = 80 , kHeaderVertRightLineWeight = 81 ,
  kDataHorzTopLineWeight = 82 , kDataHorzInsideLineWeight = 83 , kDataHorzBottomLineWeight = 84 , kDataVertLeftLineWeight = 85 ,
  kDataVertInsideLineWeight = 86 , kDataVertRightLineWeight = 87 , kTitleHorzTopVisibility = 100 , kTitleHorzInsideVisibility = 101 ,
  kTitleHorzBottomVisibility = 102 , kTitleVertLeftVisibility = 103 , kTitleVertInsideVisibility = 104 , kTitleVertRightVisibility = 105 ,
  kHeaderHorzTopVisibility = 106 , kHeaderHorzInsideVisibility = 107 , kHeaderHorzBottomVisibility = 108 , kHeaderVertLeftVisibility = 109 ,
  kHeaderVertInsideVisibility = 110 , kHeaderVertRightVisibility = 111 , kDataHorzTopVisibility = 112 , kDataHorzInsideVisibility = 113 ,
  kDataHorzBottomVisibility = 114 , kDataVertLeftVisibility = 115 , kDataVertInsideVisibility = 116 , kDataVertRightVisibility = 117 ,
  kCellAlignment = 130 , kCellBackgroundFillNone = 131 , kCellBackgroundColor = 132 , kCellContentColor = 133 ,
  kCellTextStyle = 134 , kCellTextHeight = 135 , kCellTopGridColor = 136 , kCellRightGridColor = 137 ,
  kCellBottomGridColor = 138 , kCellLeftGridColor = 139 , kCellTopGridLineWeight = 140 , kCellRightGridLineWeight = 141 ,
  kCellBottomGridLineWeight = 142 , kCellLeftGridLineWeight = 143 , kCellTopVisibility = 144 , kCellRightVisibility = 145 ,
  kCellBottomVisibility = 146 , kCellLeftVisibility = 147
- Public Types inherited from OdDbEntity
enum  VisualStyleType { kFullVisualStyle , kFaceVisualStyle , kEdgeVisualStyle }
- Public Types inherited from OdGiDrawable
enum  SetAttributesFlags {
  kDrawableNone = 0 , kDrawableIsAnEntity = 1 , kDrawableUsesNesting = 2 , kDrawableIsCompoundObject = 4 ,
  kDrawableViewIndependentViewportDraw = 8 , kDrawableIsInvisible = 16 , kDrawableHasAttributes = 32 , kDrawableRegenTypeDependantGeometry = 64 ,
  kDrawableIsDimension = (kDrawableIsAnEntity + kDrawableIsCompoundObject + 128) , kDrawableRegenDraw = 256 , kDrawableStandardDisplaySingleLOD = 512 , kDrawableShadedDisplaySingleLOD = 1024 ,
  kDrawableViewDependentViewportDraw = 2048 , kDrawableBlockDependentViewportDraw = 4096 , kDrawableIsExternalReference = 8192 , kDrawableNotPlottable = 16384 ,
  kLastFlag = kDrawableNotPlottable
enum  DrawableType {
  kGeometry = 0 , kDistantLight = 1 , kPointLight = 2 , kSpotLight = 3 ,
  kAmbientLight , kSolidBackground , kGradientBackground , kImageBackground ,
  kGroundPlaneBackground , kViewport , kWebLight , kSkyBackground ,

Public Member Functions

 OdDbTable ()
virtual OdDbObjectId tableStyle () const
virtual void setTableStyle (const OdDbObjectId &tableStyleId)
virtual OdGeVector3d direction () const
virtual void setDirection (const OdGeVector3d &horizVector)
virtual OdUInt32 numRows () const
virtual void setNumRows (OdUInt32 numRows)
virtual OdUInt32 numColumns () const
virtual void setNumColumns (OdUInt32 numColumns)
virtual double width () const
virtual void setWidth (double width)
virtual double columnWidth (OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setColumnWidth (OdUInt32 column, double width)
virtual void setColumnWidth (double width)
virtual double height () const
virtual void setHeight (double height)
virtual double rowHeight (OdUInt32 row) const
virtual void setRowHeight (OdUInt32 row, double height)
virtual void setRowHeight (double height)
virtual double minimumColumnWidth (OdUInt32 column) const
virtual double minimumRowHeight (OdUInt32 row) const
virtual double minimumTableWidth () const
virtual double minimumTableHeight () const
virtual double horzCellMargin () const
virtual void setHorzCellMargin (double cellMargin)
virtual double vertCellMargin () const
virtual void setVertCellMargin (double cellMargin)
virtual OdDb::FlowDirection flowDirection () const
virtual void setFlowDirection (OdDb::FlowDirection flowDirection)
virtual bool isTitleSuppressed () const
virtual void suppressTitleRow (bool suppress)
virtual bool isHeaderSuppressed () const
virtual void suppressHeaderRow (bool suppress)
virtual OdDb::CellAlignment alignment (OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual OdDb::CellAlignment alignment (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setAlignment (OdDb::CellAlignment alignment, OdUInt32 rowTypes=OdDb::kAllRows)
virtual void setAlignment (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdDb::CellAlignment alignment)
virtual bool isBackgroundColorNone (OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual bool isBackgroundColorNone (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setBackgroundColorNone (bool disable, OdUInt32 rowTypes=OdDb::kAllRows)
virtual void setBackgroundColorNone (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, bool disable)
virtual OdCmColor backgroundColor (OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual OdCmColor backgroundColor (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setBackgroundColor (const OdCmColor &color, OdUInt32 rowTypes=OdDb::kAllRows)
virtual void setBackgroundColor (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, const OdCmColor &color)
virtual OdCmColor contentColor (OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual OdCmColor contentColor (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setContentColor (const OdCmColor &color, OdUInt32 nRowType=OdDb::kAllRows)
virtual void setContentColor (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, const OdCmColor &color)
virtual OdDbObjectId textStyle (OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual OdDbObjectId textStyle (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setTextStyle (const OdDbObjectId &textStyleId, OdUInt32 rowTypes=OdDb::kAllRows)
virtual void setTextStyle (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, const OdDbObjectId &textStyleId)
virtual double textHeight (OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual double textHeight (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setTextHeight (double height, OdUInt32 rowTypes=OdDb::kAllRows)
virtual void setTextHeight (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, double height)
virtual OdDb::LineWeight gridLineWeight (OdDb::GridLineType gridlineType, OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual OdDb::LineWeight gridLineWeight (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdDb::CellEdgeMask edgeType) const
virtual void setGridLineWeight (OdDb::LineWeight lineWeight, OdUInt32 gridlineTypes, OdUInt32 rowTypes)
virtual void setGridLineWeight (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdInt16 edgeTypes, OdDb::LineWeight lineWeight)
virtual OdCmColor gridColor (OdDb::GridLineType gridlineType, OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual OdCmColor gridColor (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdDb::CellEdgeMask edgeType) const
virtual OdDb::Visibility gridVisibility (OdDb::GridLineType gridlineType, OdDb::RowType rowType=OdDb::kDataRow) const
virtual OdDb::Visibility gridVisibility (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdDb::CellEdgeMask edgeType) const
virtual void setGridVisibility (OdDb::Visibility gridVisiblity, OdUInt32 gridlineTypes, OdUInt32 rowTypes)
virtual void setGridVisibility (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdInt16 edgeTypes, OdDb::Visibility gridVisibility)
virtual bool tableStyleOverrides (OdUInt32Array &overrides) const
virtual void clearTableStyleOverrides (int option=0)
virtual OdDb::CellType cellType (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setCellType (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdDb::CellType cellType)
virtual void getCellExtents (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, bool isOuterCell, OdGePoint3dArray &pts) const
virtual OdGePoint3d attachmentPoint (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual bool cellStyleOverrides (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdUInt32Array &overrides) const
void clearCellOverrides (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column)
virtual void deleteCellContent (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column)
virtual OdDb::RowType rowType (OdUInt32 row) const
virtual OdString textString (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setTextString (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, const OdString &textString)
virtual OdDbObjectId fieldId (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setFieldId (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, const OdDbObjectId &fieldId)
virtual OdDb::RotationAngle textRotation (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setTextRotation (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdDb::RotationAngle textRotation)
virtual bool isAutoScale (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setAutoScale (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, bool autoScale)
virtual OdDbObjectId blockTableRecordId (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setBlockTableRecordId (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, const OdDbObjectId &blockId, bool autoScale=false)
virtual double blockScale (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setBlockScale (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, double blockScale)
virtual double blockRotation (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual void setBlockRotation (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, double blockRotation)
virtual void getBlockAttributeValue (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, const OdDbObjectId &attdefId, OdString &attValue) const
virtual void setBlockAttributeValue (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, const OdDbObjectId &attdefId, const OdString &attValue)
virtual void setGridColor (const OdCmColor &color, OdUInt32 gridlineTypes, OdUInt32 rowTypes)
virtual void setGridColor (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdInt16 edgeTypes, const OdCmColor &color)
virtual void insertColumns (OdUInt32 column, double width, OdUInt32 numColumns=1)
virtual void deleteColumns (OdUInt32 column, OdUInt32 numColumns=1)
virtual void insertRows (OdUInt32 row, double height, OdUInt32 numRows=1)
virtual void deleteRows (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 numRows=1)
virtual void mergeCells (OdUInt32 minRow, OdUInt32 maxRow, OdUInt32 minColumn, OdUInt32 maxColumn)
virtual void unmergeCells (OdUInt32 minRow, OdUInt32 maxRow, OdUInt32 minColumn, OdUInt32 maxColumn)
virtual bool isMergedCell (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column, OdUInt32 *minRow=0, OdUInt32 *maxRow=0, OdUInt32 *minColumn=0, OdUInt32 *maxColumn=0) const
OdUInt32 mergedHeight (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
OdUInt32 mergedWidth (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
bool mergedFlag (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 column) const
virtual OdResult generateLayout ()
virtual OdResult recomputeTableBlock (bool forceUpdate=true)
virtual bool hitTest (const OdGePoint3d &wpt, const OdGeVector3d &wviewVec, double wxaper, double wyaper, OdInt32 &resultRowIndex, OdInt32 &resultColumnIndex) const
virtual bool hitTest (const OdGePoint3d &wpt, const OdGeVector3d &wviewVec, double wxaper, double wyaper, OdInt32 &resultRowIndex, OdInt32 &resultColumnIndex, OdInt32 &contentIndex, OdDb::TableHitItem &nItem) const
virtual OdResult select (const OdGePoint3d &wpt, const OdGeVector3d &wvwVec, const OdGeVector3d &wvwxVec, double wxaper, double wyaper, bool allowOutside, bool bInPickFirst, OdInt32 &resultRowIndex, OdInt32 &resultColumnIndex, OdDbFullSubentPathArray *pPaths=0) const
virtual OdResult selectSubRegion (const OdGePoint3d &wpt1, const OdGePoint3d &wpt2, const OdGeVector3d &wvwVec, const OdGeVector3d &wvwxVec, double wxaper, double wyaper, OdDb::SelectType seltype, bool bIncludeCurrentSelection, bool bInPickFirst, OdInt32 &rowMin, OdInt32 &rowMax, OdInt32 &colMin, OdInt32 &colMax, OdDbFullSubentPathArray *pPaths=0) const
virtual bool reselectSubRegion (OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths) const
virtual OdResult getSubSelection (OdInt32 &rowMin, OdInt32 &rowMax, OdInt32 &colMin, OdInt32 &colMax) const
OdCellRange getSubSelection (void) const
virtual OdResult setSubSelection (const OdCellRange &range)
virtual OdResult setSubSelection (OdInt32 rowMin, OdInt32 rowMax, OdInt32 colMin, OdInt32 colMax)
virtual void clearSubSelection ()
virtual bool hasSubSelection () const
virtual OdResult select_next_cell (OdInt32 dir, OdInt32 &resultRowIndex, OdInt32 &resultColumnIndex, OdDbFullSubentPathArray *pPaths=NULL, bool bSupportTextCellOnly=true) const
virtual OdResult dwgInFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dwgOutFields (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
void subClose ()
void subSetDatabaseDefaults (OdDbDatabase *pDb, bool doSubents)
virtual void modified (const OdDbObject *pObj)
virtual OdResult subGetClassID (void *pClsid) const
virtual bool subWorldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const
virtual OdResult subTransformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
virtual OdResult subGetTransformedCopy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbEntityPtr &pCopy) const
virtual OdResult subGetGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
virtual void getDataType (OdValue::DataType &nDataType, OdValue::UnitType &nUnitType, OdDb::RowType type) const
virtual void setDataType (OdValue::DataType nDataType, OdValue::UnitType nUnitType)
virtual void setDataType (OdValue::DataType nDataType, OdValue::UnitType nUnitType, int nRowTypes)
virtual OdString format (OdDb::RowType type) const
virtual void setFormat (const OdString &pszFormat)
virtual void setFormat (const OdString &pszFormat, int nRowTypes)
void getDataType (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 col, OdValue::DataType &nDataType, OdValue::UnitType &nUnitType) const
void setDataType (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 col, OdValue::DataType nDataType, OdValue::UnitType nUnitType)
OdValue value (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 col) const
void setValue (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 col, const OdValue &val)
void setValue (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 col, OdString &pszText, OdValue::ParseOption nOption)
void resetValue (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 col)
OdString format (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 col) const
void setFormat (OdUInt32 row, OdUInt32 col, const OdString &pszFormat)
bool isBreakEnabled (void) const
void enableBreak (bool bEnable)
OdDb::TableBreakFlowDirection breakFlowDirection (void) const
void setBreakFlowDirection (OdDb::TableBreakFlowDirection flowDir)
double breakHeight (OdUInt32 index) const
void setBreakHeight (OdUInt32 index, double height)
OdGeVector3d breakOffset (OdUInt32 index) const
void setBreakOffset (OdUInt32 index, const OdGeVector3d &vec)
OdDb::TableBreakOption breakOption (void) const
void setBreakOption (OdDb::TableBreakOption option)
double breakSpacing (void) const
void setBreakSpacing (double spacing)
void setSize (OdInt32 rows, OdInt32 cols)
bool canInsert (OdInt32 nIndex, bool bRow) const
void insertRowsAndInherit (OdInt32 nIndex, OdInt32 nInheritFrom, OdInt32 nNumRows)
void insertColumnsAndInherit (OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nInheritFrom, OdInt32 nNumCols)
bool canDelete (OdInt32 nIndex, OdInt32 nCount, bool bRow) const
bool isEmpty (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
OdCellRange getMergeRange (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
bool isContentEditable (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
bool isFormatEditable (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
OdDb::CellState cellState (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
void setCellState (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::CellState nLock)
OdInt32 numContents (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
OdInt32 createContent (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nIndex)
void moveContent (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nFromIndex, OdInt32 nToIndex)
void deleteContent (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col)
void deleteContent (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nIndex)
void deleteContent (const OdCellRange &range)
OdDb::CellContentType contentType (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
OdDb::CellContentType contentType (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nIndex) const
OdValue value (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
OdValue value (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, OdValue::FormatOption nOption) const
void setValue (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdValue &val)
void setValue (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdValue &val, OdValue::ParseOption nOption)
void setValue (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, OdString sText, OdValue::ParseOption nOption)
OdString dataFormat (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
OdString dataFormat (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setDataFormat (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, const OdString &sFormat)
void setDataFormat (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdString &sFormat)
OdString textString (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
OdString textString (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, OdValue::FormatOption nOption) const
OdString textString (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdValue::FormatOption nOption) const
void setTextString (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdString &text)
bool hasFormula (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
OdString getFormula (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setFormula (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdString &pszFormula)
OdDbObjectId fieldId (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setFieldId (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdDbObjectId &fieldId, OdDb::CellOption nFlag)
OdDbObjectId blockTableRecordId (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setBlockTableRecordId (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdDbObjectId &blkId, bool autoFit)
OdString getBlockAttributeValue (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdDbObjectId &attdefId) const
void setBlockAttributeValue (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdDbObjectId &attdefId, const OdString &atrValue)
OdInt32 getCustomData (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
void setCustomData (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nData)
OdValue getCustomData (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, const OdString sKey) const
void setCustomData (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, const OdString &sKey, const OdValue *pData)
OdString cellStyle (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
void setCellStyle (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, const OdString &sCellStyle)
double margin (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::CellMargin nMargin) const
void setMargin (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::CellMargin nMargins, double fMargin)
OdGePoint3d attachmentPoint (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 content) const
OdCmColor contentColor (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setContentColor (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdCmColor &color)
void getDataType (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, OdValue::DataType &nDataType, OdValue::UnitType &nUnitType) const
void setDataType (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, OdValue::DataType nDataType, OdValue::UnitType nUnitType)
OdDbObjectId textStyle (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setTextStyle (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, const OdDbObjectId &id)
double textHeight (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setTextHeight (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, double height)
double rotation () const
double rotation (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setRotation (double fAngle)
void setRotation (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, double fAngle)
bool isAutoScale (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setAutoScale (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, bool autoFit)
double scale (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
void setScale (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, double scale)
OdDb::CellContentLayout contentLayout (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
void setContentLayout (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::CellContentLayout nLayout)
bool isMergeAllEnabled (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
void enableMergeAll (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, bool bEnable)
OdDb::CellProperty getOverride (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent) const
OdDb::GridProperty getOverride (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType) const
void setOverride (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdInt32 nContent, OdDb::CellProperty nOverride)
void setOverride (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType, OdDb::GridProperty nOverride)
void removeAllOverrides (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col)
OdDb::GridLineStyle gridLineStyle (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType) const
void setGridLineStyle (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineTypes, OdDb::GridLineStyle nLineStyle)
OdDb::LineWeight gridLineWeight (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType) const
void setGridLineWeight (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineTypes, OdDb::LineWeight nLineWeight)
OdDbObjectId gridLinetype (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType) const
void setGridLinetype (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineTypes, const OdDbObjectId &idLinetype)
OdCmColor gridColor (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType) const
void setGridColor (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridlineTypes, const OdCmColor &color)
OdDb::Visibility gridVisibility (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType) const
void setGridVisibility (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineTypes, OdDb::Visibility nVisibility)
double gridDoubleLineSpacing (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType) const
void setGridDoubleLineSpacing (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineTypes, double fSpacing)
void getGridProperty (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineType, OdGridProperty &gridProp) const
void setGridProperty (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineTypes, const OdGridProperty &gridProp)
void setGridProperty (const OdCellRange &rangeIn, OdDb::GridLineType nGridLineTypes, const OdGridProperty &gridProp)
bool isLinked (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
OdDbObjectId getDataLink (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
OdDbDataLinkPtr getDataLink (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::OpenMode mode) const
OdInt32 getDataLink (const OdCellRange &pRange, OdDbObjectIdArray &dataLinkIds) const
void setDataLink (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, const OdDbObjectId &idDataLink, bool bUpdate)
void setDataLink (const OdCellRange &range, const OdDbObjectId &idDataLink, bool bUpdate)
OdCellRange getDataLinkRange (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
void removeDataLink (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col)
void removeDataLink (void)
void updateDataLink (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, OdDb::UpdateDirection nDir, OdDb::UpdateOption nOption)
void updateDataLink (OdDb::UpdateDirection nDir, OdDb::UpdateOption nOption)
OdString getColumnName (OdInt32 nIndex) const
void setColumnName (OdInt32 nIndex, const OdString &sName)
OdString getToolTip (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col) const
void setToolTip (OdInt32 row, OdInt32 col, const OdString sToolTip)
virtual void copyFrom (const OdRxObject *pSource)
void copyFrom (const OdDbLinkedTableData *pSrc, OdDb::TableCopyOption nOption)
void copyFrom (const OdDbLinkedTableData *pSrc, OdDb::TableCopyOption nOption, const OdCellRange &srcRange, const OdCellRange &targetRange, OdCellRange *pNewTargetRangeOut)
void copyFrom (const OdDbTable *pSrc, OdDb::TableCopyOption nOption, const OdCellRange &srcRange, const OdCellRange &targetRange, OdCellRange *pNewTargetRangeOut)
void appendToOwner (OdDbIdPair &idPair, OdDbObject *pOwnerObject, OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap)
bool isRegenerateTableSuppressed () const
void suppressRegenerateTable (bool bSuppress)
virtual OdResult subExplode (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
void createTemplate (OdDbTableTemplate *target, OdDb::TableCopyOption nCopyOption)
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbBlockReference
 OdDbBlockReference ()
OdDbObjectId blockTableRecord () const
virtual void setBlockTableRecord (OdDbObjectId objectId)
virtual OdGePoint3d position () const
virtual void setPosition (const OdGePoint3d &position)
OdGeScale3d scaleFactors () const
virtual void setScaleFactors (const OdGeScale3d &scale)
double rotation () const
OdGeVector3d normal () const
virtual void setNormal (const OdGeVector3d &normal)
virtual bool isPlanar () const
virtual OdResult getPlane (OdGePlane &plane, OdDb::Planarity &planarity) const
OdGeMatrix3d blockTransform () const
virtual OdResult setBlockTransform (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
OdDbObjectId appendAttribute (OdDbAttribute *pAttr)
OdDbAttributePtr openAttribute (OdDbObjectId ObjId, OdDb::OpenMode mode, bool openErasedOne=false)
OdDbSequenceEndPtr openSequenceEnd (OdDb::OpenMode mode)
OdDbObjectIteratorPtr attributeIterator () const
virtual OdResult explodeToBlock (OdDbBlockTableRecord *BlockRecord, OdDbObjectIdArray *ids=0)
OdUInt32 subSetAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const
virtual void subViewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const
virtual OdResult dxfInFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOutFields_R12 (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdResult dxfIn (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler)
virtual void dxfOut (OdDbDxfFiler *pFiler) const
void subHandOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject)
OdResult explodeGeometry (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const
virtual bool treatAsOdDbBlockRefForExplode () const
OdResult geomExtentsBestFit (OdGeExtents3d &extents, const OdGeMatrix3d &parentXform=OdGeMatrix3d::kIdentity) const
virtual OdResult explodeToOwnerSpace () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult subGetCompoundObjectTransform (OdGeMatrix3d &xM) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult subGetSubentPathsAtGsMarker (OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &viewXform, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray *pEntAndInsertStack) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult subGetGsMarkersAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &subPath, OdGsMarkerArray &gsMarkers) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbEntity
 OdDbEntity ()
OdDbObjectId blockId () const
OdCmColor color () const
virtual OdResult setColor (const OdCmColor &color, bool doSubents=true)
OdUInt16 colorIndex () const
virtual OdCmEntityColor entityColor () const
virtual OdResult setColorIndex (OdUInt16 colorIndex, bool doSubents=true)
OdDbObjectId colorId () const
virtual OdResult setColorId (OdDbObjectId colorId, bool doSubents=true)
OdCmTransparency transparency () const
virtual OdResult setTransparency (const OdCmTransparency &transparency, bool doSubents=true)
OdString plotStyleName () const
OdDb::PlotStyleNameType getPlotStyleNameId (OdDbObjectId &plotStyleNameId) const
virtual OdResult setPlotStyleName (const OdString &plotStyleName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setPlotStyleName (OdDb::PlotStyleNameType plotStyleNameType, OdDbObjectId plotStyleNameId=OdDbObjectId::kNull, bool doSubents=true)
OdString layer () const
OdDbObjectId layerId () const
virtual OdResult setLayer (const OdString &layerName, bool doSubents=true, bool allowHiddenLayer=false)
virtual OdResult setLayer (OdDbObjectId layerId, bool doSubents=true, bool allowHiddenLayer=false)
OdString linetype () const
OdDbObjectId linetypeId () const
virtual OdResult setLinetype (const OdString &linetypeName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setLinetype (OdDbObjectId linetypeID, bool doSubents=true)
OdString material () const
OdDbObjectId materialId () const
virtual OdResult setMaterial (const OdString &materialName, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult setMaterial (OdDbObjectId materialID, bool doSubents=true)
OdDbObjectId visualStyleId (VisualStyleType vstype=kFullVisualStyle) const
virtual OdResult setVisualStyle (OdDbObjectId visualStyleId, VisualStyleType vstype=kFullVisualStyle, bool doSubents=true)
virtual const OdGiMappermaterialMapper () const
virtual void setMaterialMapper (const OdGiMapper *mapper, bool doSubents=true)
double linetypeScale () const
virtual OdResult setLinetypeScale (double linetypeScale, bool doSubents=true)
OdDb::Visibility visibility () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult setVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility, bool doSubents=true) ODRX_SEALED
OdDb::Visibility tempVisibility () const
void setTempVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility)
OdDb::LineWeight lineWeight () const
virtual OdResult setLineWeight (OdDb::LineWeight lineWeight, bool doSubents=true)
virtual bool castShadows () const
virtual void setCastShadows (bool castShadows)
virtual bool receiveShadows () const
virtual void setReceiveShadows (bool receiveShadows)
virtual OdDb::CollisionType collisionType () const
void setPropertiesFrom (const OdDbEntity *pSource, bool doSubents=true)
void subHandOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject)
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult transformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getTransformedCopy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbEntityPtr &pCopy) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult explode (OdRxObjectPtrArray &entitySet) const ODRX_SEALED
virtual OdResult explodeGeometryToBlock (OdDbBlockTableRecord *pBlockRecord, OdDbObjectIdArray *ids=0)
void setDatabaseDefaults (OdDbDatabase *pDb=0, bool doSubents=false)
virtual void applyPartialUndo (OdDbDwgFiler *pUndoFiler, OdRxClass *pClassObj)
virtual OdGiDrawabledrawable ()
virtual void subList () const
void subSwapIdWith (const OdDbObjectId &otherId, bool swapXdata=false, bool swapExtDict=false)
virtual OdResult subErase (bool erasing) ODRX_OVERRIDE
void recordGraphicsModified (bool graphicsModified=true)
virtual OdResult getGeomExtents (OdGeExtents3d &extents) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void highlight (bool bDoIt=true, const OdDbFullSubentPath *pSubId=0, bool highlightAll=false) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints, const OdGeMatrix3d &insertionMat) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool isContentSnappable () const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &gripPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPoints (OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const int bitFlags) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAt (const OdDbVoidPtrArray &grips, const OdGeVector3d &offset, int bitFlags) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getStretchPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &stretchPoints) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveStretchPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset) ODRX_SEALED
virtual void dragStatus (const OdDb::DragStat status)
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void gripStatus (const OdDb::GripStat status) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool hideMeForDragging () const ODRX_SEALED
virtual void saveAs (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd, OdDb::DwgVersion ver) const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getCompoundObjectTransform (OdGeMatrix3d &xM) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult intersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult intersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const ODRX_SEALED
OdResult boundingBoxIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker) const
OdResult boundingBoxIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker) const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentPathsAtGsMarker (OdDb::SubentType type, OdGsMarker gsMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm, OdDbFullSubentPathArray &subentPaths, const OdDbObjectIdArray *pEntAndInsertStack=0) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGsMarkersAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &subPath, OdGsMarkerArray &gsMarkers) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getGripPointsAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const OdUInt32 bitflags) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult moveGripPointsAtSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdDbVoidPtrArray &gripAppData, const OdGeVector3d &offset, const OdUInt32 bitflags) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult deleteSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult addSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbEntityPtr subentPtr (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult transformSubentPathsBy (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdGeMatrix3d &xform) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentClassId (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, void *clsId) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getSubentPathGeomExtents (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdGeExtents3d &extents) ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void subentGripStatus (OdDb::GripStat status, const OdDbFullSubentPath &subentity) ODRX_SEALED
virtual OdGeMatrix3d getEcs () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdDbObject
 ~OdDbObject ()
void addRef ()
void release ()
long numRefs () const
OdDbObjectId objectId () const
OdDbHandle getDbHandle () const
OdDbHandle handle () const
OdDbObjectId ownerId () const
virtual void setOwnerId (OdDbObjectId ownerId)
OdDbDatabasedatabase () const
void createExtensionDictionary ()
OdDbObjectId extensionDictionary () const
bool releaseExtensionDictionary ()
OdDbXrecordPtr createXrecord (const OdString &xrecordName, OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning style=OdDb::kDrcIgnore)
void upgradeOpen ()
void downgradeOpen ()
void cancel ()
virtual OdResult subOpen (OdDb::OpenMode mode)
OdResult erase (bool eraseIt=true)
void handOverTo (OdDbObject *pNewObject, bool keepXData=true, bool keepExtDict=true)
void swapIdWith (OdDbObjectId otherId, bool swapXdata=false, bool swapExtDict=false)
virtual void audit (OdDbAuditInfo *pAuditInfo)
void dwgIn (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler)
void dwgOut (OdDbDwgFiler *pFiler) const
virtual OdDb::DuplicateRecordCloning mergeStyle () const
virtual OdResBufPtr xData (const OdString &regappName=OdString::kEmpty) const
virtual void setXData (const OdResBuf *pRb)
bool isEraseStatusToggled () const
bool isErased () const
bool isReadEnabled () const
bool isWriteEnabled () const
bool isNotifyEnabled () const
bool isModified () const
bool isModifiedXData () const
bool isModifiedGraphics () const
bool isNewObject () const
bool isNotifying () const
bool isUndoing () const
bool isReallyClosing () const
bool isDBRO () const
void assertReadEnabled () const
void assertWriteEnabled (bool autoUndo=true, bool recordModified=true)
void assertNotifyEnabled () const
void disableUndoRecording (bool disable)
bool isUndoRecordingDisabled () const
OdDbDwgFilerundoFiler ()
void addReactor (OdDbObjectReactor *pReactor) const
void removeReactor (OdDbObjectReactor *pReactor) const
virtual void addPersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId)
virtual void removePersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId)
bool hasPersistentReactor (const OdDbObjectId &objId) const
OdDbObjectIdArray getPersistentReactors () const
OdDbObjectReactorArray getTransientReactors () const
virtual void recvPropagateModify (const OdDbObject *pSubObj)
virtual void xmitPropagateModify () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbObjectPtr deepClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary=true) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdDbObjectPtr wblockClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *pOwner, bool bPrimary=true) const ODRX_SEALED
void setOdDbObjectIdsInFlux ()
bool isOdDbObjectIdsInFlux () const
virtual void copied (const OdDbObject *pObject, const OdDbObject *pNewObject)
virtual void erased (const OdDbObject *pObject, bool erasing=true)
virtual void goodbye (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void openedForModify (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void subObjModified (const OdDbObject *pObject, const OdDbObject *pSubObj)
virtual void modifyUndone (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void modifiedXData (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void unappended (const OdDbObject *pObject)
virtual void reappended (const OdDbObject *pObject)
bool isAProxy () const
virtual void objectClosed (const OdDbObjectId &objectId)
virtual void modifiedGraphics (const OdDbObject *pObject)
bool hasSaveVersionOverride () const
void setHasSaveVersionOverride (bool hasSaveVersionOverride)
virtual OdDb::DwgVersion getObjectSaveVersion (const OdDbFiler *pFiler, OdDb::MaintReleaseVer *pMaintVer=0) const
virtual OdDbObjectPtr decomposeForSave (OdDb::DwgVersion ver, OdDbObjectId &replaceId, bool &exchangeXData)
virtual OdDbObjectPtr decomposeForSave (OdDb::SaveType format, OdDb::DwgVersion ver, OdDbObjectId &replaceId, bool &exchangeXData)
void convertForSave (OdDb::DwgVersion ver)
virtual void composeForLoad (OdDb::SaveType format, OdDb::DwgVersion version, OdDbAuditInfo *pAuditInfo)
virtual bool isPersistent () const
virtual OdDbStub * id () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdResult getClassID (void *pClsid) const ODRX_SEALED
void setGsNode (OdGsCache *pNode)
OdGsCachegsNode () const
void xDataTransformBy (const OdGeMatrix3d &xfm)
bool hasFields () const
OdDbObjectId getField (const OdString &fieldName) const
OdDbObjectPtr getField (const OdString &fieldName, OdDb::OpenMode mode) const
virtual OdDbObjectId setField (const OdString &fieldName, OdDbField *pField)
virtual OdResult removeField (OdDbObjectId fieldId)
virtual OdDbObjectId removeField (const OdString &fieldName)
OdDbObjectId getFieldDictionary () const
OdDbObjectPtr getFieldDictionary (OdDb::OpenMode mode) const
virtual OdRxClasssaveAsClass (OdRxClass *pClass) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdGiDrawable
virtual DrawableType drawableType () const
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 setAttributes (OdGiDrawableTraits *pTraits) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL bool worldDraw (OdGiWorldDraw *pWd) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL void viewportDraw (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 viewportDrawLogicalFlags (OdGiViewportDraw *pVd) const ODRX_SEALED
ODRX_SEALED_VIRTUAL OdUInt32 regenSupportFlags () const ODRX_SEALED
- Public Member Functions inherited from OdRxObject
 OdRxObject ()
virtual ~OdRxObject ()
virtual OdRxObjectqueryX (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxObjectx (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxClassisA () const
bool isKindOf (const OdRxClass *pClass) const
virtual OdRxObjectPtr clone () const
virtual OdRx::Ordering comparedTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const
virtual bool isEqualTo (const OdRxObject *pOther) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OdRxObject
static OdRxObjectPtr cast (const OdRxObject *pointer)
static OdRxClassdesc ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdDbEntity
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subWblockClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *, bool bPrimary) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
virtual OdDbObjectPtr subDeepClone (OdDbIdMapping &ownerIdMap, OdDbObject *, bool bPrimary) const ODRX_OVERRIDE
virtual bool subCloneMeForDragging ()
virtual bool subHideMeForDragging () const
virtual void subGripStatus (const OdDb::GripStat status)
virtual OdResult subGetOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints) const
virtual OdResult subGetOsnapPoints (OdDb::OsnapMode osnapMode, OdGsMarker gsSelectionMark, const OdGePoint3d &pickPoint, const OdGePoint3d &lastPoint, const OdGeMatrix3d &xWorldToEye, OdGePoint3dArray &snapPoints, const OdGeMatrix3d &insertionMat) const
virtual bool subIsContentSnappable () const
virtual OdResult subGetGripPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &gripPoints) const
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset)
virtual OdResult subGetGripPoints (OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const int bitFlags) const
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAt (const OdDbVoidPtrArray &grips, const OdGeVector3d &offset, int bitFlags)
virtual OdResult subGetStretchPoints (OdGePoint3dArray &stretchPoints) const
virtual OdResult subMoveStretchPointsAt (const OdIntArray &indices, const OdGeVector3d &offset)
virtual OdResult subIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const
virtual OdResult subIntersectWith (const OdDbEntity *pEnt, OdDb::Intersect intType, const OdGePlane &projPlane, OdGePoint3dArray &points, OdGsMarker thisGsMarker=0, OdGsMarker otherGsMarker=0) const
virtual void subHighlight (bool bDoIt=true, const OdDbFullSubentPath *pSubId=0, bool highlightAll=false) const
virtual OdDb::Visibility subVisibility () const
virtual OdResult subSetVisibility (OdDb::Visibility visibility, bool doSubents=true)
virtual OdResult subDeleteSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths)
virtual OdResult subAddSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths)
virtual OdResult subMoveGripPointsAtSubentPaths (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdDbVoidPtrArray &gripAppData, const OdGeVector3d &offset, const OdUInt32 bitflags)
virtual OdResult subGetGripPointsAtSubentPath (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdDbGripDataPtrArray &grips, const double curViewUnitSize, const int gripSize, const OdGeVector3d &curViewDir, const OdUInt32 bitflags) const
virtual OdDbEntityPtr subSubentPtr (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path) const
virtual OdResult subTransformSubentPathsBy (const OdDbFullSubentPathArray &paths, const OdGeMatrix3d &xform)
virtual OdResult subGetSubentClassId (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, void *clsId) const
virtual OdResult subGetSubentPathGeomExtents (const OdDbFullSubentPath &path, OdGeExtents3d &extents) const
virtual void subSubentGripStatus (OdDb::GripStat status, const OdDbFullSubentPath &subentity)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdDbObject
 OdDbObject ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OdGiDrawable
 OdGiDrawable ()
virtual OdUInt32 subViewportDrawLogicalFlags (OdGiViewportDraw *vd) const
virtual OdUInt32 subRegenSupportFlags () const
- Protected Attributes inherited from OdDbObject

Detailed Description

This class represents table entities in an OdDbDatabase instance.

See also

<group OdDb_Classes>

Definition at line 101 of file DbTable.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ TableStyleOverrides

Enumerator representing the table style overrides for an OdDbTable object.


Title suppressed table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header suppressed table style override for OdDbTable object.


Flow direction table style override for OdDbTable object.


Horizontal cell margin table style override for OdDbTable object.


Vertical cell margin table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row no fill table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row no fill table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row no fill table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row fill color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row fill color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row fill color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row alignment table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row alignment table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row alignment table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row text style table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row text style table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row text style table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row text height table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row text height table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row text height table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row data type table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row data type table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row data type table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal top gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal inside gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal bottom gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical left gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical inside gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical right gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal top gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal inside gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal bottom gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical left gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical inside gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical right gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal top gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal inside gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal bottom gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row vertical left gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row vertical inside gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row vertical right gridline color table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal top gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal inside gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal bottom gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical left gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical inside gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical right gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal top gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal inside gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal bottom gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical left gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical inside gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical right gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal top gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal inside gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal bottom gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row vertical left gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row vertical inside gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row vertical right gridline lineweight table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal top gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal inside gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row horizontal bottom gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical left gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical inside gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Title row vertical right gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal top gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal inside gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row horizontal bottom gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical left gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical inside gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Header row vertical right gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal top gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal inside gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object.


Data row horizontal bottom gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object..


Data row vertical left gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object..


Data row vertical inside gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object..


Data row vertical right gridline visibility table style override for OdDbTable object..


Alignment table style override for table cell.


Background no fill table style override for table cell.


Background color table style override for table cell.


Content color table style override for table cell.


Text style table style override for table cell.


Text height table style override for table cell.


Top edge grid color table style override for table cell.


Right edge grid color table style override for table cell.


Bottom edge grid color table style override for table cell.


Left edge grid color table style override for table cell.


Top edge grid lineweight table style override for table cell.


Right edge grid lineweight table style override for table cell.


Bottom edge grid lineweight table style override for table cell.


Left edge grid lineweight table style override for table cell.


Top edge grid visibility table style override for table cell.


Right edge grid visibility table style override for table cell.


Bottom edge grid visibility table style override for table cell.


Left edge grid visibility table style override for table cell.

Definition at line 109 of file DbTable.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OdDbTable()

OdDbTable::OdDbTable ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ alignment() [1/2]

virtual OdDb::CellAlignment OdDbTable::alignment ( OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow) const

Returns the cell alignment for the specified row type in this table entity (DXF 170).

rowType[in] Row type.
rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

alignment() returns one of the following:

OdDb::kTopLeft 1
OdDb::kTopCenter 2 OdDb::kTopRight 3 OdDb::kMiddleLeft 4 OdDb::kMiddleCenter 5 OdDb::kMiddleRight 6 OdDb::kBottomLeft 7 OdDb::kBottomCenter 8 OdDb::kBottomRight 9

◆ alignment() [2/2]

virtual OdDb::CellAlignment OdDbTable::alignment ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the cell alignment for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 170).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

alignment() returns one of the following:

Value OdDb::kTopLeft 1 OdDb::kTopCenter 2 OdDb::kTopRight 3 OdDb::kMiddleLeft 4 OdDb::kMiddleCenter 5 OdDb::kMiddleRight 6 OdDb::kBottomLeft 7 OdDb::kBottomCenter 8 OdDb::kBottomRight 9

◆ appendToOwner()

void OdDbTable::appendToOwner ( OdDbIdPair idPair,
OdDbObject pOwnerObject,
OdDbIdMapping ownerIdMap 

Appends this OdDbTable object to the specified owner object.

idPair[in] ID pair to append.
pOwnerObject[in] Pointer to the owner object.
ownerIdMap[in/out] Owner's ID map.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ attachmentPoint() [1/2]

OdGePoint3d OdDbTable::attachmentPoint ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  content 
) const

Returns the attachment point of the cell as an object of the OdGePoint3d class.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
content[in] Content index.
Method generates the eNotImplementedYet exception.

◆ attachmentPoint() [2/2]

virtual OdGePoint3d OdDbTable::attachmentPoint ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the attachment point of the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than number of rows or the column argument is more than number of columns.

◆ backgroundColor() [1/2]

virtual OdCmColor OdDbTable::backgroundColor ( OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow) const

Returns the background color for the specified row type in this table entity (DXF 63).

rowType[in] Row type.
rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ backgroundColor() [2/2]

virtual OdCmColor OdDbTable::backgroundColor ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the background color for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 63).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ blockRotation()

virtual double OdDbTable::blockRotation ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the rotation angle of the block reference in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ blockScale()

virtual double OdDbTable::blockScale ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the scale factor of the block reference in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ blockTableRecordId() [1/2]

OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::blockTableRecordId ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the id of the block table record of the cell as an object of the OdDbObjectId class.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.

◆ blockTableRecordId() [2/2]

virtual OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::blockTableRecordId ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the Object ID of the block table record in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ breakFlowDirection()

OdDb::TableBreakFlowDirection OdDbTable::breakFlowDirection ( void  ) const

Returns table break flow direction of this table entity as an OdDb::TableBreakFlowDirection object.

◆ breakHeight()

double OdDbTable::breakHeight ( OdUInt32  index) const

Returns the table break height of the specified table entity as an OdUInt32 value.

index[in] Sub-table index.
index parameter should be more than or equal to 0.

◆ breakOffset()

OdGeVector3d OdDbTable::breakOffset ( OdUInt32  index) const

Returns table break offset of the specified table entity as an OdUInt32 value.

index[in] Sub-table index.
index parameter should be more than or equal to 1.

◆ breakOption()

OdDb::TableBreakOption OdDbTable::breakOption ( void  ) const

Returns the table break option of this table entity as an OdDb::TableBreakOption object.

breakOption() returns one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTableBreakNone 0 No table break. OdDb::kTableBreakEnableBreaking 0x01 Enable table breaking. OdDb::kTableBreakRepeatTopLabels 0x02 Repeat top labels in all tables.
OdDb::kTableBreakRepeatBottomLabels 0x04 Repeat bottom labels in all tables. OdDb::kTableBreakAllowManualPositions 0x08 Allow manual position for each sub-table. OdDb::kTableBreakAllowManualHeights 0x10 Allow manual height for each sub-table.

◆ breakSpacing()

double OdDbTable::breakSpacing ( void  ) const

Returns the break spacing for this table entity.

◆ canDelete()

bool OdDbTable::canDelete ( OdInt32  nIndex,
OdInt32  nCount,
bool  bRow 
) const

Checks if rows or columns can be deleted from the specified index. Returns true if rows or columns can be deleted.

nCount[in] Number of rows or columns.
bRow[in] Flag that indicates what to check: "true"" for rows or "false" for columns.
Method is not implemented yet and always returns true.

◆ canInsert()

bool OdDbTable::canInsert ( OdInt32  nIndex,
bool  bRow 
) const

Checks if new rows or columns can be inserted into the specified index. Returns true if rows or columns can be inserted.

nIndex[in] Index.
bRow[in] Flag that indicates what to check: "true" for rows or "false" for columns.
Method is not implemented yet and always returns true.

◆ cellState()

OdDb::CellState OdDbTable::cellState ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns cell state.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
Cell state is an enumerator and takes one of the following values:

Value kCellStateNone 0x00 kCellStateContentLocked 0x01 kCellStateContentReadOnly 0x02 kCellStateLinked 0x04 kCellStateContentModifiedAfterUpdate 0x08 kCellStateFormatLocked 0x10 kCellStateFormatReadOnly 0x20 kCellStateFormatModifiedAfterUpdate 0x40 kAllCellStates (kCellStateContentLocked | kCellStateContentReadOnly | kCellStateLinked | kCellStateContentModifiedAfterUpdate | kCellStateFormatLocked | kCellStateFormatReadOnly | kCellStateFormatModifiedAfterUpdate)

◆ cellStyle()

OdString OdDbTable::cellStyle ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns the cell style as an OdString value. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get style for row. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get style for column.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
Cell style should be one of the following values:


◆ cellStyleOverrides()

virtual bool OdDbTable::cellStyleOverrides ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdUInt32Array overrides 
) const

Returns the cell style overrides for the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the
column[in] Column index of the cell.
overrides[out] Receives the overrides.

◆ cellType()

virtual OdDb::CellType OdDbTable::cellType ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the cell type of the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
cellType() returns one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTextCell 1 Text cell type OdDb::kBlockCell 2 Block cell type

◆ clearCellOverrides()

void OdDbTable::clearCellOverrides ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 

Clears the cell overrides for the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ clearSubSelection()

virtual void OdDbTable::clearSubSelection ( )

Clears the sub-selection set of cells from this table.

◆ clearTableStyleOverrides()

virtual void OdDbTable::clearTableStyleOverrides ( int  option = 0)

Clears the table style overrides for this table entity and/or its cells.

option[in] Option.
option can be one of the following:

Description 0 Clears all overrides.
1 Clears all table overrides.
2 Clears all cell overrides.

◆ columnWidth()

virtual double OdDbTable::columnWidth ( OdUInt32  column) const

Returns the width of the specified column in this table entity (DXF 142).

column[in] Column index.

◆ contentColor() [1/3]

virtual OdCmColor OdDbTable::contentColor ( OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow) const

Returns the content color for the specified row type in this table entity (DXF 64).

rowType[in] Row type.
rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ contentColor() [2/3]

OdCmColor OdDbTable::contentColor ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the color of the cell content as an object of the OdCmColor class.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ contentColor() [3/3]

virtual OdCmColor OdDbTable::contentColor ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the content color for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 64).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ contentLayout()

OdDb::CellContentLayout OdDbTable::contentLayout ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns content layout of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
Returning value should be one of following values:

Value kCellContentLayoutFlow 0x1 kCellContentLayoutStackedHorizontal 0x2 kCellContentLayoutStackedVertical 0x4

◆ contentType() [1/2]

OdDb::CellContentType OdDbTable::contentType ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns content type of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
Content type is an enumerator and takes one of the following values:

Value kCellContentTypeUnknown 0x0 kCellContentTypeValue 0x1 kCellContentTypeField 0x2 kCellContentTypeBlock 0x4

◆ contentType() [2/2]

OdDb::CellContentType OdDbTable::contentType ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nIndex 
) const

Returns content type of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nIndex[in] Index of content.
Content type is an enumerator and takes one of the following values:

Value kCellContentTypeUnknown 0x0 kCellContentTypeValue 0x1 kCellContentTypeField 0x2 kCellContentTypeBlock 0x4

◆ copyFrom() [1/4]

void OdDbTable::copyFrom ( const OdDbLinkedTableData pSrc,
OdDb::TableCopyOption  nOption 

Copies the content and format from the source table.

pSrc[in] Source table.
nOption[in] Copy option.

◆ copyFrom() [2/4]

void OdDbTable::copyFrom ( const OdDbLinkedTableData pSrc,
OdDb::TableCopyOption  nOption,
const OdCellRange srcRange,
const OdCellRange targetRange,
OdCellRange pNewTargetRangeOut 

Copies the content and format from the source table.

pSrc[in] Source table.
nOption[in] Copy option.
srcRange[in] Source cell range.
targetRange[in] Target cell range.
pNewTargetRangeOut[out] Target cell range.

◆ copyFrom() [3/4]

void OdDbTable::copyFrom ( const OdDbTable pSrc,
OdDb::TableCopyOption  nOption,
const OdCellRange srcRange,
const OdCellRange targetRange,
OdCellRange pNewTargetRangeOut 

Copies the content and format from the source table.

pSrc[in] Source table.
nOption[in] Copy option.
srcRange[in] Source cell range.
targetRange[in] Target cell range.
pNewTargetRangeOut[out] Target cell range.

◆ copyFrom() [4/4]

virtual void OdDbTable::copyFrom ( const OdRxObject pSource)

Copies the content from the source object.

pSource[in] Source object.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ createContent()

OdInt32 OdDbTable::createContent ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nIndex 

Creates additional content for the cell. Returns index of the created content.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nIndex[in] Index at which the content will be created.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ createTemplate()

void OdDbTable::createTemplate ( OdDbTableTemplate target,
OdDb::TableCopyOption  nCopyOption 

◆ dataFormat() [1/2]

OdString OdDbTable::dataFormat ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns data format of the cell as an OdString value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ dataFormat() [2/2]

OdString OdDbTable::dataFormat ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns data format of the cell as an OdString value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.

◆ deleteCellContent()

virtual void OdDbTable::deleteCellContent ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 

Deletes the content of the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ deleteColumns()

virtual void OdDbTable::deleteColumns ( OdUInt32  column,
OdUInt32  numColumns = 1 

Deletes the specified number of columns from this table entity.

column[in] Index of first column to delete.
numColumns[in] Number of columns to delete.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the number of deleted columns is more than the number of columns.

◆ deleteContent() [1/3]

void OdDbTable::deleteContent ( const OdCellRange range)

Deletes content from the cells.

range[in] Range of the cells.
Method generates the eNotImplementedYet exception.

◆ deleteContent() [2/3]

void OdDbTable::deleteContent ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 

Deletes content from the cells.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ deleteContent() [3/3]

void OdDbTable::deleteContent ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nIndex 

Deletes content from the cells.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
nIndex[in] Index of content.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ deleteRows()

virtual void OdDbTable::deleteRows ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  numRows = 1 

Deletes the specified number of rows from this table entity.

row[in] Index of first row to delete.
numRows[in] Number of rows to delete.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the number of deleted rows is more than the number of rows.

◆ direction()

virtual OdGeVector3d OdDbTable::direction ( ) const

Returns the unit X-axis for this table entity in WCS coordinates (DXF 11, 21, 31).

◆ dwgInFields()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::dwgInFields ( OdDbDwgFiler pFiler)

Reads the .dwg file data of this object.

pFiler[in] Filer object from which data are read.
Returns the filer status. This function is called by dwgIn() to allow the object to read its data. When overriding this function: 1) Call assertWriteEnabled(). 2) Call the parent class's dwgInFields(pFiler). 3) If it returns eOK, continue; otherwise return whatever the parent's dwgInFields(pFiler) returned. 4) Call the OdDbDwgFiler(pFiler) methods to read each of the object's data items in the order they were written. 5) Return pFiler->filerStatus().

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ dwgOutFields()

virtual void OdDbTable::dwgOutFields ( OdDbDwgFiler pFiler) const

Writes the .dwg file data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer to which data are written.
This function is called by dwgIn() to allow the object to write its data. When overriding this function: 1) Call assertReadEnabled(). 2) Call the parent class's dwgOutFields(pFiler). 3) Call the OdDbDwgFiler(pFiler) methods to write each of the object's data items in the order they were written.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ dxfInFields()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::dxfInFields ( OdDbDxfFiler pFiler)

Reads the DXF data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer from which data are read.
Returns the filer status. This function is called by dxfIn() to allow the object to read its data. When overriding this function: 1) Call assertWriteEnabled(). 2) Call the parent class's dwgInFields(pFiler). 3) If it returns eOK, continue; otherwise return whatever the parent's dxfInFields(pFiler) returned. 4) Call the OdDbDxfFiler(pFiler) methods to read each of the object's data items in the order they were written. 5) Return pFiler->filerStatus().

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ dxfOutFields()

virtual void OdDbTable::dxfOutFields ( OdDbDxfFiler pFiler) const

Reads the DXF data of this object.

pFiler[in] Pointer to the filer from which data are read.
Returns the filer status. This function is called by dxfIn() to allow the object to read its data. When overriding this function: 1) Call assertWriteEnabled(). 2) Call the parent class's dwgInFields(pFiler). 3) If it returns eOK, continue; otherwise return whatever the parent's dxfInFields(pFiler) returned. 4) Call the OdDbDxfFiler(pFiler) methods to read each of the object's data items in the order they were written. 5) Return pFiler->filerStatus().

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ enableBreak()

void OdDbTable::enableBreak ( bool  bEnable)

Enables or disables table breaking.

bEnable[in] Value for enabling or disabling the table breaking.

◆ enableMergeAll()

void OdDbTable::enableMergeAll ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
bool  bEnable 

Sets the merge-all flag to enabled for the cell, row, or column.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
bEnable[in] merge-all flag.
Method generates the eNotImplementedYet exception.

◆ fieldId() [1/2]

OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::fieldId ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the field id of the cell as an object of the OdDbObjectId class.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.

◆ fieldId() [2/2]

virtual OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::fieldId ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the Object ID of the OdDbField in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ flowDirection()

virtual OdDb::FlowDirection OdDbTable::flowDirection ( ) const

Returns the direction that this table entity flows from its first row to its last (DXF 70).

flowDirection() Returns one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTtoB 0 Top to Bottom OdDb::kBtoT 1 Bottom to Top

◆ format() [1/2]

virtual OdString OdDbTable::format ( OdDb::RowType  type) const

◆ format() [2/2]

OdString OdDbTable::format ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  col 
) const

◆ generateLayout()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::generateLayout ( )

Updates this table entity according to its current table style.

Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code if not.

◆ getBlockAttributeValue() [1/2]

OdString OdDbTable::getBlockAttributeValue ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdDbObjectId attdefId 
) const

Returns the attribute value of the block cell using the specified object id key as an OdString value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
attdefId[in] Object id.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ getBlockAttributeValue() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::getBlockAttributeValue ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
const OdDbObjectId attdefId,
OdString attValue 
) const

Gets the attribute value for the specified Object ID OdDb::key for the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
attdefId[in] Object ID of the OdDbAttributeDefinition.
attValue[out] Receives the attribute value.

◆ getCellExtents()

virtual void OdDbTable::getCellExtents ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
bool  isOuterCell,
OdGePoint3dArray pts 
) const

Returns the cell extents for the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
isOuterCell[in] If and only if true, ignores margins.
pts[out] Receives the cell extents information.
If isOuterCell is true, this function returns the extents of the cell without regard to margins.

If isOuterCell is false, this function returns the extents of cell reduced by the horizontal and vertical cell margins.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than number of rows or the column argument is more than number of columns.

◆ getColumnName()

OdString OdDbTable::getColumnName ( OdInt32  nIndex) const

Returns the column name as an OdString value.

nIndex[in] Column index.

◆ getCustomData() [1/2]

OdInt32 OdDbTable::getCustomData ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns the custom data value of the cell, column, or row as an OdInt32 value. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row data. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column data.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.

◆ getCustomData() [2/2]

OdValue OdDbTable::getCustomData ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
const OdString  sKey 
) const

Returns the custom data value of the cell, column, or row as an OdInt32 value. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row data. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column data.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
sKey[in] Key to use for the custom data.

◆ getDataLink() [1/3]

OdInt32 OdDbTable::getDataLink ( const OdCellRange pRange,
OdDbObjectIdArray dataLinkIds 
) const

Returns the number of data links (OdDbDataLink) for the specified cell range.

pRange[in] Cell range.
dataLinkIds[out] Array of data link IDs.

◆ getDataLink() [2/3]

OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::getDataLink ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns the data link (OdDbDataLink) for the specified row and column.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ getDataLink() [3/3]

OdDbDataLinkPtr OdDbTable::getDataLink ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::OpenMode  mode 
) const

Opens and returns the data link (OdDbDataLink) for the specified row and column.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
mode[in] Open mode.
Open mode should take one of the following values:

Value kNotOpen -1 kForRead 0 kForWrite 1 kForNotify 2

◆ getDataLinkRange()

OdCellRange OdDbTable::getDataLinkRange ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns the data link cell range that includes the specified row and column.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ getDataType() [1/3]

void OdDbTable::getDataType ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
OdValue::DataType nDataType,
OdValue::UnitType nUnitType 
) const

Gets the data type of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
nDataType[out] Reference to data type.
nUnitType[out] Reference to unit type.
Data type should take one of following values:

Value kUnknown 0x00 kLong 0x01 kDouble 0x02 kString 0x04 kDate 0x08 kPoint 0x10 k3dPoint 0x20 kObjectId 0x40 kBuffer 0x80 kResbuf 0x100 kGeneral 0x200 kColor 0x400

Unit type should take one of following values:

Value kUnitless 0x00 kDistance 0x01 kAngle 0x02 kArea 0x04 kVolume 0x08 kCurrency 0x10 kPercentage 0x20

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ getDataType() [2/3]

void OdDbTable::getDataType ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  col,
OdValue::DataType nDataType,
OdValue::UnitType nUnitType 
) const

Returns the data type and unit type of the specified cell.

row[in] Row index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of rows.
col[in] Column index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of columns.
nDataType[out] Data type.
nUnitType[out] Unit type.

◆ getDataType() [3/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::getDataType ( OdValue::DataType nDataType,
OdValue::UnitType nUnitType,
OdDb::RowType  type 
) const

Returns the data type and unit type of the specified row type.

nDataType[out] Data type.
nUnitType[out] Unit type.
type[in] Row type.

type must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ getFormula()

OdString OdDbTable::getFormula ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the formula of the cell as an object of the OdString class.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.

◆ getGridProperty()

void OdDbTable::getGridProperty ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType,
OdGridProperty gridProp 
) const

Returns the grid line property of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid property. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid property.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
gridProp[out] Grid line property.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ getMergeRange()

OdCellRange OdDbTable::getMergeRange ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns merge range of the cell as an object of the OdCellRange class. Returns invalid merge range if the cell is not part of the merge range.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ getOverride() [1/2]

OdDb::GridProperty OdDbTable::getOverride ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType 
) const

Returns the override in the grid line of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row property overrides. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column property overrides.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
Grid property should take one of the following values:

Value kGridPropInvalid 0x00 kGridPropLineStyle 0x01 kGridPropLineWeight 0x02 kGridPropLinetype 0x04 kGridPropColor 0x08 kGridPropVisibility 0x10 kGridPropDoubleLineSpacing 0x20 kGridPropAll (kGridPropLineStyle | kGridPropLineWeight | kGridPropLinetype | kGridPropColor | kGridPropVisibility | kGridPropDoubleLineSpacing)

Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ getOverride() [2/2]

OdDb::CellProperty OdDbTable::getOverride ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the override of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row property overrides. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column property overrides.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nContent[in] Content index.
Cell property should take one of the next values:

Value kCellPropInvalid 0x00000 kCellPropDataType 0x00001 kCellPropDataFormat 0x00002 kCellPropRotation 0x00004 kCellPropScale 0x00008 kCellPropAlignment 0x00010 kCellPropContentColor 0x00020 kCellPropTextStyle 0x00040 kCellPropTextHeight 0x00080 kCellPropAutoScale 0x00100 kCellPropBackgroundColor 0x00200 kCellPropMarginLeft 0x00400 kCellPropMarginTop 0x00800 kCellPropMarginRight 0x01000 kCellPropMarginBottom 0x02000 kCellPropContentLayout 0x04000 kCellPropMergeAll 0x08000 kCellPropFlowDirBtoT 0x10000 kCellPropMarginHorzSpacing 0x20000 kCellPropMarginVertSpacing 0x40000 kCellPropDataTypeAndFormat (kCellPropDataType | kCellPropDataFormat) kCellPropContent (kCellPropDataType | kCellPropDataFormat | kCellPropRotation | kCellPropScale | kCellPropContentColor | kCellPropTextStyle | kCellPropTextHeight | kCellPropAutoScale) kCellPropBitProperties (kCellPropAutoScale | kCellPropMergeAll | kCellPropFlowDirBtoT) kCellPropAll (kCellPropDataType | kCellPropDataFormat | kCellPropRotation | kCellPropScale | kCellPropAlignment | kCellPropContentColor | kCellPropBackgroundColor | kCellPropTextStyle | kCellPropTextHeight | kCellPropMarginLeft | kCellPropMarginTop | kCellPropMarginRight | kCellPropMarginBottom | kCellPropMarginHorzSpacing | kCellPropMarginVertSpacing | kCellPropAutoScale | kCellPropMergeAll | kCellPropFlowDirBtoT | kCellPropContentLayout)

◆ getSubSelection() [1/2]

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::getSubSelection ( OdInt32 rowMin,
OdInt32 rowMax,
OdInt32 colMin,
OdInt32 colMax 
) const

Returns the row and column indexes of the cells in the sub-selection set.

rowMin[out] Lower bound of row index.
rowMax[out] Upper bound of row index.
colMin[out] Lower bound of column index.
colMax[out] Upper bound of column index.
Returns eOk if successful, eSubSelectionSetEmpty if there are no sub-selection cells, or an appropriate error code if not.

◆ getSubSelection() [2/2]

OdCellRange OdDbTable::getSubSelection ( void  ) const

Returns the range of cells in the sub-selection set.

If there are no sub-selection cells, returns invalid range.

◆ getToolTip()

OdString OdDbTable::getToolTip ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns the tooltip of the cell as an OdString value.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.

◆ gridColor() [1/3]

virtual OdCmColor OdDbTable::gridColor ( OdDb::GridLineType  gridlineType,
OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow 
) const

Returns the grid color for the specified gridline type and row type in this table entity (DXF 63,64,65,66,68,69).

gridlineType[in] Gridline type.
rowType[in] Row type.
gridlineType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kHorzTop 1 Top or bottom horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHorzInside 2 All horizontal grid lines, excluding the bottom and top lines. OdDb::kHorzBottom 4 Bottom or top horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up).

rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ gridColor() [2/3]

OdCmColor OdDbTable::gridColor ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType 
) const

Returns the grid color of the cell, row, or column as an object of the OdCmColor class. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid line color. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid line color.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ gridColor() [3/3]

virtual OdCmColor OdDbTable::gridColor ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdDb::CellEdgeMask  edgeType 
) const

Returns the grid color for the specified cell and edge in this table entity (DXF 63,64,65,66,68,69).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
edgeType[in] Edge type.
edgeType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTopMask 1 Top-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kRightMask 2 Right-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kBottomMask 4 Bottom-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kLeftMask 8 Left-edge index of the table cell.

◆ gridDoubleLineSpacing()

double OdDbTable::gridDoubleLineSpacing ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType 
) const

Returns the grid double line spacing of the cell, row, or column as a double value. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid double line spacing. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid double line spacing.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ gridLineStyle()

OdDb::GridLineStyle OdDbTable::gridLineStyle ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType 
) const

Returns the grid line style of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid line style. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid line style.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

Grid line style should take one of the following values:

Value kGridLineStyleSingle 1 kGridLineStyleDouble 2

◆ gridLinetype()

OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::gridLinetype ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType 
) const

Returns the grid linetype of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid linetype. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid linetype.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetypes.
Grid linetypes should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ gridLineWeight() [1/3]

virtual OdDb::LineWeight OdDbTable::gridLineWeight ( OdDb::GridLineType  gridlineType,
OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow 
) const

Returns the grid lineweight for the specified gridline type and row type in this table entity (DXF 274-279).

gridlineType[in] Gridline type.
rowType[in] Row type.
gridlineType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kHorzTop 1 Top or bottom horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHorzInside 2 All horizontal grid lines, excluding the bottom and top lines. OdDb::kHorzBottom 4 Bottom or top horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kVertLeft 8 Left-most table's grid line. OdDb::kVertInside 0x10 All vertical grid lines, excluding the left-most and right-most lines. OdDb::kVertRight 0x20 Right-most table's grid line.

rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ gridLineWeight() [2/3]

OdDb::LineWeight OdDbTable::gridLineWeight ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType 
) const

Returns the grid lineweight of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid lineweight. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid lineweight.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

Grid lineweight should take one of the following values:

Value kLnWt000 0 kLnWt005 5 kLnWt009 9 kLnWt013 13 kLnWt015 15 kLnWt018 18 kLnWt020 20 kLnWt025 25 kLnWt030 30 kLnWt035 35 kLnWt040 40 kLnWt050 50 kLnWt053 53 kLnWt060 60 kLnWt070 70 kLnWt080 80 kLnWt090 90 kLnWt100 100 kLnWt106 106 kLnWt120 120 kLnWt140 140 kLnWt158 158 kLnWt200 200 kLnWt211 211 kLnWtByLayer -1 kLnWtByBlock -2 kLnWtByLwDefault -3

◆ gridLineWeight() [3/3]

virtual OdDb::LineWeight OdDbTable::gridLineWeight ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdDb::CellEdgeMask  edgeType 
) const

Returns the grid lineweight for the specified cell and edge in this table entity (DXF 274-279).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
edgeType[in] Edge type.
edgeType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTopMask 1 Top-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kRightMask 2 Right-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kBottomMask 4 Bottom-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kLeftMask 8 Left-edge index of the table cell.

◆ gridVisibility() [1/3]

virtual OdDb::Visibility OdDbTable::gridVisibility ( OdDb::GridLineType  gridlineType,
OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow 
) const

Returns the grid visibility for the specified gridline type and row type in this table entity (DXF 284-289).

gridlineType[in] Gridline type.
rowType[in] Row type.
gridVisibility() returns one of the following:

Value OdDb::kInvisible 1 OdDb::kVisible 0

gridlineType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kHorzTop 1 Top or bottom horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHorzInside 2 All horizontal grid lines, excluding the bottom and top lines. OdDb::kHorzBottom 4 Bottom or top horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kVertLeft 8 Left-most table's grid line. OdDb::kVertInside 0x10 All vertical grid lines, excluding the left-most and right-most lines. OdDb::kVertRight 0x20 Right-most table's grid line.

rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ gridVisibility() [2/3]

OdDb::Visibility OdDbTable::gridVisibility ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType 
) const

Returns the grid visibility of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid visibility . Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid visibility .

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

Grid visibility should take one of the following values:

Value kInvisible 1 kVisible 0

◆ gridVisibility() [3/3]

virtual OdDb::Visibility OdDbTable::gridVisibility ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdDb::CellEdgeMask  edgeType 
) const

Returns the grid visibility for the specified cell and edge in this table entity (DXF 284-289).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
edgeType[in] Edge type.
gridVisibility() returns one of the following:

Value OdDb::kInvisible 1 OdDb::kVisible 0

edgeType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTopMask 1 Top-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kRightMask 2 Right-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kBottomMask 4 Bottom-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kLeftMask 8 Left-edge index of the table cell.

◆ hasFormula()

bool OdDbTable::hasFormula ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Checks if the cell has a formula.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.

◆ hasSubSelection()

virtual bool OdDbTable::hasSubSelection ( ) const

Returns true if the table has a sub-selection set of cells, or returns false in the other case.

◆ height()

virtual double OdDbTable::height ( ) const

Returns the overall height of this table entity.

◆ hitTest() [1/2]

virtual bool OdDbTable::hitTest ( const OdGePoint3d wpt,
const OdGeVector3d wviewVec,
double  wxaper,
double  wyaper,
OdInt32 resultRowIndex,
OdInt32 resultColumnIndex 
) const

Performs a hit test for the specified point and viewing direction in this table entity. Returns the row index and the column index of the cell, hit by the ray in the output arguments. Returns true if a table set is hit or returns false in the other case.

wpt[in] Input 3D picking point in WCS.
wviewVec[in] 3D vector in WCF that specifies the view direction for the hit test.
wxaper[in] Width of aperture box centered at the hit point.
wyaper[in] Height of aperture box centered at the hit point.
resultRowIndex[out] Row index.
resultColumnIndex[out] Column index.

◆ hitTest() [2/2]

virtual bool OdDbTable::hitTest ( const OdGePoint3d wpt,
const OdGeVector3d wviewVec,
double  wxaper,
double  wyaper,
OdInt32 resultRowIndex,
OdInt32 resultColumnIndex,
OdInt32 contentIndex,
OdDb::TableHitItem nItem 
) const

Performs a hit test for the specified point and viewing direction in this table entity. Returns the row index and the column index of the cell, hit by the ray in the output arguments. Returns true if a table set is hit or returns false in the other case.

wpt[in] Input 3D picking point in WCS.
wviewVec[in] 3D vector in WCS that specifies the view direction for the hit test.
wxaper[in] Width of aperture box centered at the hit point.
wyaper[in] Height of aperture box centered at the hit point.
resultRowIndex[out] Row index.
resultColumnIndex[out] Column index.
contentIndex[out] Context index.
nItem[out] Hit flags, which indicate the table item at the specified point.

◆ horzCellMargin()

virtual double OdDbTable::horzCellMargin ( ) const

Returns the horizontal cell margin for this table entity (DXF 40).

The horizontal cell margin is the horizontal space between the cell text and the cell border.

◆ insertColumns()

virtual void OdDbTable::insertColumns ( OdUInt32  column,
double  width,
OdUInt32  numColumns = 1 

Inserts the specified number of columns into this table entity at the specified column index.

column[in] Column index.
width[in] Width of the inserted columns.
numColumns[in] Number of columns to insert.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the column argument is more than the number of columns or the width is zero.

◆ insertColumnsAndInherit()

void OdDbTable::insertColumnsAndInherit ( OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nInheritFrom,
OdInt32  nNumCols 

Inserts columns at the specified index.

col[in] Index.
nInheritFrom[in] Column number in the table that the format will be inherited from.
nNumCols[in] Number of inserted columns.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the number of rows or columns is zero.

◆ insertRows()

virtual void OdDbTable::insertRows ( OdUInt32  row,
double  height,
OdUInt32  numRows = 1 

Inserts the specified number of rows into this table entity at the specified row index.

row[in] Row index.
height[in] Height of the inserted rows.
numRows[in] Number of rows to insert.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the height is zero.

◆ insertRowsAndInherit()

void OdDbTable::insertRowsAndInherit ( OdInt32  nIndex,
OdInt32  nInheritFrom,
OdInt32  nNumRows 

Inserts rows at the specified index.

nIndex[in] Index.
nInheritFrom[in] Row number in the table that the format will be inherited from.
nNumRows[in] Number of inserted rows.

◆ isAutoScale() [1/2]

bool OdDbTable::isAutoScale ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Checks whether data in the cell is auto-scaled or not. Returns the auto-scaled flag as a boolean value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.

◆ isAutoScale() [2/2]

virtual bool OdDbTable::isAutoScale ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns true if and only if the block in the specified cell in this table entity is automatically scaled and positioned to fit into the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ isBackgroundColorNone() [1/2]

virtual bool OdDbTable::isBackgroundColorNone ( OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow) const

Returns true if and only if the background color for the specified row type is disabled for this table entity (DXF 283).

rowType[in] Row type.
rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ isBackgroundColorNone() [2/2]

virtual bool OdDbTable::isBackgroundColorNone ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns true if and only if the background color for the specified cell is disabled for this table entity (DXF 283).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ isBreakEnabled()

bool OdDbTable::isBreakEnabled ( void  ) const

Returns true if the table break is enabled, or false otherwise.

◆ isContentEditable()

bool OdDbTable::isContentEditable ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns "editing content flag" cell property. Returns true if cell content can be edited or false if it can not.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ isEmpty()

bool OdDbTable::isEmpty ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns "empty flag" cell property. Returns true if cell is empty, or false if it is not.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ isFormatEditable()

bool OdDbTable::isFormatEditable ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns "editing format flag" cell property. Returns true if cell format can be edited or false if it can not.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ isHeaderSuppressed()

virtual bool OdDbTable::isHeaderSuppressed ( ) const

Returns true if and only if the header row is suppressed for this table entity (DXF 281).

◆ isLinked()

bool OdDbTable::isLinked ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Checks if the cell is linked to a data source.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
Grid linetypes should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ isMergeAllEnabled()

bool OdDbTable::isMergeAllEnabled ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Checks whether the merge-all flag is enabled for the cell, row, or column. Returns true if the merge-all flag is enabled or false if it is not.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
Method generates the eNotImplementedYet exception.

◆ isMergedCell()

virtual bool OdDbTable::isMergedCell ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdUInt32 minRow = 0,
OdUInt32 maxRow = 0,
OdUInt32 minColumn = 0,
OdUInt32 maxColumn = 0 
) const

Returns true if and only if the specified cell has been merged, and returns the range of the merged cells in this table entity.

row[in] Row index.
column[in] Column index.
minRow[out] Receives the minimum row index of the merged cells.
maxRow[out] Receives the maximum row index of the merged cells.
minColumn[out] Receives the minimum column index of the merged cells.
maxColumn[out] Receives the maximum column index of the merged cells.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ isRegenerateTableSuppressed()

bool OdDbTable::isRegenerateTableSuppressed ( ) const

Returns true if regeneration of the table block is disabled. Otherwise, returns false.

◆ isTitleSuppressed()

virtual bool OdDbTable::isTitleSuppressed ( ) const

Returns true if and only if the title row is suppressed for this table entity (DXF 280).

◆ margin()

double OdDbTable::margin ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::CellMargin  nMargin 
) const

Returns the margin of the cell, row, or column as a double value. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get margin for row. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get margin for column.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nMargin[in] Margin type.
Margin type should be one of following values:

Value kCellMarginTop 0x01 kCellMarginLeft 0x02 kCellMarginBottom 0x04 kCellMarginRight 0x08 kCellMarginHorzSpacing 0x10 kCellMarginVertSpacing 0x20

◆ mergeCells()

virtual void OdDbTable::mergeCells ( OdUInt32  minRow,
OdUInt32  maxRow,
OdUInt32  minColumn,
OdUInt32  maxColumn 

Merges a rectangular region of cells in this table entity.

minRow[in] Minimum row index of the merged cells.
maxRow[in] Maximum row index of the merged cells.
minColumn[in] Minimum column index of the merged cells.
maxColumn[in] Maximum column index of the merged cells.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the minimum row index is more than the maximum row index, the minimum column index is more than the maximum column index, the maximum row index is more than the number of rows, or the maximum column index is more than the number of columns.

◆ mergedFlag()

bool OdDbTable::mergedFlag ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns cell property "merged flag". The first cell has a value equal false. Next cells have a value equal to true.

row[in] Row index.
column[in] Column index.

◆ mergedHeight()

OdUInt32 OdDbTable::mergedHeight ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns cell property "merged height". The first cell may have a value > 1. Next cells have a value equal 1.

row[in] Row index.
column[in] Column index.

◆ mergedWidth()

OdUInt32 OdDbTable::mergedWidth ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns cell property "merged width". The first cell may have a value > 1. Next cells have a value equal 1.

row[in] Row index.
column[in] Column index.

◆ minimumColumnWidth()

virtual double OdDbTable::minimumColumnWidth ( OdUInt32  column) const

Returns the minimum column width for the specified column in this table entity.

column[in] Column index.

◆ minimumRowHeight()

virtual double OdDbTable::minimumRowHeight ( OdUInt32  row) const

Returns the minimum row height for the specified row in this table entity.

row[in] Row index.

◆ minimumTableHeight()

virtual double OdDbTable::minimumTableHeight ( ) const

Returns the minimum overall height for this table entity.

◆ minimumTableWidth()

virtual double OdDbTable::minimumTableWidth ( ) const

Returns the minimum overall width for this table entity.

◆ modified()

virtual void OdDbTable::modified ( const OdDbObject pObject)

Notification function called whenever an object is opened OdDb::kForWrite, a function has been called that could modify the contents of this object, and this object is now being closed.

pObject[in] Pointer to the object that is being closed after being modified.
The default implementation of this function does nothing. This function can be overridden in custom classes.

Reimplemented from OdDbObject.

◆ moveContent()

void OdDbTable::moveContent ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nFromIndex,
OdInt32  nToIndex 

Moves content in the cell from one position to another.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nFromIndex[in] Index of content to move.
nToIndex[in] Target index of the content where it should be moved to.
Method generates the eNotImplementedYet exception.

◆ numColumns()

virtual OdUInt32 OdDbTable::numColumns ( ) const

Returns the number of columns in this table entity (DXF 92).

◆ numContents()

OdInt32 OdDbTable::numContents ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 
) const

Returns the number of contents in the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ numRows()

virtual OdUInt32 OdDbTable::numRows ( ) const

Returns the number of rows in this table entity (DXF 91).

This includes title and header rows, if any.



◆ recomputeTableBlock()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::recomputeTableBlock ( bool  forceUpdate = true)

Updates the block table record referenced by this table entity.

forceUpdate[in] Force an update of the block table record.
Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code if not.

If forceUpdate is false, the block table record is updated if and only if this table entity has been changed since the block table record was last updated.

If forceUpdate is true, the block table will be unconditionally updated.

◆ removeAllOverrides()

void OdDbTable::removeAllOverrides ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 

Removes all overrides in the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to remove row property overrides. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to remove column property overrides.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.

◆ removeDataLink() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::removeDataLink ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col 

Removes the data link at the specified cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ removeDataLink() [2/2]

void OdDbTable::removeDataLink ( void  )

Removes all data links.

◆ reselectSubRegion()

virtual bool OdDbTable::reselectSubRegion ( OdDbFullSubentPathArray paths) const

Returns an array of sub-entities of the current sub-selection cells in the output argument paths.

pPaths[out] Pointer to an OdDbFullSubentPathArray.
Returns true if successful or returns false if not.

If pPaths is empty, there are no sub-selection cells.

◆ resetValue()

void OdDbTable::resetValue ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  col 

Resets the value in a specified cell.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
Returns eOk if successful, or returns eInvalidInput if row and col arguments refer to an invalid cell.

◆ rotation() [1/2]

double OdDbTable::rotation ( ) const

Returns table rotation in radians as a double value.

◆ rotation() [2/2]

double OdDbTable::rotation ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the content rotation angle in radians as a double value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ rowHeight()

virtual double OdDbTable::rowHeight ( OdUInt32  row) const

Returns the height of the specified row in this table entity (DXF 141).

row[in] Row index.

◆ rowType()

virtual OdDb::RowType OdDbTable::rowType ( OdUInt32  row) const

Returns the type of the specified row in this table entity.

row[in] Row index.
rowType() returns one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ scale()

double OdDbTable::scale ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the scale value of the cell as a double value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ select()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::select ( const OdGePoint3d wpt,
const OdGeVector3d wvwVec,
const OdGeVector3d wvwxVec,
double  wxaper,
double  wyaper,
bool  allowOutside,
bool  bInPickFirst,
OdInt32 resultRowIndex,
OdInt32 resultColumnIndex,
OdDbFullSubentPathArray pPaths = 0 
) const

Selects a cell in this table by the specified point, viewing direction, and orientation. Returns the row index and the column index of the selected cell that encloses the input point.

wpt[in] Input 3D picking point in WCS.
wvwVec[in] 3D vector in WCS that specifies the view direction for the hit test.
wvwxVec[in] 3D vector in WCS that specifies the view orientation for the hit test.
wxaper[in] Width of aperture box centered at the hit point.
wyaper[in] Height of aperture box centered at the hit point.
allowOutside[in] Indicates whether a pick point outside the table will select a cell.
bInPickFirst[in] If true, the entity is already in the pickfirst set; if false, the pickfirst logic should attempt to sub-select the entity directly.
resultRowIndex[out] Row index.
resultColumnIndex[out] Column index.
pPaths[out] Pointer to an OdDbFullSubentPathArray.
Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code if not.

If pPaths is not null, the cell subentities will be returned in pPaths.

◆ select_next_cell()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::select_next_cell ( OdInt32  dir,
OdInt32 resultRowIndex,
OdInt32 resultColumnIndex,
OdDbFullSubentPathArray pPaths = NULL,
bool  bSupportTextCellOnly = true 
) const

◆ selectSubRegion()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::selectSubRegion ( const OdGePoint3d wpt1,
const OdGePoint3d wpt2,
const OdGeVector3d wvwVec,
const OdGeVector3d wvwxVec,
double  wxaper,
double  wyaper,
OdDb::SelectType  seltype,
bool  bIncludeCurrentSelection,
bool  bInPickFirst,
OdInt32 rowMin,
OdInt32 rowMax,
OdInt32 colMin,
OdInt32 colMax,
OdDbFullSubentPathArray pPaths = 0 
) const

Selects a set of cells in this table by the specified window box, viewing direction, and orientation. Returns the set of cells in the output arguments rowMin, rowMax, colMin, colMax.

wpt1[in] 3D picking point in WCS that specifies the first corner point of the window box selection.
wpt2[in] 3D picking point in WCS that specifies the second corner point of the window box selection.
wvwVec[in] 3D vector in WCS that specifies the view direction for the selection.
wvwxVec[in] 3D vector in WCS that specifies the view orientation for the hit test.
wxaper[in] Width of aperture box centered at the hit point.
wyaper[in] Height of aperture box centered at the hit point.
seltype[in] Selection type.
bIncludeCurrentSelection[in] Indicates whether the selected cells will include currently selected cells and newly selected cells or only newly selected cells.
bInPickFirst[in] If true, the entity is already in the pickfirst set; if false, the pickfirst logic should attempt to sub-select the entity directly.
rowMin[out] Lower bound of row index.
rowMax[out] Upper bound of row index.
colMin[out] Lower bound of column index.
colMax[out] Upper bound of column index.
pPaths[out] Pointer to an OdDbFullSubentPathArray.
Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code if not.

If pPaths is not null, the cell sub-entities will be returned in pPaths.

◆ setAlignment() [1/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setAlignment ( OdDb::CellAlignment  alignment,
OdUInt32  rowTypes = OdDb::kAllRows 

Sets the cell alignment for the specified row types in this table entity (DXF 170).

alignment[in] Alignment.
rowTypes[in] Row types.
rowTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

alignment must be one of the following:

Value OdDb::kTopLeft 1 OdDb::kTopCenter 2 OdDb::kTopRight 3 OdDb::kMiddleLeft 4 OdDb::kMiddleCenter 5 OdDb::kMiddleRight 6 OdDb::kBottomLeft 7 OdDb::kBottomCenter 8 OdDb::kBottomRight 9

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the alignment is out of the available range 1 to 9, when the row argument is more than the number of rows, or when the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setAlignment() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setAlignment ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdDb::CellAlignment  alignment 

Sets the cell alignment for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 170).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
alignment[in] Alignment.

Alignment must be one of the following:

Value OdDb::kTopLeft 1 OdDb::kTopCenter 2 OdDb::kTopRight 3 OdDb::kMiddleLeft 4 OdDb::kMiddleCenter 5 OdDb::kMiddleRight 6 OdDb::kBottomLeft 7 OdDb::kBottomCenter 8 OdDb::kBottomRight 9

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the alignment is out of the available range 1 to 9, when the row argument is more than the number of rows, or when the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setAutoScale() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setAutoScale ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
bool  autoFit 

Sets the auto-scaled flag to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
autoFit[in] Auto-scaled flag.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when format is not editable ( !isFormatEditable() ).

◆ setAutoScale() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setAutoScale ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
bool  autoScale 

Determines if the block in the specified cell in this table entity is to be automatically scaled and positioned to fit into the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
autoScale[in] True to autoscale the block to the cell.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows, the column argument is more than the number of columns, or the cell type is not OdDb::kBlockCell.

◆ setBackgroundColor() [1/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setBackgroundColor ( const OdCmColor color,
OdUInt32  rowTypes = OdDb::kAllRows 

Sets the background color for the specified row types in this table entity (DXF 63).

color[in] Background color.
rowTypes[in] Row types.
rowTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7, the row argument is more than the number of rows, or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setBackgroundColor() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setBackgroundColor ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
const OdCmColor color 

Sets the background color for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 63).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
color[in] Background color.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7, the row argument is more than the number of rows, or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setBackgroundColorNone() [1/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setBackgroundColorNone ( bool  disable,
OdUInt32  rowTypes = OdDb::kAllRows 

Controls the background color setting for the specified row types in this table entity (DXF 283).

disable[in] Disables the background color if true, enables if false.
rowTypes[in] Row types.
rowTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7, the row argument is more than the number of rows, or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setBackgroundColorNone() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setBackgroundColorNone ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
bool  disable 

Controls the background color setting for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 283).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
disable[in] Disables the background color if true, enables if false.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7, the row argument is more than the number of rows, or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setBlockAttributeValue() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setBlockAttributeValue ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdDbObjectId attdefId,
const OdString atrValue 

Sets the attribute value of the block cell using the specified object id key as an OdString value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
attdefId[in] Object id.
atrValue[in] Attribute value.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ setBlockAttributeValue() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setBlockAttributeValue ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
const OdDbObjectId attdefId,
const OdString attValue 

Sets the attribute value for the specified Object ID OdDb::key for the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
attdefId[in] Object ID of the OdDbAttributeDefinition.
attValue[out] Sets the attribute value.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows, the column argument is more than the number of columns, or the cell type is not OdDb::kBlockCell.

◆ setBlockRotation()

virtual void OdDbTable::setBlockRotation ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
double  blockRotation 

Sets the rotation angle of the block reference in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
blockRotation[in] Rotation angle.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows,
the column argument is more than the number of columns, or the cell type is not OdDb::kBlockCell.

◆ setBlockScale()

virtual void OdDbTable::setBlockScale ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
double  blockScale 

Sets the scale factor of the block reference in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
blockScale[in] Uniform scale factor.
blockScale cannot be zero.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows,
the column argument is more than the number of columns, or the cell type is not OdDb::kBlockCell.

◆ setBlockTableRecordId() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setBlockTableRecordId ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdDbObjectId blkId,
bool  autoFit 

Sets the id of the block table record of the cell as an object of the OdDbObjectId class.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
blkId[in] Id of block table record.
autoFit[in] Flag that indicates whether the block should be auto fit.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ setBlockTableRecordId() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setBlockTableRecordId ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
const OdDbObjectId blockId,
bool  autoScale = false 

Sets the Object ID of the block table record in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
blockId[in] Object ID of the block.
autoScale[in] If true, autoscales the block to the cell.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows, the column argument is more than the number of columns, the cell type is not OdDb::kBlockCell, or the object ID is invalid or kNull.

◆ setBreakFlowDirection()

void OdDbTable::setBreakFlowDirection ( OdDb::TableBreakFlowDirection  flowDir)

Sets table break flow direction of this table entity.

flowDir[in] Table break flow direction.

◆ setBreakHeight()

void OdDbTable::setBreakHeight ( OdUInt32  index,
double  height 

Sets the table break height of the specified table entity.

index[in] Sub-table index.
height[in] Sub-table break height.
index parameter should be more than or equal to 0.

◆ setBreakOffset()

void OdDbTable::setBreakOffset ( OdUInt32  index,
const OdGeVector3d vec 

Sets the table break offset of the specified table entity.

index[in] Sun-table index.
vec[in] Vector for table break offset.
index parameter should be more than or equal to 1.

◆ setBreakOption()

void OdDbTable::setBreakOption ( OdDb::TableBreakOption  option)

Sets the table break option of this table entity.

option[in] Table break option.
option should be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTableBreakNone 0 No table break. OdDb::kTableBreakEnableBreaking 0x01 Enable table breaking. OdDb::kTableBreakRepeatTopLabels 0x02 Repeat top labels in all tables.
OdDb::kTableBreakRepeatBottomLabels 0x04 Repeat bottom labels in all tables. OdDb::kTableBreakAllowManualPositions 0x08 Allow manual position for each sub-table. OdDb::kTableBreakAllowManualHeights 0x10 Allow manual height for each sub-table.

◆ setBreakSpacing()

void OdDbTable::setBreakSpacing ( double  spacing)

Sets the break spacing for this table entity.

spacing[in] Spacing value.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the spacing is negative.

◆ setCellState()

void OdDbTable::setCellState ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::CellState  nLock 

Sets the cell state.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nLock[in] Cell state.
Cell state should take one of the following values:

Value kCellStateNone 0x00 kCellStateContentLocked 0x01 kCellStateContentReadOnly 0x02 kCellStateLinked 0x04 kCellStateContentModifiedAfterUpdate 0x08 kCellStateFormatLocked 0x10 kCellStateFormatReadOnly 0x20 kCellStateFormatModifiedAfterUpdate 0x40 kAllCellStates (kCellStateContentLocked | kCellStateContentReadOnly | kCellStateLinked | kCellStateContentModifiedAfterUpdate | kCellStateFormatLocked | kCellStateFormatReadOnly | kCellStateFormatModifiedAfterUpdate)

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ setCellStyle()

void OdDbTable::setCellStyle ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
const OdString sCellStyle 

Sets the cell style. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set style for row. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set style for column.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
sCellStyle[in] Cell style.
Cell style should be one of the following values:


Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ setCellType()

virtual void OdDbTable::setCellType ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdDb::CellType  cellType 

Sets the cell type for the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
cellType[in] Cell type.
cellType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTextCell 1 Text cell type OdDb::kBlockCell 2 Block cell type

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the text cell type number is out of the range 1 to 2, the row argument is more than the number of rows, or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setColumnName()

void OdDbTable::setColumnName ( OdInt32  nIndex,
const OdString sName 

Sets the column name.

nIndex[in] Column index.
sName[in] Column name.

◆ setColumnWidth() [1/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setColumnWidth ( double  width)

Sets the width of all columns in this table entity (DXF 142).

width[in] Column width.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the column width is negative.

◆ setColumnWidth() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setColumnWidth ( OdUInt32  column,
double  width 

Sets the width of the specified column in this table entity (DXF 142).

column[in] Column index.
width[in] Column width.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the column width is negative.

◆ setContentColor() [1/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setContentColor ( const OdCmColor color,
OdUInt32  nRowType = OdDb::kAllRows 

Sets the content color for the specified row types in this table entity (DXF 64).

color[in] Content color.
nRowType[in] Row types.
nRowType must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7, the row argument is more than the number of rows, or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setContentColor() [2/3]

void OdDbTable::setContentColor ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdCmColor color 

Sets the color of the cell content.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
color[in] Color content.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when format is not editable ( !isFormatEditable() ).

◆ setContentColor() [3/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setContentColor ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
const OdCmColor color 

Sets the content color for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 64).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
color[in] Content color.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7, the row argument is more than the number of rows, or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setContentLayout()

void OdDbTable::setContentLayout ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::CellContentLayout  nLayout 

Sets content layout to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nLayout[in] Content layout.
Content layout should take one of following values:

Value kCellContentLayoutFlow 0x1 kCellContentLayoutStackedHorizontal 0x2 kCellContentLayoutStackedVertical 0x4

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when format is not editable ( !isFormatEditable() ).

◆ setCustomData() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setCustomData ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
const OdString sKey,
const OdValue pData 

Sets the custom data value of the cell, column, or row. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row data Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column data

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
sKey[in] Key to use for the custom data.
pData[in] Custom data value.

◆ setCustomData() [2/2]

void OdDbTable::setCustomData ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nData 

Sets the custom data value of the cell, column, or row. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set row data. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set column data.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nData[in] Custom data value.

◆ setDataFormat() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setDataFormat ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
const OdString sFormat 

Sets the data format of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
sFormat[in] Data format.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ setDataFormat() [2/2]

void OdDbTable::setDataFormat ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdString sFormat 

Sets data format of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
sFormat[in] Data format.
nContent[in] Number of content.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ setDataLink() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setDataLink ( const OdCellRange range,
const OdDbObjectId idDataLink,
bool  bUpdate 

Sets the data link (OdDbDataLink) for the specified cell range.

range[in] Cell range.
idDataLink[in] Array of data link IDs.
bUpdate[in] Flag that indicates whether or not the data link should be updated after setting it.
Method generates the eNotThatKindOfClass exception when idDataLink in not an OdDbDataLink object id.

◆ setDataLink() [2/2]

void OdDbTable::setDataLink ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
const OdDbObjectId idDataLink,
bool  bUpdate 

Sets the data link (OdDbDataLink) for the specified row and column.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
idDataLink[in] Array of data link IDs.
bUpdate[in] Flag that indicates whether or not the data link should be updated after setting it.
Method generates the eNotThatKindOfClass exception when idDataLink in not an OdDbDataLink object id.

◆ setDataType() [1/4]

void OdDbTable::setDataType ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
OdValue::DataType  nDataType,
OdValue::UnitType  nUnitType 

Sets the data type to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nDataType[in] Data type.
nUnitType[in] Unit type.
Data type should take one of following values:

Value kUnknown 0x00 kLong 0x01 kDouble 0x02 kString 0x04 kDate 0x08 kPoint 0x10 k3dPoint 0x20 kObjectId 0x40 kBuffer 0x80 kResbuf 0x100 kGeneral 0x200 kColor 0x400

Unit type should take one of following values:

Value kUnitless 0x00, kDistance 0x01, kAngle 0x02, kArea 0x04, kVolume 0x08, kCurrency 0x10, kPercentage 0x20

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when format is not editable ( !isFormatEditable() ).

◆ setDataType() [2/4]

void OdDbTable::setDataType ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  col,
OdValue::DataType  nDataType,
OdValue::UnitType  nUnitType 

Sets the data type and unit type of the specified cell.

row[in] Row index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of rows.
col[in] Column index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of columns.
nDataType[in] Data type.
nUnitType[in] Unit type.

◆ setDataType() [3/4]

virtual void OdDbTable::setDataType ( OdValue::DataType  nDataType,
OdValue::UnitType  nUnitType 

Sets the data type and unit type for all row types.

nDataType[in] Data type.
nUnitType[in] Unit type.

◆ setDataType() [4/4]

virtual void OdDbTable::setDataType ( OdValue::DataType  nDataType,
OdValue::UnitType  nUnitType,
int  nRowTypes 

Sets the data type and unit type for the specified row types.

nDataType[in] Data type.
nUnitType[in] Unit type.
nRowTypes[in] Row types.

◆ setDirection()

virtual void OdDbTable::setDirection ( const OdGeVector3d horizVector)

Sets the X-axis for this table entity in WCS coordinates (DXF 11, 21, 31).

horizVector[in] Horizontal vector.

◆ setFieldId() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setFieldId ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdDbObjectId fieldId,
OdDb::CellOption  nFlag 

Sets a field id to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
fieldId[in] Field id.
nFlag[in] Cell option.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ setFieldId() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setFieldId ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
const OdDbObjectId fieldId 

Sets the Object ID for OdDbField in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
fieldId[in] Object ID of the AdDbField.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows, the column argument is more than the number of columns, or the cell type is not OdDb::kTextCell.

◆ setFlowDirection()

virtual void OdDbTable::setFlowDirection ( OdDb::FlowDirection  flowDirection)

Sets the direction that this table entity flows from its first row to its last. (DXF 70).

flowDirection[in] Flow direction.
flowDirection must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTtoB 0 Top to Bottom OdDb::kBtoT 1 Bottom to Top

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the flow direction is not equal to 0 or 1.

◆ setFormat() [1/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setFormat ( const OdString pszFormat)

◆ setFormat() [2/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setFormat ( const OdString pszFormat,
int  nRowTypes 

◆ setFormat() [3/3]

void OdDbTable::setFormat ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  col,
const OdString pszFormat 

◆ setFormula()

void OdDbTable::setFormula ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdString pszFormula 

Sets the formula of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
pszFormula[in] Formula.
Method generates the eNotImplementedYet exception.

◆ setGridColor() [1/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setGridColor ( const OdCmColor color,
OdUInt32  gridlineTypes,
OdUInt32  rowTypes 

Sets the grid color for the specified gridline types and row type in this table entity (DXF 63,64,65,66,68,69).

color[in] Grid color.
gridlineTypes[in] Gridline types.
rowTypes[in] Row types.
gridlineTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kHorzTop 1 Top or bottom horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHorzInside 2 All horizontal grid lines, excluding the bottom and top lines. OdDb::kHorzBottom 4 Bottom or top horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up).

rowTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setGridColor() [2/3]

void OdDbTable::setGridColor ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridlineTypes,
const OdCmColor color 

Sets the grid color of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid line color. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid line color.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridlineTypes[in] Grid linetypes.
color[in] Grid color.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ setGridColor() [3/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setGridColor ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdInt16  edgeTypes,
const OdCmColor color 

Sets the grid color for the specified cell and edges in this table entity (DXF 63,64,65,66,68,69).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
edgeTypes[in] Edge types.
color[in] Grid color.
edgeTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTopMask 1 Top-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kRightMask 2 Right-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kBottomMask 4 Bottom-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kLeftMask 8 Left-edge index of the table cell.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setGridDoubleLineSpacing()

void OdDbTable::setGridDoubleLineSpacing ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineTypes,
double  fSpacing 

Sets the grid double line spacing of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set row grid double line spacing. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set column grid double line spacing.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineTypes[in] Grid linetypes.
fSpacing[in] Grid double line spacing.
Grid linetypes should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ setGridLineStyle()

void OdDbTable::setGridLineStyle ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineTypes,
OdDb::GridLineStyle  nLineStyle 

Sets the grid line style to the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set row grid line style. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set column grid line style.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
nLineStyle[in] Grid line style.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

Grid line style should take one of the following values:

Value kGridLineStyleSingle 1 kGridLineStyleDouble 2

◆ setGridLinetype()

void OdDbTable::setGridLinetype ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineTypes,
const OdDbObjectId idLinetype 

Sets the grid linetype of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set row grid linetype. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set column grid linetype.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineTypes[in] Grid linetypes.
idLinetype[in] Grid linetype to set.
Grid linetypes should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ setGridLineWeight() [1/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setGridLineWeight ( OdDb::LineWeight  lineWeight,
OdUInt32  gridlineTypes,
OdUInt32  rowTypes 

Sets the grid lineweight for the specified gridline types and row types in this table entity (DXF 274-279).

lineWeight[in] Lineweight.
gridlineTypes[in] Gridline types.
rowTypes[in] Row types.
gridlineTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kHorzTop 1 Top or bottom horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHorzInside 2 All horizontal grid lines, excluding the bottom and top lines. OdDb::kHorzBottom 4 Bottom or top horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kVertLeft 8 Left-most table's grid line. OdDb::kVertInside 0x10 All vertical grid lines, excluding the left-most and right-most lines. OdDb::kVertRight 0x20 Right-most table's grid line.

rowTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setGridLineWeight() [2/3]

void OdDbTable::setGridLineWeight ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineTypes,
OdDb::LineWeight  nLineWeight 

Sets the grid lineweight of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set row grid lineweight. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set column grid lineweight.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
nLineWeight[in] Grid lineweight.
Grid linetype should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

Grid lineweight should take one of the following values:

Value kLnWt000 0 kLnWt005 5 kLnWt009 9 kLnWt013 13 kLnWt015 15 kLnWt018 18 kLnWt020 20 kLnWt025 25 kLnWt030 30 kLnWt035 35 kLnWt040 40 kLnWt050 50 kLnWt053 53 kLnWt060 60 kLnWt070 70 kLnWt080 80 kLnWt090 90 kLnWt100 100 kLnWt106 106 kLnWt120 120 kLnWt140 140 kLnWt158 158 kLnWt200 200 kLnWt211 211 kLnWtByLayer -1 kLnWtByBlock -2 kLnWtByLwDefault -3

◆ setGridLineWeight() [3/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setGridLineWeight ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdInt16  edgeTypes,
OdDb::LineWeight  lineWeight 

Sets the grid lineweight for the specified cell and edges in this table entity (DXF 274-279).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
edgeTypes[in] Edge types.
lineWeight[in] Lineweight.
edgeTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTopMask 1 Top-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kRightMask 2 Right-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kBottomMask 4 Bottom-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kLeftMask 8 Left-edge index of the table cell.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setGridProperty() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setGridProperty ( const OdCellRange rangeIn,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineTypes,
const OdGridProperty gridProp 

Sets the grid line property of the cell, row, or column.

rangeIn[in] Cell range, row range or column range.
nGridLineTypes[in] Grid linetypes.
gridProp[in] Grid line property.
Grid linetypes should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ setGridProperty() [2/2]

void OdDbTable::setGridProperty ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineTypes,
const OdGridProperty gridProp 

Sets the grid line property of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to get row grid property. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to get column grid property.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineTypes[in] Grid linetypes.
gridProp[in] Grid line property.
Grid linetypes should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ setGridVisibility() [1/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setGridVisibility ( OdDb::Visibility  gridVisiblity,
OdUInt32  gridlineTypes,
OdUInt32  rowTypes 

Sets the grid visibility for the specified gridline types and row types in this table entity (DXF 284-289).

gridVisibility[in] Grid visibility.
gridlineTypes[in] Gridline types.
rowTypes[in] Row types.
gridVisibility must be one of the following:

Value OdDb::kInvisible 1 OdDb::kVisible 0

gridlineTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kHorzTop 1 Top or bottom horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHorzInside 2 All horizontal grid lines, excluding the bottom and top lines. OdDb::kHorzBottom 4 Bottom or top horizontal table's grid line, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kVertLeft 8 Left-most table's grid line. OdDb::kVertInside 0x10 All vertical grid lines, excluding the left-most and right-most lines. OdDb::kVertRight 0x20 Right-most table's grid line.

rowTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setGridVisibility() [2/3]

void OdDbTable::setGridVisibility ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineTypes,
OdDb::Visibility  nVisibility 

Sets the grid visibility of the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set row grid visibility . Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set column grid visibility .

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineTypes[in] Grid linetypes.
nVisibility[in] Grid line visibility.
Grid linetypes should take one of the following values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

Grid visibility should take one of the following values:

Value kInvisible 1 kVisible 0

◆ setGridVisibility() [3/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setGridVisibility ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdInt16  edgeTypes,
OdDb::Visibility  gridVisibility 

Sets the grid visibility for the specified cell and edges in this table entity (DXF 284-289).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
edgeTypes[in] Edge types.
gridVisibility[in] Grid visibility.
gridVisibility must be one of the following:

Value OdDb::kInvisible 1 OdDb::kVisible 0

edgeTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTopMask 1 Top-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kRightMask 2 Right-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kBottomMask 4 Bottom-edge index of the table cell. OdDb::kLeftMask 8 Left-edge index of the table cell.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setHeight()

virtual void OdDbTable::setHeight ( double  height)

Sets the overall height of this table entity.

height[in] Overall height.
Row heights may be adjusted proportionally.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the height is negative.

◆ setHorzCellMargin()

virtual void OdDbTable::setHorzCellMargin ( double  cellMargin)

Sets the horizontal cell margin for this table entity (DXF 40).

cellMargin[in] Cell margin.
The horizontal cell margin is the horizontal space between the horizontal cell text and the cell border.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the cell margin is negative or zero.

◆ setMargin()

void OdDbTable::setMargin ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::CellMargin  nMargins,
double  fMargin 

Sets the margin to the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set margin for row. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set margin for column.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nMargins[in] Margin type.
fMargin[in] Margin.
Margin type should be a combination of one or more following values:

Value kCellMarginTop 0x01 kCellMarginLeft 0x02 kCellMarginBottom 0x04 kCellMarginRight 0x08 kCellMarginHorzSpacing 0x10 kCellMarginVertSpacing 0x20

◆ setNumColumns()

virtual void OdDbTable::setNumColumns ( OdUInt32  numColumns)

Sets the number of columns for this table entity (DXF 92).

numColumns[in] Number of columns.
The number of columns must be greater than zero.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the number of columns is less than one.

◆ setNumRows()

virtual void OdDbTable::setNumRows ( OdUInt32  numRows)

Sets the number of rows for this table entity (DXF 91).

numRows[in] Number of rows.
This includes title and header rows, if any. The number of rows must be greater than zero.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the number of rows is less than one.

◆ setOverride() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setOverride ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::GridLineType  nGridLineType,
OdDb::GridProperty  nOverride 

Sets the override in the cell, row, column, content, or grid line in the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set row property overrides. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set column property overrides.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nGridLineType[in] Grid linetype.
nOverride[in] Override.
Grid linetype should take one of the next values:

Value kInvalidGridLine 0x00 kHorzTop 0x01 kHorzInside 0x02 kHorzBottom 0x04 kVertLeft 0x08 kVertInside 0x10 kVertRight 0x20 kHorzGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kHorzInside kVertGridLineTypes kVertLeft|kVertRight|kVertInside kOuterGridLineTypes kHorzTop|kHorzBottom|kVertLeft|kVertRight kInnerGridLineTypes kHorzInside|kVertInside kAllGridLineTypes kOuterGridLineTypes|kInnerGridLineTypes

◆ setOverride() [2/2]

void OdDbTable::setOverride ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
OdDb::CellProperty  nOverride 

Sets the override in the cell, row, column, content, or grid line in the cell, row, or column. Use a valid row index and pass column index -1 to set row property overrides. Use a valid column index and pass row index -1 to set column property overrides.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
nContent[in] Content index.
nOverride[in] Override.
Cell property should take one of the following values:

Value kCellPropInvalid 0x00000 kCellPropDataType 0x00001 kCellPropDataFormat 0x00002 kCellPropRotation 0x00004 kCellPropScale 0x00008 kCellPropAlignment 0x00010 kCellPropContentColor 0x00020 kCellPropTextStyle 0x00040 kCellPropTextHeight 0x00080 kCellPropAutoScale 0x00100 kCellPropBackgroundColor 0x00200 kCellPropMarginLeft 0x00400 kCellPropMarginTop 0x00800 kCellPropMarginRight 0x01000 kCellPropMarginBottom 0x02000 kCellPropContentLayout 0x04000 kCellPropMergeAll 0x08000 kCellPropFlowDirBtoT 0x10000 kCellPropMarginHorzSpacing 0x20000 kCellPropMarginVertSpacing 0x40000 kCellPropDataTypeAndFormat (kCellPropDataType | kCellPropDataFormat) kCellPropContent (kCellPropDataType | kCellPropDataFormat | kCellPropRotation | kCellPropScale | kCellPropContentColor | kCellPropTextStyle | kCellPropTextHeight | kCellPropAutoScale) kCellPropBitProperties (kCellPropAutoScale | kCellPropMergeAll | kCellPropFlowDirBtoT) kCellPropAll (kCellPropDataType | kCellPropDataFormat | kCellPropRotation | kCellPropScale | kCellPropAlignment | kCellPropContentColor | kCellPropBackgroundColor | kCellPropTextStyle | kCellPropTextHeight | kCellPropMarginLeft | kCellPropMarginTop | kCellPropMarginRight | kCellPropMarginBottom | kCellPropMarginHorzSpacing | kCellPropMarginVertSpacing | kCellPropAutoScale | kCellPropMergeAll | kCellPropFlowDirBtoT | kCellPropContentLayout)

◆ setRotation() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setRotation ( double  fAngle)

Sets table rotation in radians as a double value.

fAngle[in] Rotation angle.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ setRotation() [2/2]

void OdDbTable::setRotation ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
double  fAngle 

Sets the content rotation angle in radians.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
fAngle[in] Rotation angle.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when format is not editable ( !isFormatEditable() ).

◆ setRowHeight() [1/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setRowHeight ( double  height)

Sets the height of all rows in this table entity (DXF 141).

height[in] Row height.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row height is negative.

◆ setRowHeight() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setRowHeight ( OdUInt32  row,
double  height 

Sets the height of the specified row in this table entity (DXF 141).

row[in] Row index.
height[in] Row height.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row height is negative.

◆ setScale()

void OdDbTable::setScale ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
double  scale 

Sets scale value to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
scale[in] Scale value.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ setSize()

void OdDbTable::setSize ( OdInt32  rows,
OdInt32  cols 

Sets the size for this table entity.

rows[in] Number of rows.
cols[in] Number of columns.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the number of rows or columns is zero.

◆ setSubSelection() [1/2]

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::setSubSelection ( const OdCellRange range)

Sets the cell range to the sub-selection set.

range[in] Cell range.
Returns eOk if successful or appropriate error code in the other case.

◆ setSubSelection() [2/2]

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::setSubSelection ( OdInt32  rowMin,
OdInt32  rowMax,
OdInt32  colMin,
OdInt32  colMax 

Sets the row and column indexes of the cells in the sub-selection set.

rowMin[in] Lower bound of row index.
rowMax[in] Upper bound of row index.
colMin[in] Lower bound of column index.
colMax[in] Upper bound of column index.
Returns eOk if successful or eInvalidInput if the input indexes are out of range.

◆ setTableStyle()

virtual void OdDbTable::setTableStyle ( const OdDbObjectId tableStyleId)

Sets the Object ID of the OdDbTableStyle for use by this table entity (DXF 342).

tableStyleId[in] Object ID of the table style.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the object ID is invalid.

◆ setTextHeight() [1/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setTextHeight ( double  height,
OdUInt32  rowTypes = OdDb::kAllRows 

Sets the text height for the specified row types or cell in this table entity (DXF 140).

height[in] Text height.
rowTypes[in] Row types.
rowTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7 or the text height is negative.

◆ setTextHeight() [2/3]

void OdDbTable::setTextHeight ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
double  height 

Returns the text height of the cell as a double value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
height[in] Text height.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when format is not editable ( !isFormatEditable() ).

◆ setTextHeight() [3/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setTextHeight ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
double  height 

Sets the text height for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 140).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
height[in] Text height.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows, the column argument is more than the number of columns, or the cell type is not OdDb::kTextCell.

◆ setTextRotation()

virtual void OdDbTable::setTextRotation ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
OdDb::RotationAngle  textRotation 

Sets the text rotation angle of the text in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
textRotation[in] Text rotation angle.
textRotation must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kDegrees000 0 0° OdDb::kDegrees090 1 90° CCW OdDb::kDegrees180 2 180° OdDb::kDegrees270 3 90° CW

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows, the column argument s more than the number of columns, or the cell type is not OdDb::kTextCell.

◆ setTextString() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::setTextString ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdString text 

Sets a text string to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
text[in] Text string.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ setTextString() [2/2]

virtual void OdDbTable::setTextString ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
const OdString textString 

Sets the text string for the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
textString[in] Text string.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows or the column argument is more than the number of columns.

◆ setTextStyle() [1/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setTextStyle ( const OdDbObjectId textStyleId,
OdUInt32  rowTypes = OdDb::kAllRows 

Sets the Object ID of the text style for the specified row types in this table entity (DXF 7).

textStyleId[in] Text style Object ID.
rowTypes[in] Row types.
rowTypes must be a combination of one or more of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row type mask is more than 7 or the object ID is invalid or kNull.

◆ setTextStyle() [2/3]

void OdDbTable::setTextStyle ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdDbObjectId id 

Sets the text style to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
id[in] Text style id.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when format is not editable ( !isFormatEditable() ).

◆ setTextStyle() [3/3]

virtual void OdDbTable::setTextStyle ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column,
const OdDbObjectId textStyleId 

Sets the Object ID of the text style for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 7).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
textStyleId[in] Text style Object ID.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the row argument is more than the number of rows, the column argument is more than the number of columns, or the cell type is not OdDb::kTextCell.

◆ setToolTip()

void OdDbTable::setToolTip ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
const OdString  sToolTip 

Sets the tooltip of the cell.

row[in] Row index.
col[in] Column index.
sToolTip[in] Tooltip.

◆ setValue() [1/5]

void OdDbTable::setValue ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdValue val 

Sets a value to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
val[in] Value.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ setValue() [2/5]

void OdDbTable::setValue ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
const OdValue val,
OdValue::ParseOption  nOption 

Sets a value to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
val[in] Value.
nOption[in] Parse option of value.
Parse option is an enumerator and takes one of the following values:

Value kParseOptionNone 0x00 kSetDefaultFormat 0x01 kPreserveMtextFormat 0x02 kConvertTextToValue 0x04 kChangeDataType 0x08 kParseTextForFieldCode 0x10

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size. Method generates the eIsWriteProtected when content is not editable ( !isContentEditable() ).

◆ setValue() [3/5]

void OdDbTable::setValue ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
OdString  sText,
OdValue::ParseOption  nOption 

Sets a value to the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
sText[in] Text of the value.
nOption[in] Parse option of value.
Parse option is an enumerator and takes one of the following values:

Value kParseOptionNone 0x00 kSetDefaultFormat 0x01 kPreserveMtextFormat 0x02 kConvertTextToValue 0x04 kChangeDataType 0x08 kParseTextForFieldCode 0x10

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ setValue() [4/5]

void OdDbTable::setValue ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  col,
const OdValue val 

Sets the value of the first content of a cell.

row[in] Row index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of rows.
col[in] Column index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of columns.
val[in] Content value.
Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code.

◆ setValue() [5/5]

void OdDbTable::setValue ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  col,
OdString pszText,
OdValue::ParseOption  nOption 

Sets the value of the first content of a cell.

row[in] Row index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of rows.
col[in] Column index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of columns.
pszText[in] Text for converting to set value.
nOption[out] Parse option.
Returns eOk if successful or an appropriate error code.

◆ setVertCellMargin()

virtual void OdDbTable::setVertCellMargin ( double  cellMargin)

Sets the vertical cell margin for this table entity (DXF 41).

cellMargin[in] Cell margin.
The vertical cell margin is the vertical space between the cell text and the cell border.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the vertical cell margin is negative or zero.

◆ setWidth()

virtual void OdDbTable::setWidth ( double  width)

Sets the overall width for this table entity.

width[in] Overall width.
Column widths may be adjusted proportionally.

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the width is negative.

See also

◆ subClose()

void OdDbTable::subClose ( )

Called as the first operation as this object is being closed, for database-resident objects only.

This function is notified just before the current open operation is to be closed, giving this function the ability to perform necessary operations. When overriding this function: 1) If the OdDbObject's state is incorrect, throw exception. 2) Call parent class's subClose(). 3) If other actions are required before close, do them. The default implementation of this function does nothing. This function can be overridden in custom classes.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ subExplode()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::subExplode ( OdRxObjectPtrArray entitySet) const

Explodes this entity into a set of simpler entities.

entitySet[in] Receives an array of pointers to the new entities.
Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ subGetClassID()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::subGetClassID ( void pClsid) const


Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ subGetGeomExtents()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::subGetGeomExtents ( OdGeExtents3d extents) const

This is subGetGeomExtents, a member of class OdDbBlockReference.

extents[out] An output extents.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ subGetTransformedCopy()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::subGetTransformedCopy ( const OdGeMatrix3d xfm,
OdDbEntityPtr pCopy 
) const

This is subGetTransformedCopy, a member of class OdDbBlockReference.

xfm[in] Input matrix for transforming the copy of the entity.
pCopy[out] Pointer to the transformed copy of the entity.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ subSetDatabaseDefaults()

void OdDbTable::subSetDatabaseDefaults ( OdDbDatabase pDb,
bool  doSubents 
This function is an override for OdDbEntity::subSetDatabaseDefaults() to set the dimension style of this entity to the current style for the specified database.

Reimplemented from OdDbEntity.

◆ subTransformBy()

virtual OdResult OdDbTable::subTransformBy ( const OdGeMatrix3d xfm)

Applies the specified 3D transformation matrix to this entity.

xfm[in] 3D transformation matrix.
Returns eOk if successful, or an appropriate error code if not.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ subWorldDraw()

virtual bool OdDbTable::subWorldDraw ( OdGiWorldDraw pWd) const

Returns true if the entity has no view-dependent graphics. In another case returns false.

pWd[in] Pointer to the OdGiWorldDraw object.

Reimplemented from OdDbBlockReference.

◆ suppressHeaderRow()

virtual void OdDbTable::suppressHeaderRow ( bool  suppress)

Controls the suppression of the header row for this table entity (DXF 280).

suppress[in] Controls suppression.

◆ suppressRegenerateTable()

void OdDbTable::suppressRegenerateTable ( bool  bSuppress)

This method allows the user to disable the regeneration of the table block during property changes.

bSuppress[in] Input boolean value to suppress or enable the regeneration of a table object.

◆ suppressTitleRow()

virtual void OdDbTable::suppressTitleRow ( bool  suppress)

Controls the suppression of the title row (DXF 280).

suppress[in] Controls suppression.

◆ tableStyle()

virtual OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::tableStyle ( ) const

Returns the Object ID of the OdDbTableStyle used by this table entity (DXF 342).

◆ tableStyleOverrides()

virtual bool OdDbTable::tableStyleOverrides ( OdUInt32Array overrides) const

Returns the table style overrides for this table entity.

overrides[out] Receives an array of table style overrides for this table entity.
Returns true only if successful.

◆ textHeight() [1/3]

virtual double OdDbTable::textHeight ( OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow) const

Returns the text height for the specified row type in this table entity (DXF 140).

rowType[in] Row type.
rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ textHeight() [2/3]

double OdDbTable::textHeight ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the text height of the cell as a double value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ textHeight() [3/3]

virtual double OdDbTable::textHeight ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the text height for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 140).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ textRotation()

virtual OdDb::RotationAngle OdDbTable::textRotation ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the text rotation angle for the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.
textRotation() returns one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kDegrees000 0 0° OdDb::kDegrees090 1 90° CCW OdDb::kDegrees180 2 180° OdDb::kDegrees270 3 90° CW

◆ textString() [1/4]

OdString OdDbTable::textString ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns text string of the cell as an OdString value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.

◆ textString() [2/4]

OdString OdDbTable::textString ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
OdValue::FormatOption  nOption 
) const

Returns the text string of the cell as an OdString value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
nOption[in] Format option of value.
Format option is an enumerator and takes one of the following values:

Value kFormatOptionNone 0x00 kForEditing 0x01 kForExpression 0x02 kUseMaximumPrecision 0x04 kIgnoreMtextFormat 0x08

◆ textString() [3/4]

OdString OdDbTable::textString ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdValue::FormatOption  nOption 
) const

Returns the text string of the cell as an OdString value.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nOption[in] Format option of value.
Format option is an enumerator and takes one of the following values:

Value kFormatOptionNone 0x00 kForEditing 0x01 kForExpression 0x02 kUseMaximumPrecision 0x04 kIgnoreMtextFormat 0x08

◆ textString() [4/4]

virtual OdString OdDbTable::textString ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the text string in the specified cell in this table entity.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ textStyle() [1/3]

virtual OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::textStyle ( OdDb::RowType  rowType = OdDb::kDataRow) const

Returns the Object ID of the text style for the specified row type in this table entity (DXF 7).

rowType[in] Row type.
rowType must be one of the following:

Value Description OdDb::kTitleRow 1 The top-most or bottom-most row of the table, depending on the flow direction of the table rows (down or up). OdDb::kHeaderRow 2 The first row, which is placed after or before the title row. OdDb::kDataRow 4 The row, which is neither title row nor header row.

◆ textStyle() [2/3]

OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::textStyle ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the text style of the cell as an object of the OdDbObjectId class.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Content index.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ textStyle() [3/3]

virtual OdDbObjectId OdDbTable::textStyle ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  column 
) const

Returns the Object ID of the text style for the specified cell in this table entity (DXF 7).

row[in] Row index of the cell.
column[in] Column index of the cell.

◆ unmergeCells()

virtual void OdDbTable::unmergeCells ( OdUInt32  minRow,
OdUInt32  maxRow,
OdUInt32  minColumn,
OdUInt32  maxColumn 

Unmerges a rectangular region of cells in this table entity.

minRow[in] Minimum row index of the merged cells.
maxRow[in] Maximum row index of the merged cells.
minColumn[in] Minimum column index of the merged cells.
maxColumn[in] Maximum column index of the merged cells.
Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when the minimum row index is more than the maximum row index, the minimum column index is more than the maximum column index, the maximum row index is more than the number of rows, or the maximum column index is more than the number of columns.

◆ updateDataLink() [1/2]

void OdDbTable::updateDataLink ( OdDb::UpdateDirection  nDir,
OdDb::UpdateOption  nOption 

Updates the data link in the table.

nDir[in] Direction of update
nOption[out] Update option.
Direction of update should take one of the following values:

Value kUpdateDirectionSourceToData 0x1 kUpdateDirectionDataToSource 0x2

Update option should take one of the following values:

Value kUpdateOptionNone 0 kUpdateOptionSkipFormat 0x20000 kUpdateOptionUpdateRowHeight 0x40000 kUpdateOptionUpdateColumnWidth 0x80000 kUpdateOptionAllowSourceUpdate 0x100000 kUpdateOptionForceFullSourceUpdate 0x200000 kUpdateOptionOverwriteContentModifiedAfterUpdate 0x400000 kUpdateOptionOverwriteFormatModifiedAfterUpdate 0x800000 kUpdateOptionForPreview 0x1000000 kUpdateOptionIncludeXrefs 0x2000000 kUpdateOptionSkipFormatAfterFirstUpdate 0x4000000

◆ updateDataLink() [2/2]

void OdDbTable::updateDataLink ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdDb::UpdateDirection  nDir,
OdDb::UpdateOption  nOption 

Updates the data link of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nDir[in] Direction of update.
nOption[in] Update option.
Direction of update should take one of the following values:

Value kUpdateDirectionSourceToData 0x1 kUpdateDirectionDataToSource 0x2

Update option should take one of the following values:

Value kUpdateOptionNone 0 kUpdateOptionSkipFormat 0x20000 kUpdateOptionUpdateRowHeight 0x40000 kUpdateOptionUpdateColumnWidth 0x80000 kUpdateOptionAllowSourceUpdate 0x100000 kUpdateOptionForceFullSourceUpdate 0x200000 kUpdateOptionOverwriteContentModifiedAfterUpdate 0x400000 kUpdateOptionOverwriteFormatModifiedAfterUpdate 0x800000 kUpdateOptionForPreview 0x1000000 kUpdateOptionIncludeXrefs 0x2000000 kUpdateOptionSkipFormatAfterFirstUpdate 0x4000000

Method generates the eInvalidInput exception when input row number and column number are less than 0 or greater than table size.

◆ value() [1/3]

OdValue OdDbTable::value ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent 
) const

Returns the value of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.

◆ value() [2/3]

OdValue OdDbTable::value ( OdInt32  row,
OdInt32  col,
OdInt32  nContent,
OdValue::FormatOption  nOption 
) const

Returns the value of the cell.

row[in] Row index of the cell.
col[in] Column index of the cell.
nContent[in] Number of content.
nOption[in] Format option of value.
Format option is an enumerator and takes one of the following values:

Value kFormatOptionNone 0x00 kForEditing 0x01 kForExpression 0x02 kUseMaximumPrecision 0x04 kIgnoreMtextFormat 0x08

◆ value() [3/3]

OdValue OdDbTable::value ( OdUInt32  row,
OdUInt32  col 
) const

Returns the content value at the specified content index.

row[in] Row index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of rows.
col[in] Column index. Should be more than or equal to 0 and less than the number of columns.

◆ vertCellMargin()

virtual double OdDbTable::vertCellMargin ( ) const

Returns the vertical cell margin for this table entity (DXF 41).

The vertical cell margin is the vertical space between the cell text and the cell border.

◆ width()

virtual double OdDbTable::width ( ) const

Returns the overall width of this table entity.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: