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◆ OdDbFaceterSettings
◆ OdDbSubDMeshPtr
◆ oddbGetObjectMesh()
Creates a mesh from the specified object based on the specified mesh faceter settings.
- Parameters
pObj | [in] Pointer to the object from which the mesh will be generated. |
faceter | [in] Parameters that specify the rules for creating the mesh. Optional. |
vertexArray | [out] Array of vertex points. |
faceArray | [out] Array of integers describing the face definition based on the input vertex array. |
faceData | [out] Pointer to the array of properties for each face. |
- Returns
- eNullObjectPointer — if the pointer to the object is null; eNotThatKindOfClass — if the object is not a Polyline/3dSolid/Surface/Region or their direct inheritor; eDegenerateGeometry — if an error occurred while getting the mesh; eOk — if 3dSolid created successfully.